Chapter 32

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You placed your head on Sehun's chest and wrapped your arms around him. You looked at his sleeping face as your fingertips roamed along his arm. Was it real? You still needed to touch him to make sure. After what happened; after all those confusing moments when time seemed to stop, it was still hard for you to believe that you were back together again. You stroke his face gently and planted a soft kiss in the corner of his lips.

"Don't be shy", Sehun murmured as he pulled you tighter against him; his eyes still closed, his breathing peaceful.

"Were you awake all the time?", you asked.

"Hmmm... Uh-huh", he sighed. "But why do you stop touching me?", he continued. You giggled quietly as you kissed him. Sehun opened his eyes as he returned the kiss, making it more intense.

"Are you better now? You just fell asleep after coming from work. You didn't even eat anything yet", you said.

"Yes, I just needed to rest a little"", he replied; his sweet smile making your heart pound fast.

"Rest a little more until I make dinner, ok?", you said as you gave him a peck before you left to the kitchen. You began to prepare dinner. Sehun always praised your food and being able to cook for him again was so comforting. You spent so many dinners alone when he was in China; so much time alone... You only wanted to be with his as much as possible; as much as life allowed you to.

"Sehunnie! Dinner's ready", you called him as you put his plate on the table.

"Sehunnie? You never called me like that before", he said as he back hugged you, surprising you.

"Oh God, you scared me!", you replied. "Don't you like I call you like that then?", you asked.

"No, I really love it", he said as he sat. "Aren't you eating with me?", he asked lifting an eyebrow. You shook your head. "Then, sit here with me", he said as he patted his thigh.

"Why so cheesy suddenly?", you murmured more to yourself as you sat on his lap; your face slightly red. You needed to get used to that again. Sehun ate as you talked animatedly; his free hand never leaving your thigh as he continued caressing it.

"You know... something weird happened this morning at work", he said disinterestedly as he finished eating.

"What happened?", you asked curious. He wrapped his arms around your waist as he placed a lock of hair behind your ear, teasing you as he smirked.

"Well, I wanted to talk with Bonhwa about that night in the company's party. I was expecting her to tell me the truth now that I know it but she didn't give up. She even said she had evidences that she slept with me", he finally said. You knew what was coming but you weren't going to give up either. You didn't want him to think you didn't trust him after what he told you. You did trust him, but you needed to see that bitch's face as you caught her lie. "She said she had seen my dick piercing", he continued as he smirked at you.

"Really? How could she think that? You don't have anything like that", you said sounding as innocent as possible.

"Yes, I know, it's nonsense. Don't you know who could have told her that?", he asked.

"I don't know... But, well, at least we know now that she definitely lied", you replied looking down. Sehun laughed softly as he lifted your chin.

"Did you say 'dick piercing'? I mean, did you say 'dick' with that goody goody mouth?", he asked trying to hold his laughter.

"What do you mean goody goody mouth? I can say 'that' too", you replied offended.

"Came on, you're not a dirty talker. You just say some things sometimes when we're doing it but... What did you really say", he began.

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