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After dinner, Marcella and Hannah had shown up and the three girls were in Y/n's room. Graham came bursting in, Y/n making a face. "Dads not going to be home the weekend." said Graham. Y/n nodded as Hannah and Marcella stared at him. "That means we can throw a party."

"Oh! Will you invited Adrian?!" asked Marcella with a smile.

"Obviously Marcella, he's my best friend." said Graham rolling his eyes at her. "Anyways, what do you think?"

"Since when do you ever listen to me?" said Y/n narrowing her eyebrows.

"You're right," said Graham with a face. "I have to send the boys a letter!"

Graham closed her door as Hannah giggled, laying back in Y/n's bed. "A party, exciting huh?" said Hannah.

"Oh I hope Adrian comes," said Marcella hugging a pillow. Hannah stared at her while Y/n looked down at the floor. "Isn't he so cute with his fluffy hair and his pretty gray eyes?"

"No." said Hannah shaking her head. Marcella made a noise and nudged her softly.

"He hasn't kissed me in the month of us talking, I wonder when he'll ask me to be his girlfriend." said Marcella flipping through a magazine. "I didn't imagine him to be the type to wait until we're together to be touchy but it doesn't matter!"

"And you really like him?" asked Hannah tilting her head.

"I do!" said Marcella with a chuckle.

"What about Marcus?" asked Hannah. Y/n had been playing with her fingers, glancing between the girls.

"Oh he's there," said Marcella with a shrug. "But it was his last year, I can finally be free of him."

"Yeah, finally huh?" said Y/n with a small smile.

"Anyways!" said Marcella with a giggle. "Let's talk about you and Miles."

"Me and Miles?!" asked Y/n confused.

"Graham thinks there's something between you and him." chuckled Marcella. Y/n made a face and turned to Hannah who nodded.

"Why would he think that?" asked Y/n.

"Well for one, he's so sweet to you." said Marcella. "And then today you two went to go find the trolley and came back with no sweets but flustered faces?"

"Wait no!" said Y/n shaking her head. "No, there's nothing going on between Miles and I."

"She's still with Fred." said Hannah turning to Y/n.

"Yeah, im still with Fred." said Y/n looking down.

"Oh Y/n," said Marcella shaking her head. "Fred's nothing but heartbreak."

"I'm surprised you haven't broken up with him." said Hannah.

"I am," said Y/n playing with her fingers once again. "We're no good together."

"Maybe you can give Miles a chance." chuckled Marcella. Y/n gave her a small smile while Hannah made her eyebrows jump and stared into a magazine.


The morning of the party, Y/n was woken up by loud bangs. She jumped out of bed, rubbing her eyes when she opened the door to see that the noise was coming from downstairs. "Graham!" said Y/n hurrying down the stairs. "Why are you making so much noise!"

"Sorry Y/n, did we wake you?" asked Miles who was on a ladder putting up decorations.

"Good, you're awake, you can help." said Graham coming from behind her with Adrian and Cassius. Cassius grinned as Adrian's jaw dropped slightly. Y/n had still been dressed in her pajamas, a tight t shirt and shorts.

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