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Win Pov ...

When my father called me and asked if I wanted to be a bodyguard, I was surprised as to why the Yan family needed a bodyguard.

"Son, It won't last long; it's only temporary while the problem of Yan Family has not been solved.You know we owe our lives to Yan's family"

"Who needed  Pa ?"
Yibo, or Sir Haikuan, or Grandma? I guest not Yibo,
Yibo  is vague because you know that he is invisible to people and that he can protect himself"
"Which of the two is Haikuan Ge or Grandma?"

"The son of second wife  of Master Jerry,He is Xiao Zhan!

"Pa ,really!the cute guy I saw at their wedding!

"Now look at you!your eyes sparkled "my father teased me
"You suddenly became interested"

I was confused what my father ,said .
Dad,look at me  can probably guess why I'm curious about his questions to me.

He said immediately,

"One time I saw you smile, look at your wallet, and stare at it, but I just ignored it" But almost a week later, when I returned here, I saw you always look at your wallet; that's why I'm curious about what's inside. "I saw your wallet left on the table, so I took a peek, and I was amazed because there was a very cute picture that was familiar to me, and I realized it was Xiao Zhan's picture!

"Dad, why did you tamper with my wallet?I  pouted;

"Don't be ashamed, son"my father shake his head.
"Where did you get the picture?It was stolen shot from a far "

"I shot it with my own camera, and I developed it"for souvenir" but I'm a little annoyed now  Papa"

"Papa it's my  privacy!"

"Take a look. Win, It's not bad to have a crush on Zhan. He's really cute; he's not suited to be a man. It's better for him if he becomes a woman; maybe if he became a women  he will have many admirer and of course my son will be next in line"teased again of my  father.

"Papa you're really something!He's cute , I just saw a man who is so cute and beautiful, especially when he smiles. Maybe any man can change gender when you get close to him!"

"Now son you agree,
Tomorrow you go to Yan's mansion, and they discuss with you what you need to know "

"Papa, why did Xiao Zhan need a bodyguard? I thought he was with Yibo in his condo"
Yes, they are together, but Master Zhan is not with him all the time. "Yibo was a busy man. I know that kid!"
"What's the reason?" Give me a little clue, Papa"
"Okay, I had some slight information, I found out that Zhan has an admirer who is a guy! who didn't want his mother; the other reason was not clear to me! Tomorrow, you go to the mansion, okay?

"A guy like me ,had also desire to Zhan  Pa?"My father hit me.

"Don't be  like that, Win." "I warm you."

"Papa, I'm only joking." Yes, I had a crush on him, but still, I respect those who treat us as family and include Zhan!

"Isn't it the other way around that Xiao Zhan should be the one to do that flirting with someone he likes, and he is not the one to be loved?" I mumbled.

"Okay, dad, I talk to Thine first;I'll go Pa,and talk to you later"
"Okay son I'll  wait you here"

Thine is my business partner; we're close friends,
Since I decided to agree about my father said ,Thine also the right to know that  I'm probably going to be absent for a month or more .

I and my friend Thine had two martial arts training centers.
Our main was here located  and the other one is in the city, small but it earned double .
Maybe I told Thine that I could handle the other branch located in the city after work or on my day off. 

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