Yeah, i'm pregnant (derek's family)

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-Nancy, uh, good morning. - Derek sighed accepting that she will enter no matter what. I didn't even open my eyes, trying to fight back the exhaustion, which could always make me sleep, even while standing. My stomach went forward again, and i hitched involuntarily in his arms. They both looked at me.
-Derek, get her down. Or back to bed. - she flushed the toilet, and opened the window.
-She needs crackers. And herbal tea.
-Meredith, let's get you up. - i felt someone grab my hand, ripping me out of Derek's warmth.
As she pulled me up, i grabbed her hand, and Derek's shoulder, and shut my eyes to get steadier.
-Dizziness is gonna pass. - she told me, leading me through the door, leaving Derek behind.
-Mhm. - i muttered and followed her blindly.
-Do you want to get back to bed? - i shook my head once.
-Zola. - i gave a short, quiet answer, hoping she'd get that Zola is still asleep. She nodded, and didn't let go of my arm, just led me down the stairs, taking them slowly.
-Girls! - Derek's mother greeted us, but i imagined her mouth must have fallen in surprise, seeing us like this.
-You should sit down. - Nancy helped me to the kitchen, and i hopped down on a chair, i rubbed my eyes, hoping it would wake me up a little.
-What the hell is going on here so early? - Liz entered with messy hair.
-Mum, could you make some herbal tea? - Nancy turned to Carolyn.
-Yes, dear, sure. But herbal tea? For you? You hate that. - she smiled confused.
-It's for Meredith. - she explained, as i tried not to fall down from the chair. you know...where Derek is? - i got it out, when my stomach flipped as i smelled scrambled eggs.
-Are you okay? - Liz asked me, immediately waking up as she saw me. I was still shaking a bit.
-She is. Just get her our brother. - Nancy sighed.
-I'm going. - she took the hint.
-Oh, Mer. How are you? - Derek arrived, and instantly stood behind me, hugging me. As his hand slipped over my stomach, i hissed.
-Sorry. - he kissed into my neck.
-Derek, what happened to this girl? - his mother questioned him.
-She's...she wasn't feeling well. - his hand stroked my thigh. But Nancy knew. There was know way she didn't.
-Well, clearly! Is she..- she didn't say the second part of the question.
-I'll go back to bed. - Liz yawned.
-So...How far along are you. - Nancy handed me the herbal tea, raising an eyebrow.
-Uhm...Bit more than 17 weeks. - i stated the obvious, while i leant to Derek on the backless chair, thankful he held me.
-I am so happy for you! - his mother came close, and hugged me, while tears fell from her eyes.
-You knew? - Derek hugged her too.
-Oh, Derek, of course i knew! I've had four pregnant daughters! And i was pregnant once too! I knew as soon as i saw you!
-Congratulations. - Nancy looked at me. knew too. Didn't you? - i asked shyly.
-Yes. - she admitted.
-Does everybody know? - Derek pulled my hair into a bun.
-I mean, what did you expect? You let her come back last night like she was gonna pass out. She didn't drink coffee. Or wine. And she was wearing your hoodie. Which was a sensible idea. But in your pajamas it's...well even more obvious. - she looked at me apologetically.
-Yeah...- i pulled the corner of my mouth.
-I am having another grandchild! - Carolyn couldn't stop hugging us, and smiling wide.
However, i still felt a bit strange, and it didn't slip over Nancy's attention.
-Tea helps. And crackers. Have you tried it yet? - i shook my head.
-Has it gotten better? Morning sickness? Since the beginning.
-Nope. - i gave an answer.
-Try eating less before you go to bed. And send my annoying brother for crackers. Is ginger ale useful?
-Oh, Nance, you shouldn't have mentioned that. - Derek answered for me.
-That bad? Sorry.
-If you take advice..change your toothpaste from mint. It actually helps. And drink tea with crackers.
-Thank you. - i smiled at her, remembering all of them.
-Maybe having an eager beaver OB sister isn't that bad? - Derek thanked too.
-You know, you are lucky i didn't find her alone on the bathroom floor! If i would've, you'd be in big trouble.
-Do you know if it's a girl or a boy? - his mum stepped next to me, asking for my approve to touch my belly. I nodded an of course and let her touch it.
-No. Not yet. But when we get back, we have an ultrasound. - i took a bite of a cracker.
-Morning. - i heard Amelia's voice.
-What is going on here?
-Meredith is pregnant. - Carolyn smiled, still not letting go off my belly, on which the shirt was rolled up, just under my boobs.
-Congratulations! - she hugged me once, and held berry too.
-I give up. You knew too, didn't you? - Derek asked her.
-Kind of. But to my defense, it was kind of obvious. Have you seen your wife?
-I don't mean it like that. - she turned to me.
-I want to see some pictures. Can I? - Carolyn asked me.
-Of course - i assured her.
-I'll bring them. - Derek kissed into my hair, leaving my side.
-It's going to be a boy. - Amelia stated.
-Derek says that too. - i admitted.
-I'd love a boy. - Carolyn's eyes were teary again.
-But a girl too. - she added.
-Here they are. - Derek pulled out a bunch of his wallet, handing them to me.
-This...was the first one. And then at 8 weeks. And 11. 14. And 16. - i lay out the photos.
As i drank the rest of my tea, my nausea seemed to have stopped. As they kept looking at the pictures and asking questions, soon all of his sisters arrived. But i invited Nancy for a moment.
-Uhm..can i talk to you? Just for a second? - i asked her, hopefully.
-Sure. - she walked me to the living room.
-I just wanted to... thank you.
-Oh, you're welcome. If you need help, just contact me. As an OB, or as just a mother.
-Thank you. Tea is working. For now.
-Yeah. Do you have to pee a lot?
-All the time. - i smiled.
-If you cut back a bit on your bedtime, it helps. And try drinking less directly before bed.
It may sound stupid, but i think it works.
-Thank you.

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