Big dinner

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-So...this is my house...It was my mother's house. - i unlocked the front door, and let her in. As soon as we entered, Izzie was standing in the hallway, ready to give Carolyn a tour.
-Mrs.Shepherd, it's nice to meet you! I'm Meredith's friend. And her roommate. - she cheered, barely letting her breath.
-Izzie, please let her at least take her coat off! - i sighed, as i let Derek help off mine.
-Yeah, sorry. - i shot Derek a look, as Izzie apolgised, and he just returned a Mcdreamy smile.
-Hey, Alex..- i turned into the living room.
-Mer. Shepherd. Mrs. Shepherd. - he nodded standing up, still in scrubs.
-Are you all doctors? - she asked surprised.
-Yeah. - i nodded chuckling.
-So...We should probably make dinner. - i turned to Derek.
-Have you eaten? - i turned to my friends.
-Okay.. So...dinner...- i entered the kitchen.
-Hey...- Derek caught my arm at the door of the kitchen, and turned me over.
-Relax. It's fine. She likes you. Take a breath. We're doing perfect. You are perfect. - but he didn't let make take one. He pinned me to the wall of the kitchen, behind the door, not letting anyone see us from the living room. I instantly pulled on his dark curls, and enjoyed the caressing that his tongue was giving me. A slight, quiet moan came out from my body as an instinct, unintentionally, when he sucked on my lips. In response to the sound, he buckled his torso against mine. In the next second i broke us apart. Until i had the power to broke us apart.
-Nope...We're not doing this..As much as i want to...I still have to charm your mother...So stop, until i can say your name without panting. - i smirked at him, and he just gave me a short kiss on the lips again, and pulled away, letting me go. When i reentered the living-room, i saw Izzie talking with Mrs.Shepherd easily, and when i appeared she shew me a disrespectful look. She took my tangled, messed up hair as an evidence of what've just happened between us in the kitchen with Derek. I saw Carolyn catch it, and smile under her nose. However, she left it without a comment.
-I think Derek is making dinner. Or starting. Izzie, please please help him, and i'll draw the table. Alex, change before you eat, kay? - i pulled the remote control out of his hands.
-Gladly. - Izzie stood up.
-So, Carolyn, i'll show you the guest room. Bathroom is at the end of the hallway. If you need something, please just tell me. Or Derek. But I'm sure Izzie would feel wonderful if once you've asked her...for help. She is...enthusiastic.
-I've noticed. Thank you, i will. I'll come and help you with the preparations.- she smiled at me.
-You don't have to!
-Yes, but dear, i want to! - she offered, smiling again.
-So what are you making? - i asked hugging Derek from behind.
-Your favorite.
-Chocolate cake?
-Then your third favorite. - he turned me around, putting a spoon in my hands.
-Taste it!
-Derek...this is...delicious...- i complemented him, when i felt the incredible taste of his soup.
-Should i taste it? - he asked me.
-Definitely. - i nodded tossing him the spoon, but instead he got me on the lips again, licking my tongue, stealing some of the amazing after taste of the soup. He pulled away, Mcdreamy look on his face.
-Yeah, i make pretty good soups. - he turned back. I was left there, recovering from his kiss, again, not being able to do anything about it.

-So, do you live here too? - Carolyn asked George as he sat down with us to the dinner table in the kitchen.
-Well, not anymore. I've just moved out last week.
-Oh. Not anymore? - she asked back.
-He lived here in the past, but now his room is empty. - i explained.
-Tell me Meredith, are you planning on keeping the house? After you move out. - she asked me again.
-Yeah. I'll let them live here. - i shew a light smile towards my friends, and couldn't not notice the relieved faces they were shoving me.
-Soup is here. - Derek brought in a big pot, and hopped down next to me.
-Is Lexie coming? - he whispered to me.
-Yeah, i think so. - just as Izzie, the last one to get some soup into her plate, the door opened.
A few minutes later, i saw Lexie enter, in socks, and in a sweater.
-Hey, Mer..- she froze when saw Mrs.Shepherd there, sending signals with her eyes.
-Hi, guys... - she hopped down slowly to the empty plates, keeping eye contact with me.
-It's a pleasure to see you again, Lexie. - Mrs.Shepherd greeted her.
-Yeah...You too.
-Do you have dinner together often?
-Sometimes. - George answered instead of me.
-As often as we can.. - Izzie added.
-But on-calls...and schedules mess it up. Most... of the time. - i started taking part in the conversation. As i finished another sentence asking about New York, i felt Derek's hands on my thigh, reminding me that i'm doing okay. Just fine.
After we've finished dinner, discussing some easier subjects, my friends left the room, keeping Derek and his mother with me in privacy.
-Meredith, thank you for dinner! And for introducing me to your friends! They're just lovely!
-Yeah...They can be a bit too much at first. But they are the best. - i smiled at her.
-Derek, what should i say? You've really learnt to cook.
-I have to keep her. - he nodded towards me, and i giggled out at his answer.
-I have a feeling that she wouldn't let you go now..
I was just about to react to her comment, when the front door opened again, after George said his goodbye, and Lexie came in.
-Mer...Can to you? - she asked me.
-Yeah, sure. - i followed her.
-Could i...stay here tonight? I know you said i can, but i just don't want to know.
-Lexie. You can stay here. Not just tonight. - i sighed.
-Look, if you don't want to live alone, and pay rent, you can take George's room. It's free now.
-Really? You would let me do that? After everything?
-Yeah. We have to. You know. We're sisters. - i used her term.
-Yes. We are. - she smiled and pulled me into a deep hug.

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