Proposal - I want to spend the rest of my life with you

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I was just about to take an elevator. The doors were about to open, so i walked over there, ready to step inside, and get to the lobby to meet Derek. We've arranged to meet there, and go home. Just sleep, and enjoy being together for a bit. Without worries. It's been confirmed, official now, that Izzie is tumor free. She survived the surgery. Most of her senses worked, and the ones that weren't perfect yet, will be in the next 48 hours. Just before i stepped into the elevator, chief appeared in front of me, and blocked the way.
-You can't take that one. - he told me fully seriously, blocking my way until the doors closed.
-I will take the elevator i want to take. - i looked at him confused and irritated, and pushed the buttons twice again, waiting for another one. As another elevator was about to get there, i stood in front of it, and he nodded.
-Go on. - i couldn't possibly think about a reason why he's been acting so childish, and strange, but i let it go. It wasn't worth of ruining my evening. As the doors opened, i stepped in, and my breath hitched. Derek was standing there. Damn perfectly. His hear all Mcdreamy. With a blue shirt, and a tie. Welcoming me. I looked around. Scans and films everywhere. The walls filled with detailed descriptions and charts, MRIs and CTs, names and prescriptions.
-Hey. Come on in.- he held my hand.
-De..Derek. What are you - i started rambling confused, but he interrupted me.
-This is a CT for Katie Bryce. 16 year old female. Subarachnoid hemorrhage.
-From a fall during rhythmic gymnastic. I remember.
-It was the first surgery we ver scrubbed in on together. Our first save.- he pointed to some scans hanging on the wall.
-Cerebral cyst we removed. It was tough, but we did it. After that surgery i kissed you in the stairwell.- he led me to to other corner of the elevator, and my eyes became watery as he held my hand, locking our fingers.
-This - he pointed to another film.
-Is the surgery that Bailey kicked you out of. Because she caught us in your parking lot in the car. - i giggled behind my wet eyes, squeezing his hand once as I remembered that time. Me in his shirt, and he naked in the front seat.
-Chief's scans from before he saw me kissing you. He said we're making a mistake. But you were never a mistake. We were never a mistake.
-This is from the time you held a clamp for 7 hours straight next to me, and never flinched. We were fighting back then. That's when i knew you were going to be a great surgeon, but i never told you. - i held back a tear which was about to escape.
-And after this man woke up from the coma - he pointed.
-You agreed to go out on a date. Again. We went and got coffee. A week later you told me that you love me and i need to choose you.
-When you met Lexie and asked me for advice about it. The first time you seriously asked for my help, after we had an OR date above this little girl.
-The day i pulled you out of the sea. These are your scans. I was...broken and numb and lost...when i thought you died. And this is the day you built me the candle house. - he put my bangs behind my ears.
-We had a cold the next day. - he chuckled.
-Beth Monroe's scans, the first patient who ever survived our trial. - he drew my attention. Next to it there was a front page of a magazine, where they wrote about us. We were standing next to each other in scrubs, posing on the covers.
-First time we were on covers. I hope it's not the last one.
-You talked me into operating on her, and you helped me through it. That's when i knew i needed you. That i couldn't let you go once more. After i already did. - that held back tear accidentally escaped, and now i barely saw anything. He pulled some hair out of my face, and wiped a tear.
-And this..Izzie Stevens, post-op CT from today. Tumor free brain. And that's because of you. You made me go into that OR. If there is a crisis, you don't freeze. You move forward. And you make everyone else move forward. - he turned me to himself, facing him.
-Because you've seen and survived worse. - he looked deep into my eyes.
-You know we will survive too. - as he said it, my inside was melting into pieces. I didn't want to, and couldn't keep in my happy tears anymore, but he kept wiping them with his fingers, one after another. He kept my cheek in his hand, stroking it slightly with his thumb, while talking to me.
-Being dark and twisty is a strength. Not a flaw. - i smiled at his comment again, as he quoted me.
-I won't get down on one knee and ask you a question. Because i want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you. I love you more than anything, Meredith. - he looked into my eyes.
-I love you too. And i want to spend the rest of my life with you.- i smiled at him, and he pulled me into himself, sinking into an emotional, and passionate kiss. He kissed me like never before. Our tongues met, and danced their usual routine, but with special electrical sparks around them. He held my back, and pulled back a fistful of my blonde waves, while i fidgeted with his dark browns, like a thousand times before, but it still felt new. My salty tears reached our connected mouthes, and i felt them surround us. When he broke apart, he pulled out a box from his pocket. I held out my shaky right hand for him. He carefully opened the black package, and pulled out a beautiful shiny ring from it. My eyes grew big. First he held my hand for a moment, stopping it from the crazy shake, and then slid the circle ring on it. It fit me perfectly. As it reached the back of my ring finger, he pressed a soft kiss onto my hand, and i pulled him close to myself again, gluing our mouthes together.
Standing there in the middle of an elevator in the hospital might seem like a cliche, but it felt like the most perfect and suitable thing ever. Elevators were our places. And that one. Where he first asked me out, and we ended up making out. Where we continued making memories. This was that lift. And now, nearly six years later, i was kissing him, at the same spot. And he was sharing the taste with me there. But not as my boyfriend. But as my fiancé.

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