Drowning 2

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Derek was also brought to the scene of the accident. When he got out of the ambulance alone, because all of the doctors were already here, or stayed at the hospital to treat the victims who were brought there, he felt strange. He liked being a surgeon, and to be a surgeon you need patients, but this seemed unfair. This many people who have died because of a crash, this many people who will have disadvantages for the rest of their lives. He quickly scanned the platform, hoping to see Meredith, and calm himself with just the sight of her. He didn't see her. The victims mostly have been treated by the time he got there late, because of his morning surgery. The guy coded, and nearly died, but they could bring him back. He saw a man still unconscious at the and of the dock, lying there with a little girl standing next to him. He quickly ran there, and noticed that the man has been treated, but not fully. The gauze was half on his leg.
-Are you hurt too? - he asked the little girl standing there. She seemed frightened, but she didn't cry. She shook her head. That's when he was thinking of who has started gauzing the man, by the way perfectly.
-Have you done this? - he asked the girl finishing the gauzing. She shook her head again. He turned back to the medical kit to take out a stethoscope, when he saw a bloody coat. It was a doctor's coat, no questions. It seemed like a Seattle Grace doctor's coat. He lifted it to read the name on top of it, written in blue. Dr.Meredith Grey - surgical resident. The equipment fell out of his hand, and he immediately turned to the girl.
-Did you see a doctor with this man? A woman, blonde hair, - he started panicking.
The girl just nodded.
-Do you know her? Meredith?
The girl kept nodding.
-Do you know where she is? Do you know where Meredith went? - his brain went fuzzy, when the girl didn't answer. Think. Think. Think. Where the hell is Meredith?
-Use your words. What your name? - he kept his cool for a moment.
-Hannah. - the girl said shyly.
-Hannah, can you tell me where Meredith is?
Hannah pointed towards the sea after a moment of thinking. No...Not happening. Meredith is in the sea...
He jumped into the water without saying anything else. Without further thinking. He just jumped in, ready to sacrifice his life to save Meredith. They've just gotten back together. The love of her life was drowning somewhere in the sea, because she was trying to save someone else's life. He didn't even come up from the cold water which pulled the oxygen out of his lungs to his take another breath, he just kept swimming. Kept swimming to find the love of his life. He went numb, for those minutes when he was searching for her. That's when he saw her. It had to be here. A lifeless frame lying in the water, in blue scrubs. He touched her face, grabbed her arms, and immediately started swimming towards the shore, holding Meredith as carefully as he could. Her lifeless frame. Pale face, blue lips and nails, wet hair, and dry mouth. He took her in his hands, climbing the stairs as fast as he could. He ran to an ambulance with Meredith's figure in her arms, and said the paramedic:
-Seattle Grace hospital, now!
He had goose-bumps from the freezing water, his hair was wet as his hair, that hair Meredith loved so much. But he didn't care. He put her on a gurney in the back of the ambulance with the help of another paramedic guy, and started doing CPR. One breath in through her mouth, one push. One breath in through her mouth, one push. He kept doing it, but nothing happened. The guy tried doing it instead of him, but he didn't let him. Meredith, the love of his life was nearly dead in front of him, with a nearly 0 pulse, and she deserved the best. She couldn't die. They still had their life together. Getting married, having kids, growing old and dying in each others arms together when they are 110 years old. His sight went blurry, as he started crying, but he still hadn't stopped. The car pulled over in front of the hospitals, and he recognized Bailey's voice when they opened the doors.
-What do we got? - she asked.
-Jane Doe, about 20 something, drown, pulled out by Dr.Shepherd.- the guy answered.
-She is not! She is not Jane Doe! She is Meredith Grey! She is Meredith! - he sobbed continuing the CPR, as they pulled her out of the ambulance. He saw Bailey's face, before it changed back into professional again. First sadness, anger, and pity. Because of him.
-Shepherd, let me do it! - she yelled at him, but Derek sobbed back.
-No!! - he continued the CPR, and rolled her with the paramedics and Bailey closely after him to the nearest room.
It quickly went popular that Meredith Grey, the love of his life was on the table unconsciously, and the next minute Webber, Burke, Bailey, and Alex was leaning above Meredith, with Derek. He started:
-Maybe, maybe i saw some pupil movement when i gave her some
-Shepherd get out! NOW! - Bailey yelled at her, while tucking Meredith's nearly naked body in, which was now without the wet, cold clothes.
-Shepherd you need to get out of here! - Richard said.
-Sloan get him out of here! - Bailey said finally. Mark pulled Derek out of the room, and he broke down next to the wall. Holding his head in his hands, in still dripping wet clothes, he was crying. He was crying because Meredith was unconscious, and barely living. He didn't know how much time had passed, he had only heard some things out of the room.
-She is not dead until she is warm and dead! - Richard yelled at the doctors trying to bring Meredith back. Her friends were standing in front of the other door, talking quietly, not believing it was Meredith. The next thing Derek noticed, was Addison, his ex-wife standing in front of him, and Mark, sitting at the floor, who had just come out of her girlfriend's room.
-Derek, you need to change.
-Derek, please.
-Derek when that girl wakes up, she is gonna need you more than ever! And she won't need a man with a cold, she will need love and help and support! So listen to me for God's sake,  now you go change and have a shower and get yourself together for when she's gonna wake up! Cause she will! - she yelled at him quietly, waiting for him to get up.
That's when Derek first moved consciously, after pulling Meredith out of the water. She is gonna need him. Cause she is gonna wake up.

Thank you for reading! I will post the next part tomorrow! Have a good day! :))

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