Owen chocked Christina

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It's been over a week since we've discovered that Izzie had a tumor. It's been a really long week. And hard. We've tried doing everything for her. And she decided she wanted the surgery. It's been even more cruel on Alex. He's spent every minute he had with her. Bailey's been supportive too. Once she'd even allowed us to take Izzie for a small walk around the hospital in a wheel-chair. Because her energy has been decreasing. Rapidly. And today was the day of her surgery. Well, at least it was supposed to be today. I fell asleep thinking of that. In Derek's arms. Until the telephone rang. In the middle of the night. I groaned in discomfort, and pulled out my cell phone.
-What is it Christina? It's better be good, because it's 3 am. - i looked at the clock, while Derek pulled me back into his warm chest.
-Callie? - i heard her talk.
-What happened? - i asked constantly. Something was wrong. Christina always came if she needed company in the middle of the night. And Callie had probably never called me before. Even with her own cell phone.
-Christina is crying in the bathroom and she won't come out and Owen is angry and he keeps saying he's sorry and she was yelling and - she kept talking without a breath.
-And he hurt her and i don't know
-He what? - i asked back instantly sitting up.
-Grey, just come over now and do something because she is crying in the bathroom and i can't get her -
-I'm running. - i put the phone down after interrupting Callie.
-What happened? - Derek asked me sleepily, as i jumped out of bed and pulled on quickly a pair of jeans that first came into my hands.
-Something is wrong with Christina. Owen hurt her, i swear to god if he tried something i will rip his head off! - i said furiously as i pulled one of Derek's sweater through my head, and let it fall to nearly down my knees. I the next moment he was out of bed too, with his jumper already on him, and the car key in his hands with a bottle of water and our cells.
-Derek, you can stay, i'll..solve it.
-Mer, get your coat! - he turned back, and i nodded running to put on my shoes.
-Do you know anything? - he asked back as he hopped in to the driver's seat.
-I...Callie called me. Owen's saying sorry, and Christina is crying in the bathroom, not coming out. It's probably...nothing, right? - i asked looking for comfort.
-Yeah. Hopefully. - he answered half convincing, and we were already at the first green-light.
-I shouldn't have woken you. You're operating on Izzie today. You need to sleep.
-Meredith, i am okay. We're worrying about her now. 'Kay? - she squeezed my hand.
-And i'll drive you anywhere. Anytime. - i thanked him silently, and he took the sign. When he parked the car in front of their building, i turned to him.
-I'm staying here. Write a message. Or call me. If you don't i'll go up in an hour. Go! - he kissed me once briefly, and in the next moment i found myself running up the stairs to the apartment. I kept knocking on the door without a stop, until it opened revealing Callie standing there in shorts, with messy hair.
-Where is she? - i stormed in passing her.
-Still bathroom. - she followed me. I turned in towards their bathroom and kept knocking endlessly again. Nothing happened.
-Christina. It's me. Meredith. Please op - i started but the next second the door opened, and she pulled me in, slapping the door quickly. I looked at her teary red eyes. What the hell? Her neck was covered in red bruises, and her chest was rising heavily. I recognized a print of hands all over her top.
-I'll kill him. - i touched her neck and she shimmered under my touch. I was so angry inside, but my touch stayed calm and relaxed.
-It's fine. It was a nightmare. I just...got scared. - she said as i wiped her tears with my thumb. Her dark curls were in a loose bun at the back of her neck.  I heard smooth banging on the door.
-Christina, are you okay? I am so sorry, Christina, tell me something, please - Owen's deep voice appeared. She flew to the door and opened it.
-Oh my. I'm so sorry. I don't know..what happened. - Owen's voice chuckled.
-It's okay. Look at me. - she raised his head.
-I'm okay. It was a nightmare. It's okay. - she kept repeating while hugging him.
When they finally broke apart, i turned her to myself.
-You...you need to shower. You go out. - i pointed to Owen, trying to control my emotions.
-I'm staying. In here. Until you're ready. Bye. - i closed the door in front of his nose. The second the door was closed, Christina was in my neck, some silent tears flooding my neck. I stroked her back, and her neck softly, letting her get it out of herself, not giving up on comforting her. I turned on the tap with still her around my body, and let the hot water go into the tub. When it almost filled the tub i helped her peel off her clothes, and sat down onto the ground while she crumbled into the warm water.
-What are you going to do? - i asked after a few minuted of silence.
-I don't know. - she answered staring in the water.
-It wasn't his fault. - she said protecting him.
-W...what? - i asked back in disbelief.
-It was a nightmare. - she kept repeating.
-He has nightmares. Since he left the army. But it was never like this. This serious.
-Does he need...therapy?
-Maybe. - she sighed.
After just sitting there for some time, comforting her with my there being, i helped her out of the tub, and she wrapped a towel around herself, then a bathrobe.
-I'll see you in the hospital. - she nodded, and i gave her one last safe look, before i opened the door of the bathroom to go to the kitchen.
-Callie. Thank you for calling. - i said to her.
-Is she...?
-No. Not yet. Derek? What are you doing here? - i walked to him immediately when i spotted him drinking some coffee at the table.
-You didn't call.
-I'm sorry, it's just -
-No, it's okay. - he pulled some hair out of my face.
-Thank you. - i kissed him once, and he shared the taste of the hot coffee on his tongue.
-Welcome. - he mumbled as i deepened the kiss, and his arms found my shoulders
-Khm.. - i heard a voice from behind, and pulled away kind of breathless.
-Uhm...Callie..Could you...call me if something happens? - i asked her hoping in a certain answer.
-See you at the hospital. - i nodded, and took Derek's hand, locking my fingers with his, amd his arm was around my back instantly.
-Thanks for the coffee. - he said goodbye.
-Thanks for keeping me in company. - she answered and we walked through the door together.

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