Tough decision

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Just as Christina and I separated, i ran into Derek. His perfume, the usual essence, immediately went into my nose. I kind of bumped into him, and i had a hard time keeping my balance, but he steadied me with his strong arms.
-Meredith. - he greeted me with a Mcdreamy look.
-Derek. - i answered with a husky voice.
-Can i talk to you? - i asked
-You can always talk to me. I'm yours - he said.
-Don't be cheesy, just follow me. - i ordered
I chose the nearest door, and pushed it in with a sudden movement. It was the staircase.
-I like it here. It's less private than the elevators. -he turned to her.
-Derek. I don't wanna be a home wrecker.
-You are not a home wrecker. My home was wrecked before you came into the picture.
-I don't wanna be the reason you divorce your wife. I don't wanna be a dirty mistress. I have never wanted to be.
-You are not. Look at me. - he lifted my head with his thumbs, at my chin.
-I am divorcing Addison no matter what. It is not your fault. It was never your fault. I should've divorced her sooner.
-Go ... good. Then i its goo..od . - I couldn't say anything with him looking at me like that. He was showing me his Mcdreamy smile, and staring at my lips. He came an inch closer with his head, still not letting go of my chin. My rambling is bad enough under normal circumstances, but with him looking at me like that, i just couldn't control it. I liked my upper lip with my tongue, while he was still staring at them. Not my eyes, not my boobs, my lips. A moment later he crossed the space between our mouthes, and we were kissing. I had my hands in his dark brown curls immediately, and i felt his hands playing with my hair behind my back. He started it softly, and when i kissed back, he became more and more passionate. He was taking control, and i liked it. The butterflies in my stomach were dying from the stimulation i felt against my lips. When he put his tongue in my mouth and pushed mine down, i moaned a little. I couldn't give up that easily, so it was my turn to push his tongue down, and i earned a deep groan from him. He pulled me even closer, if that's possible. Our bodies were pressed up against each other, and he bit my lower lip a little, which caused me to let my moans out again, when the door of the staircase flung open, and i pulled away breathlessly. From what i could imagine, my lips were swollen from the passionate kiss, my hair was a mess from Derek's hands, and the top of my scrubs wasn't in it's place, the hem of it came up a little, revealing the bottom of my stomach. I quickly pulled it down trying to make the situation less uncomfortable than it was already.
- You guys should consider getting a hotel room instead of using the hospital. - Callie stood in front of us seriously.
-I believe that this is yours. - she handed me my black panties from her pocket. Then without saying anything, she turned around and left through the door.
-This cannot happen again. - I turned to face Derek.
-I know you enjoyed it. - he whispered with a still husky voice from the kiss, and shortly pecked my lips again.
-Take your time - he added and turned around to leave in the same direction as Callie did.
I was confused, but put my shirt in it's place, and used my hand as a comb for my hair, and quickly left too.

Few hours later
-I have to go and check on Izzie, i'll be back in half an hour. - I said to our table, letting them know that i am leaving.
When i got home, the front door was closed, so I used my key to get in. I went to the kitchen, while shouting.
-Izzie are u home? Have you had lunch? -that's when i saw the note on the fridge, put up with a magnet, saying "Went back to the hospital after lunch, i'll stay there"- with Izzie's circular letters.
-That's great. I can go back now. It was worth coming here. - i sighed, when i heard the knocking at the front door.
-It's open, you can come in! - i shouted to whoever was not giving up the knocking, while getting up from the chair to see who it is.
-Hey - the voice said.
-Finn. What are you doing here. - I asked confusedly.
-I brought Izzie lunch. When my wife died, nobody could say anything comforting to me, but they always brought lunch, and it felt good. Aren't you working? - he explained.
-Yes I am. I still am. I just came home to check on Izzie, but she's not here apparently. You brought lunch, even that you thought i wasn't at home?-she asked surprised.
-Yes. Is that a problem?
-No, of course not. It is ... actually really sweet of you.
-You think? - he asked coming closer.
-Y yes, it is thoughtful...- she trembled.
-Mhm...How are you? - he asked coming a step closer again.
-I I am good. - she answered keeping the eye contact.
-Yeah, me too. - he came a final step closer, and suddenly captured my lips with his. My butterflies were alive, again. The kiss was entirely different from Derek's, it stayed soft and calm the whole time. He put his hands in my hair, pulling it backwards a bit. When he licked my lips, i couldn't keep in the moan, i let it out softly. I kissed him back, as softly as he did it. I was breathless again when he pulled away, letting me get some air.
-Give the lunch to Izzie. - he pushed it into my hands.
-Thank you. - i said.
-You are welcome. - i smiled at him as a response, letting go of his hand, and saying goodbye.
When the door closed between him, i hit my head in the wall to wake me up, but it didn't really work. I could still feel Finn's kisses on my lips, and Derek's in my inside.

In the evening
We were sitting at Joe's pub, i had a shot of tequila in my hands.
-Have you decided? - Christina asked me sitting down next to me.
-No...It is an impossible decision. I mean, Finn is the guy that brings your roommate lunch if she is sad, but Derek...Derek is Derek. He is Mcdreamy. I can't choose between them.
-Then what are you gonna do? - she asked me curiously.
-Hmm....Date them. Both of them. - i answered pulling out my cell phone from my purse, and drinking the tequila i had left in my left hand.

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