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"Well, then if that's the case and there's no one getting in our way. Would you want to try us again?" asked Abraham, smiling softly. Y/n looked at him, raising her eyebrows. "I know— I know that you and Pucey literally just— well you know but i'll wait for you. Take all the time. You don't have to answer now! Just think about it?"

Y/n didn't say anything as she took a pull from the joint. "How come you aren't at dinner?" asked Y/n, turning to face him.

"I saw you coming out here and Weasley coming after you." said Abraham with a shrug.

"You aren't hungry?" asked Y/n.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" chuckled Abraham. Y/n smiled softly, shaking her head.

"No, thanks for being out here with me." smiled Y/n, looking at him. He smiled, taking the joint from her hand.


"Adrian, mate." said Graham, turning to Adrian who held his head. Marcella, Miles and Cassius all turned to look at him. "I'm sure she's just in the dorm or something. Maybe just let her cool off, she'll come around."

"I don't think she will." said Adrian, not picking his head up.

"I'm sorry, but what actually happened?!" asked Miles, narrowing his eyebrows.

"Adrian told Y/n he didn't want to be with her anymore but only because he wanted her and Marcella to become friends again. Marcella had told him the only way she'll be Y/n's friend again is if Adrian stopped talking to her. So, he did. Y/n got upset about it, he tried talking to her. She kissed Martin, Adrian attacked Martin and they argued and he can't find her now." said Graham, really quickly. Miles and Cassius glanced at one another, raising their eyebrows.

"You know who she could be with?" said Cassius, looking at the Hufflepuff table. Adrian picked his head up to look at him.

"Who?" asked Adrian.

"Abraham Ronan." said Cassius. "He's not at the Hufflepuff table."

Adrian stood up, Graham getting up with him. "Mate." said Graham, following after Adrian. "Adrian."

"What?" said Adrian, looking behind him as the two walked out of the Great Hall.

"You need to stop." said Graham, following him out of the castle. "The more you attack her, the less she'll want to be with you!"

"I'm not attacking her!" said Adrian, turning to Graham. "I just don't want her to be with anyone else!"

"Okay," said Graham, making a face. "That's attacking her, mate. Here, you stay here, i'll go get her."

"No, because what if she's with a guy?" said Adrian.

"Do you hear yourself?" said Graham, shaking his head. The two walked down by the lake, not seeing Y/n anywhere. Adrian turned to Graham, narrowing his eyebrows. "See, she's not out here."

"Yes, she is." said Adrian, looking down at a book by a tree. Graham picked it up, making a face. Adrian entered the forest, Graham behind him.

"Mate, don't you feel like you're going a bit mad?" asked Graham turning to Adrian.

"She's making me feel like this!" said Adrian walking past trees. "She's always drove me crazy. . . it's just a different crazy now."

Graham made a face, they walked a bit further in to see Y/n sitting with Abraham, smoking a joint. Graham made a face, looking at his sister. "Y/n?" said Graham.

"For merlin sake!" said Y/n, jumping. Abraham glanced at Adrian, who looked at Y/n.

"Leave." said Adrian, turning to Abraham.

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