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When Adrian, Y/n and Graham returned back to Hogwarts. They were greeted by Hannah who was returning back from the green house. "Hi guys!" said Hannah hurrying towards their side. "How was it?"

"Felt good." said Y/n nodding her head. Adrian wrapped his arm around her, pulling her in closer.

"What are you doing out here?" asked Graham looking at Hannah.

"Oh, I was in the greenhouse! I was healing my charaka's." said Hannah, smiling.

"What's wrong with them?" chuckled Adrian.

"My anahata and sahasrara are a little off right now but they're feeling better!" smiled Hannah. Adrian made a face, turning to Graham.

"The heart and crown charaka." said Y/n looking at her boyfriend and brother. Adrian and Graham made a 'oh' noise, nodding their head. "What's the matter?"

"Oh, um. . . nothing." said Hannah glancing at Graham. Y/n made a face, turning to look at Graham. "It's just. . . you know our exams!"

"You'll be fine," said Y/n shaking her head. She pulled Adrian with her. "We'll see you two later."

Graham and Hannah watched Y/n and Adrian walk off, the two looking at one another. "Oh merlin! I'm so bad at lying! Do you think she believed me?" said Hannah looking up at him.

"Not at all." laughed Graham pulling the girl in closer. "But she didn't ask any questions, which is good." Hannah made a face, rolling her eyes.


"I don't understand it," said Cassius as the six Slytherins sat at the breakfast table, returning back to lessons. "Adrian and Y/n are back together, Miles and Marcella became something and Hannah and Diggory broke up for good and he's dating Cho Chang. What a year it's been and we're only two weeks in."

"Miles and Marcella is definitely not what I was expecting." chuckled Graham looking at his friends. Miles smiled softly, turning to Marcella.

"And I love it!" said Y/n who was sitting back on Adrian who chuckled, his arms around her waist.

"Y/n, you're so supportive of your friends and their significant others!" said Adrian very boldly, glancing at Graham who rolled his eyes. Y/n looked at her boyfriend, narrowing her eyebrows.

"What are you going on about?" snorted Y/n.

"I'm just saying, you know." said Adrian. Marcella made a face and looked at Miles who shrugged.

"Anyways," said Cassius turning back look at Graham. "Its a bit strange."

"It's not strange." said Miles making a face. Hannah joined them at the table, sitting next to Y/n.

"Good morning guys!" smiled Hannah.

"Good morning." smiled Graham sitting up straight. Y/n made a face, looking at Adrian who chuckled.

"Come on, love, let's go." said Adrian getting up.

"Where are we going?" asked Y/n narrowing her eyebrows. Adrian shrugged, pulling her up and out of the Great Hall.

"So," said Miles. "When are you going to tell Y/n about you two?"

"Oh for merlin sake I know! I can't keep this from her anymore, Han!" said Marcella looking at her friends.

"Not yet." said Graham.

"Why not?" asked Cassius.

"Are you scared of your sister?" asked Marcella with a laugh. "She's not going to care, for merlin sake."

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