Chapter 33

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You didn't know what to do to help Sehun. How are you supposed to help someone who just lost his father? Nothing you could say could make him feel better. The only thing you could do was being with him, make him feel loved and comforting. He didn't want to separate from you even for a moment and you didn't want that either. You were afraid he could start thinking a lot about his father if you weren't around and end up collapsing. You know that was good to so he could let out his feelings but you wanted to be there with him when that happened. You needed him to share his suffering with you, so the weight he was carrying wasn't too heavy just for him. But he didn't collapse yet; he didn't cry or showed any sadness. He was just there with you saying nothing; he looked absent. You knew that couldn't be good because once he let out all that, every single feeling he'd been keeping would be amplified.

You went to the vigil with him and he introduced you as his girlfriend to his mother and brother. You felt that wasn't the right moment for that. It was an intimate moment for the family but he needed your support so much. You were worried his mother could be annoyed by your presence since your first meet was in his husband's vigil, it wasn't everyone's cup of tea but she welcomed you nicely and made you feel part of the family from the first moment. She knew what you meant for Sehun and all the support you were giving to him in that difficult moment. It was odd, you never knew Sehun's father but you felt his death hard inside you; you felt Sehun's pain as yours.

You were sat with Sehun and his family as people approached to express their condolences. There were so many people, most of them men dressed in a suit. Every time someone said 'I'm sorry for your lost', you could see as Sehun swelled his nostril, as if he was trying to suppress something. Everyone said his father was such a hard-working person, someone who made himself but nobody talked about him as a person. You realized he hadn't many friends; most of the people were work partners who didn't get to know him.

You took Sehun's hand tightly as the next people approached. It was that stupid bitch from the hotel and an old man you supposed was his father, the owner of the company Sehun was working at in China. The man hurried to hug Sehun and give condolences as the girl didn't even dare to look.

"How are you? Do you feel better?", he asked. Sehun didn't reply, he just stayed there without any expression.

"You know, I've know your father for so long, I really esteemed him. But after his death the situation of his company has become difficult. It would be good if we could talk a little about that", he continued. You couldn't believe it. Was he talking about work at his father's vigil? You noticed as Sehun held your hand tighter and opened his mouth to close it a moment later.

"I don't think this is the best moment to talk about that. If you really appreciated Mr. Oh as you said, you could respect his family' sorrow", you said. Sehun was supposed to be like a son for him or that was what he said, but it wasn't obviously like that.

The rest of the day was quiet, most of the people left before they gave their condolences and just a few remained, the director of the Chinese company and his daughter included. You went to by some water and when you returned that man was talking with Sehun again. You felt your face go red as you began to walk toward them with irritation but Sehun's mother stopped you.

"I'll take care this. You take Sehun somewhere. He needs some fresh air", she said gently.

"Do you want to go somewhere?", you asked abruptly, cutting off the man conversation.

"Yes", he simply said. You left the place without any explanation and got into Sehun's car.

"What are you doing?", you asked as he sat on the copilot seat.

"You drive", he replied.

"But you know I don't dive well", you said.

"Just go slowly", he simply replied. You began to drive nervously. You were such a bad driver; you didn't even know how you got your license. You spent like three hours you picked up Sehun at the airport the last time. You were like a turtle and you had many fines for a too slow driving.

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