Chapter 34

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You decided to wait until you had your graduation to move together. Sehun's mother completely agreed but your parents were a little bit reluctant. They didn't understand why you had to live together so soon. They wanted for you to find a job first, have some financial stability... They wanted for you a 'type' life but it wasn't what you wanted. You were going to finish your degree as they asked you. That was their condition to be with Sehun, that's why they made you moved into a new apartment. So since you were going to fulfill their condition, they couldn't ask you anything else. You were going to live your life the way you wanted and with the person you wanted.

"Why the rush?", Haneul asked. "You can live in your apartment, there's no need to move into a new one in a new city", she continued.

"But I think it would be good for us to start fresh", you replied.

"Oh my God, are you pregnant?", she asked shocked.

"What? No, no, no. Why do you think that?", you asked surprised.

"Then why the rush?", she asked again. "Are you going to secretly marry?", she asked suspicious.

"It's not that either", you replied. "I think Sehun wants to be away from all this, from his family, the company, his father's death... A change will be good for him", you continued. "And I need to do this for me too. I've always felt like I could never live my own life. You know my parents, they're very controlling", you said.

"That's because they're your parents. They care about you", she replied.

"I know but all my life I've done what they wanted because I didn't want to disappoint them, so I disappointed me instead. Now I just want to do what makes me happy", you replied.

"You've become so cheesy since you're with Sehun. Who would have known that someone famous for deflowering half of the school would be the man of your life", she said. You looked daggers at her before you sighed. You were going to miss her and her recklessness a lot.

"Thank you, I'd never have been able to do all this without you", you said. "I met Sehun because of you", you continued.

"Oh my God, don't make me cry", she said fanning his watery eyes with his hands before she brought you into a tight hug. "You're my best friend", she said. "Just promise me that I'll be your kid's godmother", she said.

"I told you that I'm not pregnant!", you cried as you broke the hug.

"Sorry, I just needed to check one last time", she said quietly before you both bunts into laughter.

Your graduation ceremony was more than you expected. Your parents, friends, Sehun and even his mother and brother were there; they all seemed so happy for you. You graduated with honors and everyone praised your work. You couldn't stop smiling. Besides Sehun, that was one of the most important things for you. You'd worked hard to get that and being able to do it was really satisfying. Before you celebrated with everyone, you and Sehun went back home.

"So... this is our last night in this apartment", he said as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer.

"Uh-huh", you murmured as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your lips against his.

"I've got something for you", Sehun smiled. He went to the bedroom to return with a frame in his hands.

"Oh my God, it's my painting", you said as you watched as the drawing. That sundown brought you so many good memories. "I couldn't find it in the art gallery the last time I went. I thought they removed because it had a scrawl. Did you buy it?", you asked. He nodded with a wide smile on his face.

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