48 uninterrupted hours

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-They are idiots. I just can't believe they got through med school. - Christina complained as they got through the front door.
-I hope Lexie is not too bad.
-Getting to know two?
-Yeah, well i realized that i don't hate Lexie, you know i just hate the idea of Lexie.
-So had good night? - Christina recognized the situation, and easily got put of me that Derek talked me into getting to know Lexie.
-Yeah. - i confessed and blushed.
-Still that good, huh? - she teased me.
-Wouldn't believe it. - i sighed, getting into the elevator, while Christina went towards the nurses station.
-Hey. - Derek greeted me, putting a coffee in my hands.
-Mer. - he hugged me.
-Mhm? - i was breathing him in.
-Do you want to go to wine country this weekend? - he asked pulling me a little further to face me.
-Well...Sure...I'm just not sure i can take this much time off..
-Ask someone to cover for you, and you could work some other time instead of them...- he tried persuading me.
-Why wine country? - i asked back.
-You know there would be you...and me....and wine...and country...and 48 uninterrupted hours of this...- he grabbed my hips, and kissed me on the lips softly.
-Mhm, 48 uninterrupted hours of this..- i kissed him back, planting my hands in his hair.
I pulled away when i was breathless, and mumbled to him.
-I'd wanna see wine country.
-So, you're in?
-Of course. Wine, country, you, me and 48 uninterrupted hours of this. - i pulled him to me, and planted a quick kiss on his lips. He pushed the emergency button to start the lift again, and let me out with a last quick hand-squeeze.
-Alex, could you cover for me this Saturday? - i asked him begging.
-Only if you take my intern for the day. - he agreed.
-He's in room 2001, probably crying with a patient. Good luck with him! - he turned around.
I chose the proper direction, and opened into room 2001.
-Hello, i am Dr.Grey. You're with me for the day.
-Nice to meet you Dr.Grey.
-Norman, right? - i greeted him.
-Yeah. I'm an intern, in case you didn't know. - he added.
-I knew. - i told him starting to examine the patient. I couldn't say that she had a strong chance of survival. The surgery was risky. Very risky. But dying without the surgery in the very near future, probably within a week, was even bigger.
-Norman, prep her for surgery.
-I am so sorry dear, that this is happening. - he turned to the mid-aged lady.
He was preparing her for her death. Studies shew that this increases the chance of death, and the surviving rate is lower after this conversation.
-I'd like to have a word with you, please. - i said when i saw him get a tear out.
-Yes, Dr.Grey. - he followed me.
-Look, you cannot do this. You cannot show any emotions, just positive ones, but carefully with those too. In front of patients you are strong. You can break down, but outside. Or you are off of every case. No crying, no complaining, professional behavior, and of course help if it's necessary. The key to delivering bad news is to be detached without seeming cold. If you get too emotional, the patients will be scared and they'll get emotional. Also, you have to stop with the "seriously". It'll go smoother if you just focus on the medicine instead of your age. Try to be less personal, keep experiences to yourself.- i ordered him.
-I am sorry Dr.Grey, but i get sometimes -
-Look, Norman, i understand, but by giving this talk, that woman in there has a bigger chance of dying. It's proved. So don't do this. To anybody. Especially patients. Now prep her!

-I have a new intern. Alex's in fact. - i told my friends as i took a bite of my fries.
-Really? How so? - Izzie asked back.
-Well, he covers for me on Saturday, and i take his intern for the day. Anyways - i started, but George interrupted me.
-Why is he covering for you?
-I am going away this weekend. But the point is that - i answered, but now Izzie interrupted me again.
-Where are you going?
-Wine country. So -
-You know what i've heard? - Christina started.
-Christina i was talking. - i snapped at her.
-Mcdreamy is taking time off at the weekend. - she said leaving my comment without an answer.
-Yeah, well...- i felt the blood rush into my cheeks.
-Are you traveling together? -George's jaw dropped.
-Mhm, kind of. - i turned my attention to the fries.
-Kind of? - Izzie asked back.
-Well, not kind of. I mean of course kind of...We...yeah, we are.
-Well if i knew i was working my ass of until you are doing Mcdreamy i wouldn't have covered for you. - Alex smirked at me.
-I would've. I think this is great. - Izzie smiled at me encouraging.
-He shew me plans. - i spoiled our secret to my friends.
-Plans? What plans? - George asked back, not understanding.
-What?! What?! - Izzie cheered, accidentally spilling her coke on the table, immediately getting i was talking about house plans.
-I don't believe you. Were you in? - Christina asked raising her eyebrow.
-I...yeah. I want to. And it takes a lot of time anyways...I am ready...and i can get more ready until then.
-What the hell are you talking about? - Alex asked confused.
-You are definitely growing up...- my best friend patted my back.
-What is going on?- George looked at us.
-Some kind of girl talk apparently...-Alex stood up with George leaving the table.
-I can't believe this. - Izzie continued.
-Will he propose? - she kept getting more and more excited.
-Are you having kids? - she went further.
-Wohoo! - Christina stopped her.
-Are you? - she kept thinking for a moment.
-Of course not! It takes half a year to build something like this...Even more, if it's slow...
-Wow...-Izzie said.
-Hey, Barbie, you are not so innocent yourself. - i warned her, using her nickname.
-What is it? I missed something. - Christina stated, as she saw Izzie turning her attention to food now.
-What is it? - she asked me.
-Well...- i looked at Izzie, begging her to tell Christina with my eyes.
-Fine...- she sighed.
-Me and Alex are a couple. We are dating. Have been for a while...- she confessed.
-Oh i knew! I already knew from the way you are another happy Mccouple! I just wanted to hear it from you! - she laughed.
-You are such an ass! - Izzie took the spilled coke up with a tissue.
-How long?
-Nearly two months..
-Well, congratulations, i guess! - she smiled at her.
-Joe's tonight? - i asked them, getting agreements from both of them.

-Norman, scrub in, you are observing in that OR. - I told him, putting my gloves on.
-Of course Dr.Grey. - he nodded, starting the cleaning procedure.
I opened up my patient, starting the rather difficult surgery. This was her only chance. I didn't worry, it could've made everything worse. It was already bad enough. I felt the familiar excitement in my body, as i felt during my first ever surgery. As always. But it got replaced with fear, when the monitor started beeping with an alerting sound. She was crashing. In the middle of the surgery. We were more than in the middle. Towards the end. The extremely risky surgery she agreed on doing hoping it will make her better, was killing her.
-Dr.Grey, she is crashing! - the nurse said, and I immediately gave her the right orders.
-Oh my god! She is dying! Actually dying! Oh my god! Oh no,Dr.Grey what...what are you doing? - Norman panicked seeing me give her an injection filled with drugs, hoping it will help the situation.
-Norman, shut up! - i yelled back to him, in the chaos.
-She is actually dying now...- he continued.
-Het him out of here! - i turned to the nurse on my left furiously, and she nodded quickly. However the situation didn't change by sending him out. She was still dying. And i couldn't help her anymore. She was already dead. I sighed calling time of death, pulling my gloves off, getting put of the OR.
-Dr.Grey. Is she...? - Norman asked me, sitting on a bench in front of the OR. I nodded a short one.
-I am sorry for my behavior. You already told me not to get attached.
-I am sorry i yelled, but it wasn't a proper thing you were doing in there.
-It's okay to yell at me. Dr.Bailey says that's how interns learn.
-The doctor is the boss in there. And one day you will have to be the doctor. You can't panic even in the worst situations. Stay calm. You always have to, inside that OR. - i taught him.
-How old are you? If you don't kind...- he added.
-28. - i answered not sure why he asked.
-You are an excellent doctor.
-Thank you. - i nodded politely.
-I mean it. And i think you will be an even better one.
-You can still learn. - i added a little lighter, standing up.
-Go in the pit. Find something easy for the rest of the day. And remember that you need to stay calm. Page me. - i stood up, leaving him behind.
-What's going on? - i asked seeing Christina stand in a doorway.
-Two and Mcdreamy are bonding, really. He just sent me away for yelling at two. He said i didn't teach her. I told her to stay at the wall, but he said i wasn't teaching her, and had her to the scans instead of me. Now they are laughing. - she pointed with her head to them.
-I don't believe it. I tried being nice, and now she is surrounding Derek. Laughing with him. - that's exactly when Lexie came to us.
-Dr.Shepherd sent me to tell you, OR 3 in ten minutes.
-Two, you get to use the Grey sister angle with attendings, but not with me. - Christina told her.
-It's Lexie. Or Grey. - she corrected her, taking a look at me, before sprinting away.

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