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Author Pov.

In two days, Yibo was busy preparing himself for the opening of his boutique.
He didn't answer Zhan's call or his message. If not  his grandmother  call him twice  even one call from his family, he didn't want to answer.But he need to answer his grandma call.

In the evening, their family arrived; his grandmother, his parents, Haikuan and Zhan.
Yibo was surprised. Zhan got out of his car and there was someone else with him. He is familiar with this person. This is the son of their butler at the mansion. He often sees him when he is young since he hardly ever comes home to the mansion he didn't saw him .
Now he just saw it again.

Umm, why was he with Zhan, and why did Zhan use his car?In Yibo thought.

He greeted his family even though it was kept to him a secret  In today's time, he needs to observe and be calm.

Yibo greeted them  but in a cold way. He only gave a forced smile when he met his family, specially his dad .

Zhan thought maybe he was tired because of the preparation.
so he tried to cheer up Yibo.

"Yibo I called you so many times but you didn't answer my call" said Zhan in a cheerful way, but Yibo answered him,
"I'm busy," and Yibo guided them to where they could sit and told Ziyi to take care of his  family because he would also take care of some guests who were VIP and customers.

But before Yibo leaves,

"ahh Yibo, I will introduce you to my body guard"

" Win meets Yibo!
Win smiled at Yibo. 
But Yibo only nodded, turned back  went to the entrance to welcome the other guest. 
Zhan pouted
" Zhan, don't worry, I already know him, okay. ummm"

Johnny saw Zhan and that's why he approached him.

" Zhan!Johnny called
Johnny first greets his uncle Jerry, along with his wife, his grandmother, and his cousin Haikuan. After greeting them, she invited Zhan to introduce his new boyfriend,

"Hi Zhan meet my boyfriend, Timmy Xu"
"Timmy  this is Zhan"

" It's nice to meet you Timmy" Zhan smiles
" It's nice to meet you, beautiful" Timmy said. 

Zhan smiled once more.

Johnny pouted,and Zhan noticed.

" Don't be jealous,he said as he wrapped his arm around Johnny.

"I'm not Zhan!"
"Timmy, behave!If you hear you,said it again to Zhan, someone is getting jealous of you!

Zhan's eyes widened.

NEDAHH! And  Who is it?

" Hey, Johnny. You are the one to behave and then Timmy I'm not beautiful, okay " I'm more handsome than both of you!!The three laughed.

Yibo went to the second floor of the boutique. He forgot the scissors for the cutting of the ribbon. He didn't want to disturb others, especially Johnny and Zhan.

From the second floor, it's built into the mezzanine, is made of wall glass, and can be seen here those who entered the tailored shop or boutique So Yibo looks at the three who are talking happily. He wants to approach the three, but he is not in the mood to make fun of the people here, especially his family members. Even more so, since he discovered his parents' secret and he is the source of the scandal, he has questioned his humanity now and after his father's treatment of him since,he grew up
and of Zhan, how they became legal siblings. His mind and feelings oppose that they become siblings.
After the event, he thought twice about whether to confront his family or keep what he knew .He wanted to punish the family through Xiao Zhan.

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