Chapter 10

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We laid down on the bed, both tired and sweaty. She was looking at me with a sweet, shy smile. She looked so satisfied and I was too. I didn't release and I was hard as hell, but I didn't care. For the first time, I didn't think about myself. I just wanted her to release. It was a strange feeling. During my whole life, the words that my father told me resounded on my mind.

"Women are just for fun", he said. I grow up seeing how she cheated on my mother over and over. And my mother never did anything, although she knew well. I never understood why she kept holding on. My father didn't have any respect to women and he taught me that. I always thought I was like him and I despised myself for that. But I was not like him. She showed me that. What I was feeling for her was stronger and more real than anything I'd ever felt before. I just wanted to be with her and make her feel right. I could never do to her what my father did to my mother.

Everything happened so fast. It was as if I was already addicted to her. She was the only thing I could see and it was clouding my judgment. And that scared. What if I do something that could hurt her? I looked at her and stroked her cheek gently. The smell of her skin was invading my senses.

"I told you you were good at that", I said.

"But I didn't do anything", she protested as her face turned red. I smiled teasingly at her.

"Yes, you did", I said, almost to myself. Of course she did. She did more than she could imagine. The way she looked at me, the erotic sounds coming from her mouth, the way she closed her eyes and opened her mouth when her orgasm hit her... any gesture she did was enough for me to lose my mind. Everything in her was so appealing and tempting.   


You tried to get up but Sehun stopped you, tightening in his arms.

"You know, I was thinking...", he began. "I work in a club all weekends and maybe... you'd like to come one day and...", he continued. He looked as if he didn't know what to say. It was the first time you saw him so out of words and it was really cute.

"Do you work as a dancer there?", you joked.

"You'd like that, right?", he asked provocatively, becoming himself again. Your face turned red involuntarily at the thought of Sehun dancing sexily. Yes, you'd love to see such thing.

"I work as a bartender", he explained. "So, would you come?", he asked.

"Sure", you replied with a smile. You didn't exactly know why but you spent all week waiting anxiously for your meeting with Sehun in his club. You weren't used to that kind of places; they always made you feel like if you were out of place. But Sehun invited you to his workplace. You wanted that to mean something; like he trusted you and was more open to you.

You took great pains on your make-up and clothes. Actually, Haneul did. She was sure the club was going to be full of what she used to call as vixens and you needed to get Sehun stunned. It never crossed your mind that Sehun would be surrounded by girls until that moment and that was actually undermining your moral. You'd never seen a girl around Sehun since your birthday and you didn't handle it well. It wasn't that you couldn't bear your jealousy. Your problem was that you couldn't help but comparing yourself with every single girl near him; and comparisons are odious. You wondered sometimes why Sehun chose you to be his girlfriend.

You agreed to meet Sehun in the club. The place wasn't too big and you found him soon. He was behind the bar, serving some drinks to some girls. The girls were clearly flirting with him; smiling at him stupidly as they stroked their hair and puckering their lips. You didn't like that but it was his work and you felt relieved since Sehun seemed not to pay much attention to them.  Then his look wandered around and your eyes met. Sehun's expression turned immediately into a bright smile as he motioned you to get closer.

"How are you beauty?", he asked sweetly as he leaned for you to hear him over the music.

"Fine", you replied as you bit your bottom lip. He was acting so sweet since you had that intimate moment last week.

"Do you want to drink anything?", he offered.

"Not now", you replied. You and alcohol weren't good friends. You didn't want to do anything that you could regret next morning. Even worse, you didn't want to do anything that you could not remember next morning. If something, even the smaller thing, happened between you and Sehun, you needed to remember it.

"Sehun, stop flirting and go back to work!", a middle-aged man who you assumed it was his boss yelled behind him.  

"Can't I even talk to my girlfriend?", Sehun protested. As the word "girlfriend" came out of his mouth, the girls that were flirting with Sehun before looked at you astonished. They were murmuring something as they kept looking at you. It was uncomfortable but you felt flattered in some way. Even if you couldn't understand why Sehun was with a girl like you, it didn't change the fact that he chose you. There were lots of girls lining up for him, but he just saw something on you.

"Ok, but just two minutes", the man said. Sehun smiled at you with that roguish smile of him and get out of the bar. "Come to dance with me", Sehun said in your ear. You nodded and walked with him to the dance floor. You loved to dance but you always did in your bedroom, where nobody could see you.

So many eyes were on you both as you began to dance. Sehun was a famous boy at the place for sure. Girls were looking daggers at you but you didn't care. The only eyes you did care about were Sehun's, and they didn't avert from you at any moment. You danced a lot. Much more than the two minutes he was allowed to spend passed by but his boss didn't seem to care. You were so excited. The bass was blaring and you could feel it pumping through you. You forgot about the rest of the people at some point. You could only focus on Sehun's body and yours tangling together. Sehun pulled you closer against him and your entire body melted into his arms. You closed your eyes for a moment as you followed Sehun's movements. Your heart was hammering against your chest hard as an intense heat invaded your body. It was sexy and hot. Sehun's hands roamed along your back slowly before they finally rested in your butt. He leaned his head until it was buried in your neck and sucked your delicate skin. His mouth was burning you in such a pleasurable way that you couldn't help but moan at his touch. You fucking love his smell; you wanted to drown on it. You were losing your ability to breath. Your bodies were so close and so rhythmic that you could feel any bit of him. His bulge was crashing against your belly; sending shivers through your body and making your womanhood palpitate in excitement. It was as if your bodies radiated electricity, attracting to each other inevitable.

"Sehun", you moaned. You knew you didn't want that to stop and even shocked yourself with what came out of your mouth next.

"Let's go home", you said. Sehun seemed surprised too but soon he looked at you understanding as his eyes sparkled with lust.

"Wait here", he said as he left quickly. You saw him as he talked to his boss and soon returned. "I'll make you feel so good, baby girl", he whispered in your ear as he grabbed your wrist.

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