I need the nap (mature)

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I heard a sharp knock on the door, while i was playing with Zola.
-Mama? - she held my hand, to help her stand up.
-Yeah, Zozo? - she pointed to the door.
-Derek, can you open the door? Please? I think Izzie is here! - i shouted to the kitchen.
-I'm coming. - he appeared in the door, and kissed my cheek before unlocking the front door.
-Derek, hi! - Izzie hugged him.
-What took you so long? - i heard Christina's voice and chuckled at her reaction.
-Is Meredith here? - Lexie entered too.
-I'm here. - i looked out, still holding Zola's hand, while building a castle from toys.
-Good. - she came close and hugged me.
-Jexi! - our daughter recognized her.
-Hello Zozo! Did you build this beautiful - she looked at me for help.
-Castle. - i mouthed quietly.
-Did you build this beautiful castle? - and Zozo nodded.
-I brought you something. - Lexie pulled out something from her pocket.
-Dog? - she asked childlike.
-No. - Lexie chuckled.
-Baby? - she guessed again.
-Your baby brother is still in mommy's belly. - i explained to her.
-Cookie? - she asked again.
-You're close. Donut. - she looked at me, asking for my allowance to let her eat it.
-Go on. - i smiled.
-I brought you one too.
-You did? - i got surprised, and happy.
-Of course. - she handed me a chocolate donut.
-Oh, thank you. - i smiled, and my eyes teared up a bit.
-Oh, Mer, please don't cry, it's just a donut. - she looked at me, while going for a plate.
-So, Meredith, i'm gonna need you to go upstairs, so we can start decorating. - Izzie updated me.
-Uhm...Can't i stay? - i suggested, so i could keep count on how far she goes with the party.
-Nope. You need to go upstairs.
-I'll stay. - I heard Derek's voice, as he guessed my thoughts.
-Thanks. I'll go take a nap then. Zozo, do you want to nap with mommy? - i yawned.
-No! I help. I'm big girl. - she turned around, not so happy about my question.
-Can you at least give me a good night kiss? - i pleaded her, accepting her choice. She came close and pushed a small kiss on my cheek, and she crawled lower, leaving a kiss on my stomach.
-Thank you! Your brother really liked that. - i stroked her forehead once.
-I'll go. - i stood up, as Izzie's eyes were burning a hole into my back.
-Sleep. - Derek got me, kissing me once shortly. When i opened the door of our bedroom, i sighed, pushing off my pants, and just tying my bathrobe above my stomach. I fell into bed, closing my eyes, as i pulled a blanket over myself.
As i once turned in my sleep, i bumped into something. Not something, but someone. I kept my eyes closed, immediately knowing Derek was the one lying next to me. I snuggled a bit closer, and i felt his hand around myself. I felt his eyes on me, not looking away.
-You're staring. - i mumbled.
-Can't help it. You look beautiful.
-Beautifully fat. And pregnant. - i kept my eyes closed.
-With my baby. - his voice grew proud, and his hand found my bump. I opened my eyes and rolled them.
-You're hot. - he chuckled, not willing to look away from me soon.
-Mhm. - a low murmur escaped, as i turned over, letting my head rest on his chest.
-How carried away did Izzie get?
-There's blue. Kind of everything is blue. They have presents. - he admitted.
-What? I told them to keep it simple.
-You'll like it. - he assured me, but my skeptical look made him add something.
-Okay, you will maybe like it. - his fingers tilted my head towards him, holding my chin.
-And if i don't? - i moved a bit on top of him.
-I'll think of something. - he cocked one of his eyebrows. My body relaxed on top of his, and i closed my eyes again in the half dark room. My breathing slowly became even, and maybe i even started snoring a bit, while he was stroking my bare back, under the robe.
-Mer. - he whispered softly.
-They told me to wake you. That's why they sent me up. - the sound he made tickled my neck with his breath. - i shot my eyes once more, as i groaned annoyed. I shook my head slightly.
-We're napping. - i curled up my body to him, as his hands held our son from the outside, just as usual.
-Mer. You just woke up.- he pulled his fingers at the back of my neck, leaving me with goose-bumps.
-I need to sleep some more. - i knew the hoarse whisper i gave made him doubt himself.
-Mhm. You already napped.
-I like sleeping with you more. And your son does too, apparently.- i muttered.
-What do you mean? - he made me look in his ocean blue eyes.
-He's kicking me. And when you are here he kicks less. Just talk. - i closed my eyes again, and a small smile made the corner of my mouth twitch upwards, as i felt him relax against my body. Our bodies were matching perfectly with each other, and i was sure he could hear my heartbeat, as i could hear his from close. He pressed his lips against the pale, soft skin of my neck. We kept lingering and running between the border of being asleep and awake. My slight snoring and his even breaths were the only one that could be heard inside of our calm and deep paradise. But as i woke up, my sleepy thoughts kept roaming in my head.
-Yeah? - he nodded, and slammed his chin slightly against my shoulder, while he was still stroking my skin under the robe, drawing lines along my spine. He ran his hands up my arms, catching my blonde waves, curling some misbehaving ones around his finger, holding onto me physically, as i sunk into my usual silence.
-I love you. And Zo. And him. - i caught him off guard.
-I love you too. - his voice sounded loud in the quiet room, and the certainty of his words comforted me in a way that only he was able to. He moved his fingers to touch my cheeks, as i ran my fingers across his lips, tracking the outline of them, after being sure i mapped his jawline into my memory perfectly well. I kept the pad of my thumb on his lower lip, while he ran his fingers through my waves, letting some pieces escape and fall back to my shoulders.
As our eyes locked in the room ruled by heavy silence, i managed to hum his name deep from my throat.
-Derek. - i sunk my fist in his dark brown curls, urging him closer to my mouth. He lowered his head, as i was back on my side of the bed, lying on my pillow. He licked my lips, making me part them. I moaned as out tongs met, starting their usual dance of stroking and filling each other's mouths. My moan seemed to be forgotten as his teeth nipped against my neck, and i pulled on the dark strand of his hair. He made me sweat while i shivered under his touch, by glueing his tong to my body and filling my mouth with his sweet taste. I pulled his thin T-shirt above his head, moaning involuntarily, impatient. I arched my body into his touch, and my hands wondered on his chest, while his fingers slid into my panties, my robe completely gone now. He made my body vibrate and tremble, my lips part, my breathing uneven, and kept fulfilling my desire repeatedly. But i also did have an effect on him. He converted a moan with my name into some sort of short word, that i recognized. I pushed my lips to his neck in acknowledgement.
-Take...it off. - i mumbled, pressing myself to him, trying to make the too many layers in between us disappear. He smirked at me, and obligated.
My hair spilled all around me, while he was on top, and i kept getting lost in the sea of his dark blue eyes. I only concentrated on him, a feeling which contained shivering and trembling, falling and rising, moaning and sighing, but without a mistake was safe and comfortable. He groaned my name in a low melody, and made me spin into the well-known empty space, where only the two of us existed. My mind went blank, while our fingers were locked.

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