High on morphine and post surgery

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-You are a really great friend.In fact you are my best friend in the whole entire woorld. - i said making the last word longer.
-You are so high right now. - she laughed, keeping her legs up on my bed.
-What if i dye?
-You won't dye.
-Everyone would just remember me as the girl who screwed two doctors.
-One doctor, one vet. And you haven't done the vet yet.
-But nobody knows that.
-Grey, you have a high white cell count, and a fever. That suggest you have
-Appendicitis. - George, Christina and Bailey finished together, in a sync, and i added it mumbling something under my nose.
-Pendicities. Pendicities. Appenditicites. - finally i could say it.
-O'Malley, you are scrubbing in, prep Dr.Grey for the surgery.
-Is that a good idea, Dr.Bailey? Am i the only one who remembers that the last time George did an appy, the man almost dies? Sorry George - I looked into his direction.
-Meredith - Derek came in, stepping to the other side of the bed.
-You are soo handsome. - i said when seeing his curls, and grabbing his hand.
I heard Christina giggle in the corner, and Derek was smiling at me, while George turned away.
-Let's see. Your complexion is flushed, and the wall of your stomach is tender. High white sell count and fever, i see. - he said caressing her cheeks.
-Any new information Dr.Shepherd? If there is not, you can leave. - Bailey sent him a death glare.
-You are pretty. - i sent Dr.Bailey a nose scrunch with the compliment.
-Meredith, how are you? - Finn entered the room.
-Now all my boys are here!!! Can i say how much it helps now that i am on drugs? - i turned to Christina, and got a cheesy smile back.
-You are all soo hands...handsome...and such good kissers...and you have soft haiir... - i turned to Derek.
-And hands - i turned to Finn.
-And a cute nose. - eventually i turned to George.
-You two have dated? - Finn's brow flew into the sky.
-You didn't know that? -Derek turned to Finn.
-Well it wasn't a date...just a disastrously uncomfortable sexual activity.
-Oh god! I need to leave. -    George turned red.
-You all need to leave. This woman is having a surgery! Everybody needs to leave! Not you O'malley, you come back! - Bailey ordered.
-I'll be here when you wake up! - Derek waved goodbye.
-So will i. -Finn answered.
-Everybody out, before i get angry! - Bailey ordered once again.

An hour later
-On the table, keep me draped! Too many people have seen me naked already. 8'd like to keep whatever dignity i have left. - i said to George while he was pushing me through the hallways.
-Mcsteamy!Mcsteamy. Wohoo! - i yelled to Mark, as we passed him.
-Mcsteamy? Is that what you!re calling me now?
-Yeah, but I don't think you're supposed to know that...
-How is my favorite dirty mistress?
-Haven't you heard? Now I'm an adulterous whore!
-I officially make you the president of our club! Now go O'malley! Take care of her! - Mark said passing us.

I woke up feeling like crap. Everything hurt inside of me, i could barely move, my throat was sore, and i was nearly as exhausted as in the first intern year of my life. I still felt nauseous, and kept my eyes shut for a long moment, before opening them.
-Meredith, how are you? - Derek asked, immediately hopping up as he saw that i opened my eyes. His dark brown curls were the first thing i noticed.
-Cr...crap. - i muttered under my breath.
-Do you want some water? - he asked with a pink cup with a straw in it in his hands, and i nodded eagerly, hoping it could make me feel better. He came closer, holding the straw to my mouth, and i started drinking the cold water in small amounts, but quickly. He pulled my hair out of my face, putting it behind my ear.
-Are you dizzy? - i shook my head as he pulled away the empty cup.
-But I'm exhausted. - i lied back to my pillows.
-I'll tell Bailey you woke up. Sleep, Mer. You need it. - he turned around and left the room. I let my eyes shut, wandering in the dark, accepting the pull which made me sleep right away.
-Dr.Grey! Dr.Grey! Meredith! It is time to wake up! - i heard an irritating voice pull me out of my relaxing sleep.
-Mhmm. - I groaned.
-Mer, sweetie, get up! - I heard another voice, speculating it was Finn's.
-I slowly opened my eyes, seeing two figures in front of me, and some others in the background.
-The surgery went well, however to avoid infections, and complications, you will need to stay here for a minimum of 24 hours after the surgery. We will keep you under observation for that time. I am sure you are familiar with the possible side effects of the surgery, but i will tell you anyway. Nausea is okay in the first day, vomiting can happen after your first meal, we hope you won't have a fever. You need to relax, to come back to normal, and no stress until then. Any discomfort, you're feeling?
-Khm, a bit nauseous. - i said, trying to process all of the information i got in the last minute.
-Also, we need to keep you hydrated! - he handed Finn the pink cup, filled with water again.
-For now, just water, and a simple, easy dinner later on, but don't forget that! A nurse will page me if you have a problem. Now seeing that you won't be alone, I am leaving now. - she said closing the hospital door behind herself.
-Mer, you okay? - Christina came back up to me from the corner, with George.
-Fine...- i sighed.
-We have evening rounds now, but call us if you need anything. -George said leaving us with Finn alone.
-Drink Mer. Remember? You need to hydrate. - Finn came close, putting the straw to my mouth, patting my back.
-I promised to check on a dog, i've been here since noon, so i need to leave now.
-Were you here the whole time? - i asked surprised.
-Yeah. - i smiled at his response.
-Just go! I will be okay.
-I'll be back later! -he left the room, leaving me alone. I closed my eyes again, trying to relax, and trying to beat the exhaustion that was trying to pull me into sleep. That's when i heard the door open, and i slightly opened my eyes, seeing the familiar brown curls.
-Derek. Hi!
-Did i wake you?
-Bailey said you woke up, and needed something to eat.
-Yeah...about that...i am not so hungry...
-Mer, you need to at least try eating. - he stroked my head, as i closed my eyes again, resting against the pillow.
-Fine...- i sighed.
-What do you have? - i asked looking at the white box in his hands.
-A toast with scrambled eggs. It's easy, but gives you energy. - he smiled, handing me the box.
-We need to talk...- he looked at me, and the previous smile of his has already disappeared. -Look Mer. Finn...He loves you. And he is the better guy...He hasn't hurt you...Not once...
-Derek...- i stopped, closing the box, he had handed me earlier, as my first tear flipped out.
-I am being the better guy...I am walking away...I love you. I love you enough to walk away.- he sat down on my bed-site.
-Now, do you want me to stay until you eat?
After taking a minute to think, i nodded my head, still shaking a bit.
-Mer.No stress. - he held my trembling hands for a moment, just for a brief moment, before letting go of them.
-Now eat. - I opened the box, pulling out the fork, and taking a tiny bite of the scrambled eggs and the toast, which was still a bit warm. We sat in silence, sometimes briefly making eye contact. The food wasn't bad, but I didn't have a big appetite. The knot in my stomach grew bigger and bigger as i kept thinking of Finn and Derek. When i was nearly full, but the half of the scrambled egg still was in the box, i felt a wave of nausea hit me, and my face went from the normal color to white. Derek was watching me closely while i was taking the tiny bites before, so he instantly noticed the change, and he handed me the can with an incredible reflex, that was put there by nurses before for emergencies like this. As soon as i could, i put my head over it, and spilled to the contents of my stomach in there. He came behind me, and rubbed circles on my lower back, keeping my hair out of the way. I kept sighing heavily, and straightened myself when i felt ready, just to go back once more. He held my loose ponytail out of the way, and stroked my back. When i was finished, i kept my eyes closed, because i couldn't bear the look, or the smell. He recognized the situation, and quickly got rid of the can, putting it next to the trash can, and paged Bailey. He came back next to me with a towel which was cold, and put it on my forehead, getting up from next to me, when he finished rearranging it. He was getting ready to leave.
I slightly opened my eyes, snatched after his hand.
-Please stay...just for a while. I don't...wanna be alone. - he nodded with a worried look in his eyes, and came back next to me, stroking my head. I melt into his touch, not wanting to move, or upset my stomach.
-What happened? - Bailey stormed in, taking in the look in front of her.
-She was eating, and had a little emergency. - Derek nodded towards the filled can at the end of the room.
-I don't think so.
-Grey can you hear me?
-Mhm. - i groaned.
-Okay. I am gonna take some blood. Shepherd open the window, the smell is getting unbearable even for a healthy stomach. I'll get here a nurse. And page Yang to bring her some other clothes, she needs to change. - pointing to the some place soaked hospital gown.
Derek opened the window, and just after half a minute Christina arrived with a loud noise.
-What happened? - she questioned, but as soon as she saw Shepherd holding my hand, Bailey taking my blood, the opened window, and my clothes, in addition with the can, she understood without an answer.
-Oh Mer..
-Yang bring a nurse, and new clothes! Now! - as Bailey drew my blood she ordered.
I still felt like crap, but the nausea was getting slightly better thanks to the fresh air.
When Bailey left the room, Christina arrived, with a nurse, ready to change her person.
-Shepherd leave! I'm helping her change.
-Keep her hydrated! Goodbye Mer! - he said with a sad smile, leaving the room.
-Hands up! - Christina ordered, and untied Meredith's dirty gown, pulling it off, revealing my bare chest. The breeze got me, and left me with goosebumps. The warmth of the sweater felt good on my skin.
-Lift your legs! - she ordered, pulling shorts on me. I weakly did what she asked, and fell back on the pillows.
-Good! Now relax Mer! You're okay. - she held my slightly still trembling hands.
-Your other boyfriend is here. Should i keep him out? I will gladly do it. - she offered, making me smile.
-No - i answered with something like a giggle.
-Okay. But you need sleep. You have 5 minutes. And i am putting in an IV after he is gone.- she let him in, and left the room.
-Mer, how are you?
-Honestly? Crap.
-I am sorry i just got here. I know you need to sleep, it is getting late. I just wanted to say good night! I will come in the morning.
-You don't have to...
-No really, it's not a problem. I can come.
-No...- i sighed.
-You don't have to...
-Ohh...-he realized what i was saying.
-Okay...So it is Derek...It's just...Can i ask why?
-Finn. You are a great guy. You may even be the better guy...But for me Derek...
-Is the one. - he finished instead of me, getting it.
-An i wish he wasn't...
-He's gonna hurt you. Again. And when he does, I won't be here to try and fix you. Goodbye Meredith! Get better!
-Bye...Bye Finn.

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