C-section in the dark

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-Well, i didn't think i would see you again so soon! - Connie entered.
-Her contractions are every four minutes apart. - Derek told her.
-And she doesn't want drugs. - Christina added, holding my hand.
-But just have some in case she changes her mind.
-She won't, Derek!
-Can everybody just please, shut up? - i broke them apart.
-Sorry. - he muttered, as Connie's pager went off.
-I am sorry, i will be back in a minute. - she exited the room, nearly running.
-Derek, bring her back! I feel like i need to push, i want to push, i need to know if i can!
-I am going. - he stormed out, running after her, just to return later with a furious face.
-A mum had a complication, and they need her for a surgery! She is sending a resident. A resident!
-Derek, i want a doctor! A normal doctor! Not a resident! - i cried in pain.
-Okay. - he took a big breath.
-You need a doctor. And i am getting you one.
-Addison. - Christina blurted out.
-What? - i looked at her in confusion.
-Addison is still here. At the hospital. I saw her getting ready to leave. And she is one of the best doctors. You need Montgomery.
-I...i..don't know. - i muttered.
-She is the only chance. Or a resident. - Derek admitted.
-Are you okay with this? - i looked at him.
-I...I don't think we have any other options here. We don't want to risk it. And she is one of the bests in the field.
-Fine...Bring her, please..- i cried out with another contraction.
-I'm running. - Christina let go of my hand.
-Dr.Montgomery! Addison! I..i need you. - Christina entered the attendings' lounge.
-Is everything okay? - she furrowed her brows.
-It's Meredith. She is labor. Actual labor. And her OB was pulled into surgery. And by now her contractions are about...like two minutes apart.
-I'm going. - she stood up, getting her white coat, following her rapidly.
They entered my room to a desperate moan.
-Addison, thank you so much. - Derek nearly jumped into her neck as she opened the door.
-Let's get this baby out, shall we? - she quickly put on gloves.
-I want to push. Can i push? - i shut my eyes in pain.
-I'm checking. - she sat down in between my legs. The expression on her face immediately changed.
-What's going on? - Christina noticed it right away.
-Meredith, i need you not to push.
-What? Why? - i raised my head, to force myself to look at her.
-There's face presentation. I can feel his face. You need a C-section.
-A C-section? I do not want surgery. Derek, i am scared. - a tear flipped out.
-I know. - he kissed my cheek.
-It's just a C. Mer, it's barely a surgery for you. It's not a big thing.
-No offense. - she turned into Addison's direction, who just shook her head, showing that she doesn't mind. And that's when the power went out. Dark in the whole room.
-Derek. - i muttered breathlessly.
-I'm here. - he didn't let go of my hand.
-Don't panic. It's just the lights. The generator is gonna turn back on any sec. - he continued, but i could sense the nervousness in his voice.
-It's gonna be fine. - Christina added too.
-Derek...- i cried out in the tightness again.
-Any second.
-Can't you just...rotate the baby? And change his direction? - Christina asked Addison.
-It's a very risky procedure. Even in normal circumstances. For Meredith and for the baby too.
-Dr.Yang! Doctor Webber needs you in OR2! - Ross entered with a flashlight in his hands.
-To do what? I can't operate in the dark! No-one is operating in the dark! - she pointed at Addison.
-You just go. I'll be fine. - i let go of his hand, as Derek was stroking my head.
-Okay...Happy you come here. Update me as soon as they made a decision. - she ordered Ross.
-Addison, what are the risks of repositioning the baby?
-Not the minor risks. The big, ugly, major risks! - i panted, and automatically clenched onto Ross's hand.
-Because i am a magnet for those!
-It's not an option here. Meredith, when i say a vaginal delivery is not an option now, i mean it. If you want to see your boy alive, we need to start a C-section. I can prep you for it, and it will not endanger you and the baby. Right away. Natural delivery would hurt the baby's neck, which can be fatal for him. And for you, Meredith too. Derek, you need to have the surgery. - she explained, as i curled on my side.
-We're having a C-section in the dark. - i looked at her accepting what she told us.
-Yeah. We are. - Derek sighed too.

-I've heard you partially own the hospital. - Addison started a conversation while i was already lying on the table.
-Yeah. Tough ride. - Derek answered honestly.
-Addison. - i called her name with a broken voice.
-Can you...get him out safely? - i asked her trembling in fear.
-I'll do my best.
-What about William? - Derek asked me, trying to distract.
-I like Sebastian.
-Sebastian Shepherd? It's a bit of a mouthful. - he chuckled.
-Brooks. - I heard Ross's voice.
-I'm not giving birth to a country singer.
-No, it's...i see Heather. Brooks.
-Dude! You're operating in the dark? On your wife? - her voice jumped an octave.
-Yeah. - Derek kept stroking my head in the cap.
-Chief Hunt asked me to go around in the ORs and tell everybody that they are trying to fix the emergency lights.
-You can give a hand with these lights. - an answer came from Addison.
-Okay. I'll be starting now.
-Wait! - i stopped her.
-I'm scared. - i panicked.
-There's nothing to be scared of. We can do this. Everything will be fine. Okay? - i nodded once.
-Ross, light! - Addison ordered her, ruling us out.
-You said you're scared at the wedding. About marrying me. Look how that turned out. - he whispered.
-I love you. - my teary eyes shut closed for a second.
-And the baby is out! - She announced gladly.
-What do you see? - i asked Derek.
-I don't know. It's too dark.
-I don't hear him crying. Why isn't he crying? Please talk to me. I don't hear him crying.
One of the most unbearable minutes of my life were those. When nobody talked to me. He wasn't crying. Not even a little fuss. A tear escaped my eyes. But then i saw Derek come closer from the corner of my eyes, with him in his hands. And then that little cry finally escaped him.
-Look at that! He's perfect. He's just perfect - he lowered the baby a bit, so i could see him, and i immediately became emotional. I started crying, and let the previous fear and the whole thing get out of me. His face was...perfect. His eyes are as blue as mine, hut on the top of his head those usual brown curls. The ones that Derek had. The most perfect ones.
-Derek! - i called his name.
-His breathing is shallow. SATs are low.
-Why are his SATs low?
-In the dark like this it's hard to be sure. But that's not uncommon. Especially with babies who come out earlier. Go get him into the NICU and make sure everything is checked. - Addison supported me.
-Derek, go with him! Do not leave him for a second! Do you hear me?
-Okay. Guys, don't leave her side, make sure she is okay. Do you understand me? - he turned to the interns.
-Got it. Yes sir. - they answered in sync.
He pulled off his mask, and quickly gave me a peck on the lips, and followed the nurse who was wheeling him out, sticking to her.
-Good. That was good. I mean the cry was loud. And he looked good. You saw him, right? Didn't he look good? - i tried comforting especially myself.
-Right. I guess so. - Brooke answered.
-I didn't get the best look. - Ross said too.
-Say good things. You don't have the information, when you are talking to the mother pf a newborn, you say good things. To help her. Because 9 out of 10 times that's what's going to happen. The good things. - Addison smiled at me assuringly, while giving a lesson to the interns.
-Okay, Meredith. I've closed your uterus and i just started to suture your incisions. I need one more hand to help me finish. Do you trust any of these guys to help me? Did you teach them that? -Addison looked at them for an answer, and then checked me too.
-I'll do it. - Brooke involuntarily applied.
-You stole neuro, you are not doing this. This is my surgery, my patient, my incision. Mine. And you know how? Dr. Yang told me to. The patients best friend, who is also an attending.
Dr.Grey, i'm sorry, that was inappropriate. - he apologized to me after.
-It's okay, Ross. I like the enthusiasm, go scrub in.
-Thank you. - he ran out instantly.

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