I can't have champagne because i'm pregnant

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We were sitting at a restaurant, around a roundy table. While Derek was sitting next to me, secretly locking our fingers together under the table, Lexie was fidgeting with her soup on my other side. We were all here. Mark and Christina. Arizona and Callie.
-Christina, put your phone away please. I need to tell you something. - Callie asked her.
-Oh, sorry, i'm ...i'm just quick texting Owen.
-Sexting. - i corrected her nodding, after i threw a look into the phone over her shoulder.
-No. I'm sure she's...she's trying is what she's doing. - Arizona protected her.
-Well, look at you. You just broke up with the guy, and here you are texting him. - Callie turned the situation around.
-Mer's right. I'm sexting. - she shrugged her shoulders.
-Oh, well. - Callie laughed.
-Even better. - Mark smiled too.
-So. It feels strange. And scary. But also exciting. - Callie started, and i used the distraction to push my glass filled with red wine to Derek. He squeezed my hand once, after i shot him a questioning look, and he signed suggested it was fine.
-Now we officially own the hospital. - she announced.
-Congratulations for you! - Lexie cheered first, and she was followed by all of us.
-And we are gonna celebrate that. - Arizona laughed out.
-So we are gonna toast. - Callie encouraged her.
-Come on! Toast! - Mark turned towards them. The waiter appeared with a bottle of champagne, and poured some to everyone, getting to me as the last one. I felt Lexie's looks burn myself, and i noticed Derek shifting uncomfortably in his seat too, uncertain of our next move.
-Oh no, thank you. - i put my hand over my glass, blocking the top. Christina lifted her eyes on me too, not focusing on anybody else.
-Yes, she's having champagne. Grey, we're all having champagne. So - Callie asked me.
-No, i can't. - i smiled to myself.
-Just try. Try. Come on, just try. - Arizona asked me too, with hopes in her eyes.
-Come on, is it too much to ask you to try? - Callie pleaded me. I was happy for them. Wonderfully happy. And i did not want to break their enthusiasm. That led me to the next sentence.
-I can't, because i'm pregnant.
-What? - Callie first got it.
-Aww..- Lexie smiled too.
-W..W..W..What? - Arizona turned to Callie for conformation.
-And i'm happy so let's celebrate! - Derek kissed my cheek, and i raised my glass which was filled with water.
-Oh my goodness!
-Congrats, man! - Mark hit Derek's back.
-Well, congratulations. - Christina turned to me, and Lexie was already hugging me.
-Cheers! - Arizona started by hitting her glass to mine, and it was quickly followed by everyone else's.

-This night was great, wasn't it? - i asked Derek when we got into the car.
-Yeah. It really was.
-But we are finally in the car. My feet hurt. - i sighed.
-I need some ice cream. Do we have ice cream at home? - i asked him while pushed my shoes off of my feet.
-We have strawberry. Is that OK? - he kissed my lips once.
-I don't want strawberry. Vanilla. I'd like some vanilla.
-We can grab some at the supermarket on the way home. - he started the car.
-Really? You'd do that? - i melted.
-Mer, of course i will. You can stay in the car if you want to.
-I love you. - i told him.
-Well, you are not hard to please, are you? Vanilla ice cream and a feet massage maybe? - he chuckled.
-I know i married you for a reason. I only need Zola now. - i smiled to myself.
-Derek. - i called his name when he stopped the car in front of the house, already with the ice cream.
-My feet hurt.
-I'm sorry. Maybe i can -
-I don't want to put on back those terrible shoes. - i sighed and a tear escaped my eyes.
-It's okay, you don't have to. Mer. Look at me. - he wiped a tear.
-Mhm. I am so tired. - i sighed again.
-I know. - he caressed my cheeks.
-It's okay. Wait a minute. - he jumped out of the car, and opened the door for me.
-Pick up the shoes, please. - he told me. I took them into my hand, and he turned around, offering his back for me.
-Piggyback ride?
-You know, it's very comfortable and it's cheap. A kiss to the door. - he took me onto my back, as i was holding the ice cream in my other hand.
-Worth it. - i rested my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes, until he pressed a button on the keys and the car closed. I jumped a bit with every step of his, until he opened the door wide, and we entered. I stayed on his back, as we walked into the living-room, where we found Izzie watching TV, while Zola was sleeping next to her peacefully.
-Hi! How was it? - she asked me.
-Good. Exhausting. And i told them something. - i updated her, as Derek dropped me carefully onto the couch.
-What did you tell them?
-I'm pregnant.
-What? Mer, congratulations! I am so happy for you! How far along are you? - she pulled me into a hug instantly.
-Nine weeks.
-Wow...Do you have a bump yet?
-Just a really small one. - i pulled up my shirt, showing her my slightly swollen stomach.
-Damn, your boobs have gotten bigger!
-Izzie! - i giggled out.
-What? It's true. I think he noticed it too. - she nodded towards Derek.
-Congratulations! - she hugged him too.
-Thank you for babysitting tonight. Do you want to stay over?
-Nope. Alex is waiting for you. Thanks though.
-Mer. - she turned back.
-Can i tell Alex?
-I...yeah. - i sighed, giving in.
-He's gonna be so happy! Congrats, Mer! - she hugged me once more.

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