Chapter 17

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It had been two hours since Sehun had left college and he hadn't come home yet. It was weird. He used to go straight home. He liked to spend time with you there, bothering and teasing you. He noticed you were distant lately and you knew he didn't want to push you, so he didn't ask much. He could spend hours without speaking at you, but at least he was there.  Although you were sitting on the couch pretending to read, he sat beside you and stood there saying nothing. The feeling of having him near you was so comforting. You still needed time to clear you mind and be able to speak with him. You knew your words wouldn't still come out the way you wanted. You were only able to show the pain in your heart and that would worry Sehun even more. It was as if he could understand what you needed, although he didn't know what was really happening. You could feel stronger than ever the invisible bond that was connecting you both. It was a bond that had been developed in such a short time. He was the only person you needed desperately to understand you and be with you to alleviate your pain. You thanked so much that he wasn't pushing you. He was just there, as a silent support. You began to feel nervous. He should have already come home. Maybe he went to spend some time with his friends. But he didn't tell you anything. He didn't have to inform you about every single thing he did, but it wasn't typical of him. You called him but his phone was off. What if it was because of you? Because you were so distant and cold with him...

You realized you didn't really know anything about him. You didn't know his friends or family. You didn't know if he was the type of person that needed to get away for a while and think. You were such a horrible girlfriend! You called Chanyeol but he didn't know anything either. What should you do?

You went to college and every single place near it. You walked around the city, looking for him everywhere but he was nowhere to be seen. Should you call the hospitals? You were so desperate. It was late at night when you came back home but Sehun wasn't there either. The worry and fear that were invading you were too much. So, that was what Sehun felt when you didn't answer his calls? You had been so selfish! You wished desperately that he was just teaching you a lesson and nothing was happening with him. You rushed to your phone when you heard it buzzing; but it wasn't Sehun.

Chanyeol: "Sehun is fine, don't worry. He'll come back tomorrow".

Although he didn't say anything else, you felt relieved. You were wondering what happened to him. Why he didn't call you instead of Chanyeol? You felt anxious at the thought everything could be your fault. Did he find out anything? No, it was impossible. You didn't say anything and Woohyun wouldn't be so stupid to tell him, right? After all, he was the guilty part, why would he say anything?  Probably it was something related to his parents. You went to Sehun's bedroom and wandered around.  You hadn't been able to see his bedroom properly yet. It was much neater than before. Well, he used to spend more time in your bedroom than in his own so it wasn't that weird for it to be tidy. You opened his wardrobe and took one of his shirts, desperate to feel his smell, and put it on. You laid down on the bed. His smell still lingered on his sheets and pillow.  It was so enveloping and comforting.  You stayed like that, wearing his shirt as your head was almost completely buried in his pillow until you fell asleep.

You wake up as something was pinching your cheeks. You opened your eyes quietly to the shy smile of Sehun.

"Good morning, beauty", he said. You smiled back until you looked him closer.

"What did happen to you?", you asked scared. The corner of his lip was wounded and his eyebrow was stitched up.

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