Chapter 29

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You breathed deeply. It was the time to be brave and face things. You wanted to trust Sehun but if Haneul didn't get mistaken, he was already in the city and didn't tell you anything. He didn't even mention anything when you called him that same day. It was weird and you needed to see with your own eyes what was happening and erase the weight that was growing in your chest. You were ready to get out when someone knocked at the door.

"Jongin?", you said when you opened the door.

"Can I come in?", he asked with a shy smile.

"Yes, sure", you replied quietly. He sat on the couch where Pinku was fighting with a ball of thread that he decided to be his mortal enemy.

"Hey, buddy", Jongin said as he touched him softly. Pinku stretched out and purred at his touch before he returned to his fight again. "I'm glad to see you're not completely alone here", he smiled.

"Why are you here, Jongin?", you asked, not paying attention to his words.

"I want to apologize for what happened the other day with your boyfriend", he replied. "I hope it didn't cause you any trouble with him", he continued.

"Our relationship is stronger than you think, Jongin", you replied.

"I see...", he said. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but he closed it again. "You know, it wasn't my intention to make you feel bad, I just...", he said after a while. "It annoys me that every time he's here you forget about everything. You're only with him and you don't care about your friends. It's like if he absorbs you. It doesn't feel like you", he said. He was breathing hard as he looked at you intensely; he was clearly annoyed.

"You're wrong. It only feels like me when I'm with him. That's the real me", you replied. It was right, the way you were with Sehun was the real you while the face you showed to the rest was a face of someone contained; someone still insecure to show her real character.

"So constantly having sex is the real you? Because it seems that he only wants you for that. Do you do anything else when you're together?", he asked. You felt the rage invading your body. What the hell did he know about you and Sehun? He gave you more than anyone ever did. He made you feel loved, confident, brave... Your attraction for him was strong and sex was fun, but above everything, it was the expression of your love for him.

"You came to apologize for what you said. So now that you did, you can go", you said trying to sound as harshly as possible.

"I didn't apologize for what I said; I apologized because it made you feel bad. I'm not changing my feelings for you. I seriously think you'll realize one day that he's not good for you. And when you fall, I'll be right there to lift you up", he said before he left.

You didn't believe he said that to you. He was always so nice and sweet with you. Why was he acting like that now? Was it because he had feelings for you? But you couldn't blame him. Love makes you act in strange ways, it makes you do things you don't normally do... You sat on the couch tiredly. Pinku approached and curled up on your lap. You stayed like that for a while, thinking about Jongin's words, when someone knocked at the door again. You opened it cautiously, thinking it was Jongin again.

"Oh my God", you said excitedly as you jumped into Sehun's arms.

"Happy to see me?", Sehun asked. You wrapped your arms around his neck on your tiptoes and kissed him softly.

"I'm so happy to see you", you replied. He took your hand as you got into you apartment. "But what are you doing here? I thought you didn't come until next month", you said quietly.

"I had to come to finish some things here. I actually came a few days ago but I was really busy and didn't have time for anything else, so I stayed in a hotel", he replied. You sighed in relieved. So there was nothing weird.

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