Sister dinner

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-Okay...Is everything ready? - i asked Derek, when i finished laying the table with Lexie.
-Mer, i think everything is perfect. - my sister told me.
-And this house is so should've been designers. - Derek chuckled at her.
-Thanks. - i smiled at her.
-Lexie...i just wanted to tell you..that i'm happy you're here. - i looked at her.
-Me's better than being alone tonight. - her face turned to a sad smile.
-Is there something...that you always did on her birthday? - i asked her.
-We had balloons. Most of the time.
-If you want we can pump one. - i offered her, and enjoyed her smile when she accepted it.
-Der, where are the balloons? - i shouted to him from the living room.
-Cabinet next to the TV. - he answered back from the kitchen. I opened it, revealing a lot of crap. From my house, and his trailer. This cabinet had everything that we didn't use. I scanned it, but i didn't see one single balloon, which we could've used.
-It's not in here. - i yelled to him again. Soon enough, he appeared behind my back, and stretched his arm next to my ear, to reach the inside of the cabinet, and pulled out the package of balloons. He chuckled when he handed it to me.
-Thanks. Love ya. - i kissed his cheek, giggling, and he went back to the kitchen.
Ten minutes later a balloon was floating near the fireplace, and i watched as Lexie's eyes sometimes kept wondering there. When the doorbell rang, i took Derek's hand, gripping my fingernails probably a bit too roughly into his skin, trying to find comfort.
He opened the door, and both of us stood there, welcoming his family.
-Hi dear! - his mother hugged me, and then Derek.
-The house looks beautiful from the outside! - Liz complemented it politely.
-It really is stunning. - Amelia smiled at us.
-Come in! - i opened the door more, to let them in. When we've reached the point, where we were over the hugs, i invited them into the living room.
-Lexie is here too. I hope it's not a problem. - i told them putting her in the spotlight. Or i just thought i would. I always felt Nancy's attentive look on myself.
-Of course not! - Carolyn hugged her too.
-How was your day? - Lexie asked them.
-We went sightseeing. Turns out the town is quite nice here. But the rain...- Kathleen pulled the corner of her mouth.
-Coast is my favorite. - Amelia added.
-Would you like a tour of the house? - Derek asked them.
-Yeah. - Liz nodded, following Derek around in the house. Most of her sisters went behind him, except Nancy.
-The house looks great. - she told me when only the two of us were left in the living room.
-Thank you. We designed it. - i shew her a sh smile.
-Meredith..I don't mean to hurt you. I just need to know. Do you love my brother? Or just...
-I do. I...i promise you i do..There were times...hard times..- i sighed.
-When we started dating. And when Addison...came to Seattle. We separated. For him to give her another chance. But i loved him even then. I think...i never stopped. But it took me some time. To confess it. - i finished, raising my head to look into her eyes, not sure why i told him all of this.
-I know he loves you. His face..lights up when he sees you. Or talks about you. When someone mentions your name. And on the wedding...he couldn't stop smiling. And i know you do the same. But he...
-Is your brother. And you don't want him to be disappointed. - i guessed her thoughts.
-Yes. And i know i've been hard. With questions and...everything. I'm sorry for that.
-I understand. - i nodded.
-You are not a hugger, are you? - she asked watching my movements.
-Good. Me neither. - she joked, and followed me into the kitchen.

-Derek, you've really managed to learn how to cook. - Liz complemented him.
-Thanks..You know, i need to keep her. - he chuckled at me.
-Yeah...i'm...not the greatest chef. - i blushed.
-Lexie, do you like cooking? - Carolyn asked her.
-I actually do. But i like baking more.
-She is way better than i am. - i smiled at her, and she returned it, but i saw her eyes drifting off to the balloon, standing in the corner.
-You ok? - i whispered to her, while the other started a conversation about Kathleen's job.
-Seriously? No. - she sighed.
-Do you want me to excuse you? - i asked her, when i saw some tears collide in the corner of her eyes.
-No. - she sighed.
-I'll go to the bathroom. - she excused herself.
-Do you want some more wine? - Derek asked them, and after getting a 'yes', he poured some into the glasses.
-What is going on at the hospital? - Amelia asked us.
-Actually, there is a merger...with Mercy West. - i told them.
-Yeah. Richard announced it today. Tomorrow some of the stuff will be fired. And tonight. First doctors arrive in the morning. - Derek shared some more information.
I sat at the table, but in my mind, i was thinking about something else. Lexie. She's been gone for minutes now. And i was worried about her. I remembered the time it was my mother's birthday. And how much support i needed. And how collapsed i felt.
-I'll go check on Lexie. - i mumbled to Derek, catching his eyes, and he just nodded.
I walked to the end of the hallway, to the bathroom, and knocked twice short. No answer came, so i pushed the door, and entered. I saw Lexie sitting on the cold tile of the floor, keeping her head in her hands. As i saw her, i instantly sat down next to her, pulling the bathroom carpet under our bottoms, pushing it under her too. As she kept breathing heavy, and sometimes a sob came out of her, i kept stroking her back. I pulled the hair out of her face, and hugged her to myself, not caring about her tears, which fell on my shoulder. We stayed like that for long minutes. Her body hitched, but i kept sitting there, holding her in my arms, soothing her back. When her sobs stopped for a moment, i handed her some toilet to blow her nose. She took it gracefully. When she looked at me, my heart was breaking for her. Her make up collapsed under her eyes, her cheeks were red, and her eyes looked exhausted while being red. We washed her eyes, and removed the make-up, and the cold water has helped her face too. When we stood up, ready to go back, she turned to me.
-Thank you. - she bit her lip.
-No need. - i smiled at her, and opened the door for us. When i shot a final look at her, the results weren't the best, but still better than when i entered. Her eyes were red, and maybe her hand was shaking a bit, but other signs didn't shout that she was crying painfully three minutes ago. However, it was still kind of obvious. When i entered the dining-area again, my eyes immediately connected with Derek. He was asking silently about us. I shook my head a bit, telling him that this is not the time. He got it, and stayed wordless. But his mother didn't.
-You okay, dear? - warmth could be heard from her voice. Lexie just nodded. As we sat back, dessert was already on the plates. They've waited for us.
-So...are we celebrating something? - Kathleen asked looking at the balloon. It's a..tradition. - i looked at Derek for help, as i knew Lexie's body was tensing, not far away from breaking down.
-It's for Lexie. - he helped me out. Her sister's eyes focused on her, but she kept looking down, keeping her hands in her lap. The curious look were radiating around.
-For her mother. - i told them after a moment of silence. They got the hint, and it wasn't the subject of the conversation anymore.
When the sound of forks has stopped, because we all finished eating the dessert, the phone started ringing.
-I'll pick it up. - Lexie jumped up.
-Mer, what was with her? - Derek turned to me, seizing the opportunity.
-She should sleep over tonight. - i told him.
-That bad?
-Needs company. Just don't ask her. Until she tells you anything. - i warned him, feeling the girls' eyes on us.
-You know, i have a name! - Lexie spoke into the phone.
-Yeah. She will call you back. Bye. - she put it down.
-The emails have been sent. That was Christina calling to make sure you are not fired. And she told me to specifically tell you, that she will kick Richard's ass if he fires you - she looked at Derek.
-And share your mother's diaries about him if he fires you. - she looked at me.
-I like her. - Nancy commented, and i chuckled.
-Let's see..-Derek opened his cell phone, in sync with Lexie.
-I still have a job. - he turned to me.
-He wasn't gonna kick you out! - Amelia said to him.
-You bring him fame.
-Mer! I'm in the program! He kept me in! - Lexie turned to me, and i closed her into my embrace.
-Congratulations! - Carolyn told us.
-I need to know to...- i pulled out my cell too, but the house phone started ringing again. Lexie picked it up.
-I am not fired! - she picked it up without looking at the caller id. Her action made me laugh, as well as Liz.
-Oh, all of you are there..Yeah, of course Derek is not fired. Please stop shouting...- she talked into the phone.
-Mer, Christina is telling you that you should learn to open emails faster. - she held  the phone away from her ear.
-I'm telling her that she should learn to be more patient..- i sighed, and opened the new notification. I read through the letter.
-Yes, i'm working tomorrow! And after that! - i smiled at her, accepting the small kiss from Derek.
-I'm sorry for this...But most of the time something is happening. - i apologized from the guests.
-It's okay. - Nancy assured us.
-You kids have too much stress as doctors...-Carolyn smiled at us.

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