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"For merlin sake." said Y/n hurrying out of the classroom, wiping her lips.

"Hey!" said Fred coming down the hall with George beside him. "You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, just tired." said Y/n looking behind her. She interlocked her fingers with Fred's as the three walked off.

"I actually have to run off, i'll catch you two later?" said George. Y/n nodded as Fred smiled, pulling her up into the Gryffindor tower.

"What are we doing here?" said Y/n making a face.

"Why not?" said Fred. He said the password and the two entered, Y/n turning a few heads as she walked past and up into Fred's dorm.

"You've never brought me to the Gryffindor tower before." said Y/n looking up at Fred as he shrugged, taking a seat on his bed.

"Well, I just wanted it to be me and you." said Fred pulling her down next to him. He pulled her back into his chest as he laid back with her, Y/n feeling guilty as he ran his fingers through her hair. "I'm sorry."

"For?" asked Y/n narrowing her eyebrows.

"Everything." said Fred. "I love you, Y/n, and I know ive been a horrible boyfriend. I hope you can forgive me."

"I just hope we change." said Y/n softly. Fred sat back up, pulling Y/n into a kiss as she kissed back. He slowly brought his hands up her shirt as her heart beat faster.

Fred used his other hand to slowly unbutton her shirt. Y/n pulled back from the kiss and looked at him. "What's wrong?" asked Fred.

"N-nothing." said Y/n pulling him back into a kiss. He slowly pushed her back on the bed, Y/n under him as his hands slowly moved up under her skirt. "Freddie. . ."

Fred sighed and got off her. Y/n softened her look as he threw her back her robe. "We've been together for nearly four months, Y/n, and you still don't let me touch you. You're being prude."

"I am not." said Y/n narrowing her eyebrows.

"You are." said Fred rolling his eyes. Y/n huffed, getting up and placing her robe on. "Where are you going?"

"Away from you." said Y/n buttoning her shirt and storming out the Gryffindor tower, not stopping until she reached the Slytherin common room.


"No smile today?" chuckled Cassius watching Adrian enter the common room.

"Shove off." said Adrian throwing himself on the couch and crossing his arms, staring into the fire.

"Trouble in paradise, mate?" smiled Miles.

"There has to be a paradise for there to be trouble." said Adrian sinking into the couch. Graham rose his eyebrows and turned to Adrian.

"And who's upsetting thee Adrian Pucey?" snorted Graham.

"If you bloody knew." said Adrian making a face. Miles and Cassius rose their eyebrows and turned to Adrian.

"Seems like she's got you wrapped around her finger, mate." chuckled Graham.

"She could." said Adrian. "She doesn't want me."

"Oh this is bloody good!" laughed Cassius. "Is this the first time in your life that you've been rejected, Adrian?"

"Really witty." said Adrian rolling his eyes. Miles snorted, shaking his head and sitting up.

"How come you won't tell us who she is." asked Miles. "Is she ugly?"

"Far from it." said Adrian.

"She must be muggle born then?" said Cassius.

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