We should adopt Zola

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It's been about a month since the merger at the hospital. Working with the new doctors eventually became easier. But there were always hard days. Just like today.
-Hey. You paged me? - i entered a kid's room, who has just had brain surgery.
-Yeah. Zola...this is Meredith. Meredith..this is Zola. Could you hold her for a moment till i do some tests? Here. - he asked me, handing me a baby.
-Zola...can you smile for me?
-Yeah...see, her facial movements are intact. Look over here. Yeah..you're a smart girl. Over here. Neuro exam is perfect. - he told me. I was confused. Did he page me here to do the tests with him? Nurses do this most of the time. And i wasn't a nurse. I was a fourth year resident.
-Did something happen? Why did you page? - i asked impatiently.
-I need to ask you something. Could you give us a minute? - he asked the nurse who was packing in the room.
-I need you to be completely honest with me, okay? - he held my arms, while I was still holding Zola.
-Let's adopt this baby. - he finished.
-What? Are you serious? - i asked utterly shocked.
-Yeah..- he laughed.
-You know, i was holding her yesterday. And she was crying. And she stopped. And the nurse told me she has barely ever stopped crying since she's been in the orphanage... i've held a lot of babies..and healed a lot of babies. But when i look down at Zola...i just can't imagine her being with any other parents. Any other families. We've been trying so hard to start a family. - he reminded me. I've been trying to get pregnant. For...too long now. Since our wedding. I took shots, ate healthy, gave up too much alcohol. Visited OBs, and different doctors. And all they could say to me is that i have a hostile uterus. And that we should keep trying. It may happen once.
-And she needs one. - Derek pulled me out of my thoughts.
-Let's adopt her. I'm serious. - he told me, and i had to sit down. I was holding her, as she gripped onto my finger.
-What do you say?
-I....I...she..she could be our daughter? - i asked him. I couldn't look at him. I couldn't tear my eyes away from Zola, who was holding onto my hair enthusiastically.

-We really have to leave, if we want to make an appearance. - i told Derek as i entered Zola's room that night.
-Callie's and Arizona's party is beginning right about now. - i entered, and held out my hands, asking him to give the baby to me.
-Just another minute.
-We said that 20 minutes ago.
-Look at her...she's laughing..at us. - Derek handed me the baby. He was smiling wide. Watching them made me smile wide too.
-We really don't need to go, do we? - i asked him, sitting down with her in my arms.
-They'll understand. We'll get them a really nice present. - he came closer to us, sitting down next to me.
We find happiness sometimes in unexpected places. The universe is funny that way. Sometimes...it just has a way...that makes sure we'll end up exactly where we belong.
-Derek...- i looked at him with teary eyes.
-Mer...Are you...why are you crying?
-I...I want her to be our daughter...so much, Derek...She's...special..we need to...make her become our baby. - i looked into his eyes, as he held my chin.
-I have the printed version of the list. - Derek entered, as i was sitting next to Zola's crib, watching her sleep peacefully.
-Shss! She's asleep. - i whispered.
-Sit down. - i asked him.
-This is the list. They look at these things to see if we're suitable to adopt.
-This is a really long list. - i took it out of his hands.
-I want to do this. - i told him.
-I know...Me too. But don't get overwhelmed. We're going to do this. Step by step. For her. - he looked into the crib.
-For her. - i agreed. I decided in that moment, that i am not going to give up. We'll fight for that baby. Because she deserves us. And we deserve her.
We kept sitting next to her bed. In the hospital chairs. Until i snuggled into Derek's lap, and rested my head on his shoulder, and my body on his chest.
-It's late. - he whispered.
-I don't want to leave.
-Me neither...
-Stay? - i mumbled into his chest.
-Stay. - he answered, and i closed my eyes, lying on his rising chest. He stroked my back for a minute, before i fell asleep. I only needed a minute to fall asleep. In his arms. Next to our future baby. It was the best feeling. Maybe i was going to become a mother.
The voice that woke me up, wasn't the best that i could imagine. Bailey opened in.
-Grey! Shepherd! What the hell are you doing here? It's seven o'clock.
-This is really uncomfortable...- i mumbled into Derek's ear, as i lifted myself off of his chest.
-We..fell asleep.- he answered, slowly opening his eyes.
-Well, you don't say? The question is why the hell did you fall asleep here? This is a hospital! And a healing kid's room! - she scolded us, as i walked over to Zola, lifting her out of the crib. She was smiling at me.
-Hey...- i sat down into the chair, and Derek stood over me.
-Care to explain? - Bailey asked us.
-She is adorable. - Derek caressed her cheek.
-She really is. When is she going to be discharged? - i asked him.
-Shepherd? You're supposed to work already.
-What is going on here? - Arizona came in.
-That's what i'm trying to find out...- Bailey told her.
-Derek what if...we do? And get..? - i whispered to him.
-We will. I promise. - he arranged the gauze on Zola's head, fixing it.
-What is this? - Arizona picked up a paper from the ground, and got it up to read it.
-Show me. - Bailey took it out of her hand.
-Grey? Shepherd? Is this...true? - she questioned us. I shot Derek a look, as i put the baby back into her crib.
-I'm sorry Miranda, but we'll need that. - Derek took it out of her hands. When Zola was lying in her crib again, i straightened my back, and took Derek's hand, not even looking at Bailey. Right now, i didn't need to know what she was thinking about the situation. I only needed one person's opinion. And that was Derek. We were in this together. Just the two of us. And Zola. I heard them call my name, and Derek's but we didn't turn back. I giggled out, while squeezing his hand.
-This is official. - he smiled at me wide.
-This is official. - i repeated it, giving the same amount of happiness and cheerfulness in response.

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