Addison Montgomery - my doctor

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-I'm here. - a strong hand took mine from Bailey's, and I immediately recognized his touch.
-Derek. - i sobbed, barely holding on.
-I'm here. You're going to be OK. - they switched places, and he pressed a small kiss on my tear covered cheeks, trying to comfort me.
-How come you are here?
-Richard wanted me to come and do a surgery on a pregnant lady. Tomorrow morning. I found her in the stairwell. - she answered his quiet question too.
-Thank you. - he nodded, fear in his eyes too, his voice trying to stay strong, as he showed some of his gratefulness without a question.
-I don't see bleeding. Or central abruption. Or any injury to the fetus. Him. But his heart rate is to high. She needs to relax. Or she might go into labor.- Addison told him, while staring at the screen of the computer, sending Ross for drugs, in case they needed them.
-He is only 33 weeks old!
-Derek, your son will survive even if Meredith gives birth. He would need to spend some weeks in the ICU, but he would survive. But we need to make sure he stays in. So, please try to make her relax a bit. - she asked him, as i cried out and blinked again.
-Meredith, describe the pain. - she asked me.
-Sharp. And everything tightens. And hurts. Really hurts. - i mumbled, clinging onto Derek's hand.
-She's having contractions? - i heard Christina's voice from somewhere.
-Yang, nice to see you again, but sit over there, so i can go closer. - Addison told her confident, and i swore she was scary.
-Derek, change her into a gown.
He held my hand, and soothed my hair. As i pulled him close to myself, his breath in my neck and his usual sense flooding me, i reviled. He wad here. With me. I was not alone. He pinned his chest to my back, and i leant my head on his shoulder. He was stroking my belly, his simple closeness helping me. His voice low and calming. My breath evened out a bit.
-Mer, you'll have to change. - he whispered calmly into my ears, making me shiver. As he left with this small action goose-bumps all over my body, i felt Addison's eyes on us.
-Keep going, heartbeat is decreasing. - she sighed, slightly smiling.
-A minute. - i asked Derek to stay like this for a bit more, sitting behind me, brushing his hand against mine, locking our fingers. Folding them in the best way.
-Think of Zola. Her cute smile. And how she calls you mama. She's the best kid, don't you think? She will love her brother. And we will too. Just think about the time when she put glitter all over the nursery, so his brother would like it.
-And the little elephant she chose for him. You can do this. You can totally do this. One step for now. You take a big breath. Think about these. And the lake. Her birthday party. Fishing together. And our wedding night. You are just as beautiful, as that night. Just keep breathing. And lift your arms please. - he whispered into my ears, and the room became quiet, different from what it was like 10 minutes ago. My head was deep buried inside of his chest.  I did as he told me so, trusting him, as he pulled it through my head, replacing it with the gown.
-Good. I love you. Don't stop breathing. Just keep it up. I'm here. Don't worry.
-Derek...what if...- i started, as a tear flipped put of my eyes.
-It's okay. He is okay. All you need to do is to relax. I'm here. And doctors are here. Lift your bottom for me a bit, please. - he asked me nicely, as my fingers ran through his dark curls.
I did as he told me so, and lifted my ass, and he pulled of my pants and panties at the same time, tossing it to Christina, and instantly covered me with the gown.
-Heartbeat normalized. - Addison sighed.
-Is the pain better? - she asked me.
-Bit. Not that often. In the...last 10 least. - i bit my lip.
-Good. You haven't gotten a big dose of medicine and drugs yet. They might stop on their own. Lessening is a step. But i need to check if you're dilated or not. Can you predict when they will come? - i shook my head violently as an answer.
-Is that...
-That's better. Means you're not in labor now. - she put on her gloves, and settled down in between my legs, ready to lift my gown, but first shooting me a questioning look.
-Shane, turn around. - i mumbled exhausted, and won a chuckle from Addison and Bailey too.
-Yes, Dr.Grey. - he obligated.
-What time is it? - i winced as i felt a needle stick me.
-Half past six.- Bailey answered, after looking at her watch, and Addison looked up from behind my knees.
-Zola. She's in daycare. She was supposed to be there until four thirty. - i closed my eyes in discomfort.
-Sorry. - she apologized when she saw me wince, but Derek's hot breath on my neck and around my ear made me forget it quickly.
-I'll go and get her. Spend the night with her. And send some of your stuff in with Izzie. Or Lexie. -Christina offered.
-Thank you. - i mumbled, with teary eyes again.
-You okay? Is it a contraction again? - Addison's worried eyes met mine, as i wiped them. And Derek's thumb wiped them.
-She doesn't mean it. - Ross joined the conversation.
-You know, Dr.Montgomery, she cries a lot. Always. - he explained, kind of turning back.
-Oh, okay. Hormones have caught you. - she smiled understandingly.
-Shane? Do you like working on general? And neuro? - i asked him with closed eyes.
-Yes, Dr.Grey.
-Then turn around, because when i work with you i don't want to know you saw me naked!
-Of course, Dr.Grey.
-I'll go and get Zola. - Christina stood up.
-There is leftover mac and cheese in the fridge. And give her cookies. She deserves them. Jar behind the - Derek started, still holding me close to himself.
-Behind the coffee box, i know. I can handle a night with my favorite goddaughter!
-Bye! - she exited, but as soon as the doors closed behind her, Lexie entered, revealing her worried form.
-Mer, what did you do? I told you you should stay at home! I was so worried! - she nearly jumped into my neck, and i chuckled. My eyes were nearly opened, and i was sure i dozed off a bit before her arrival, in Derek's safeness. However, Addison now was not settled in between my legs, but she pulled my gown up, putting a blanket on me, up until my low abdomen.
-Mhm. I'm sorry. - i mumbled, barely awake.
-I'm sorry, but who are you? - Addison asked her confused, while she started doing another ultrasound.
-I'm Lexie. - she blushed, in embarrassment.
-Lexie Grey. We're sisters. Or like half sisters.
-Okay, then. I think your contractions have stopped. Maybe one or two more, but that's it. You're not dilated. But you were nearly dilated once. You need to rest. Can't work until you give birth. At least not in the next week. You look exhausted, so you need sleep. And a lot of rest. And relax. Dr.Shane, thank you for your help, but i think you attendings would appreciate some privacy now. Uhm, Lexie, you can stay, but please let Meredith sleep, she really needs it to get back to her normal self, and not to give any more jump scares. I will come and check on you later, and throughout the night once. If anything happens, don't hesitate to page me. I think i'm staying longe than I anticipated, so it's not a problem.
Shane left the room in sync with Bailey, who made me promise i won't get up.
-Addison. -i called her name.
-Thank you. I...really appreciate it. Everything. Your help. After...everything. - i looked into her eyes.
-Of course.
-No. - i sighed.
-It's not an 'of course'. Most people wouldn't have stayed. And help thank you. Really. - i sighed, still barely able to keep my eyes opened.
-You are welcome. - an honest slight smile played on her lips.
-Addison...Can i talk to you? Just for a second. - Derek asked her, standing up, as he crawled out of bed from next to me.
-Yes, sure.
-Will you be OK for a bit? - he asked me, as he pressed a brief kiss on my lips.
-Mhm. -i accepted it, and squeezed his hand, letting him go.
-I'm staying. - Lexie assured me, and i nodded, as she came closer to me, and sunk into the closest chair, while holding my hand. I fell asleep.

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