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-So tell me what's happening. - i ran into Christina near the Chief's office.
-Shhs! They are having a meeting with Tom Evans! - she bopped her head toward the room.
-He seems a lot younger than
-Try and be cool! - she ordered me, and i just raised an eyebrow.
-You should stay cool...
-Why is he here? - i asked her.
-He's going to do a bloodless CABG on a beating heart in one of our ORs!
-Hey. - Christina greeted Teddy.
-So what is happening? Do you know?
-Know what?
-In the office. Tom Evans is here.
-What? Tom is here? Why?
-He's going to do a bloodless CABG on a beating heart in one of our ORs! - Christina acted childlike enthusiastically, as Teddy sneezed.
-Bless you! Bless you!
-I didn't know about that. - Teddy became confused.
-I...I gotta go. - she took out her pager from her pocket.
-And here she is..Your cruise director, Dr.Yang. - I heard Derek's voice and spun around.
-Dr.Evans...Hi..Hi..Hi. I'm Christina Yang. I'm such a huge fan.
-Is she a groupie? - he turned back to Derek.
-I think you'll forgive her. She's one of the finest cardio residents you'll ever need. - Derek corrected her mistake.
-According to your references...You're the one scrubbing in with me today.
-Yes. An honor and a privilege. There're the scans. And the charts. With the lab results. If you need anything, just tell me. Because i'll be here all day. Following you. If that's okay for you.
-She's a groupie. I like her. - Evans smiled at Derek.
-And this is my wife, Dr.Meredith Grey. - he looked into my eyes.
-Pleasure to meet you. - i raised my hand.
-Likewise. I hear great things about you. Although they came from your husband. - he joked, and Christina laughed out, but i pushed her a little to make her stop.
-Dr.Yang..-Derek broke the awkward silence.
-All yours. - he added.
-Yeah, thank you. Follow me. - she stepped out of the circle.
-Is she gonna drool on him? - Derek stepped closer to me.
-I think she is. - i giggled out.
-I gotta go. See you soon. - he kissed me shortly.
-Was that Tom Evans? - Jackson asked jumping next to me with April.
-Yes, but don't get too excited. He is only here for one case.
-Are you sure? Because i overheard Doctor Shepherd discussing with Chief that Dr.Altman doesn't have a permanent contract, so it would actually be a really cool move on Doctor Shepherd's part to suggest and see that if Dr. - she told without a breath, looking after Derek.
-Here we go again...-Jackson sighed.
-What? - i questioned Jackson.
-Shut up! - April looked at him angry.
-She thinks..Your husband walks on water.
-No, i don't. I don't. I know. I don't. I mean...I...It's a professional thing. It''s..uhm...a mentor thing. He's mentor. Cause he's you. guys...have a daughter...and you...are so...great. - she kept on rambling obviously having a crush on Derek. I looked at Jackson, making eye contact with him. He just smiled at me enjoying April's embarrassment, and nodded once.
-Together. Together as a married couple..and are so great. I am...I...i think that your husband is brilliant. But...- i made eye contact with Jackson again.
-I'm sure you think...that too. Okay then. - she sighed, as i shot her a fake smile.

-There was a fishing boat accident. - April stated as we were standing in the elevator, which took us to the top of the hospital.
-One with a head injury and abdominal pain, and the other..they said something about a fishhook being stuck somewhere. - she looked at Derek with big 'i love you' eyes, and moved closer to him barely noticeably. But i noticed it.
-Why would they send him here with a fishhook? - Derek asked back confused.
-I'm pretty sure they said fishhook...Dr.Shepherd. - she said with a seducing voice. Fine, she probably didn't say it with a seducing voice, but it sure felt like it. Flirting with him in front of his shot.
-Okay...- i sighed, letting them out, and i couldn't stop rolling my eyes irritated.
-I'm pretty sure they said hook Dr.Shepherd. But if i'm wrong, you can spank me. - Jackson imitated her voice.
-Shut up! - i ordered him annoyed.
-Oh, Dr.Shepherd i do hope i am wrong. - he kept teasing me.

We were operation on the patient, who was lying on the table with a fishhook in his chest.
-How far along are we? - Derek entered the OR.
-We can extract the hook soon. Suction. - Owen told him.
-After they get him off the hook, we'll go in an evacuate the hematoma and plate the fragments, right? - April asked again in an innocent voice.
-No, i thought we throw him back in, catch release. - he joked, and only April started laughing in the OR, while touching his shoulder. I made eye contact with Jackson again, and he was smiling from behind his mask. I shook my head slightly.
-Thank you..Dr.Kepner. - i felt Derek looking at me, and i turned my head to face him.

-The hook guy is stable. How's the kid? - i asked Alex while we were having lunch.
-There's nothing left to do, now that the angio is done. Lexie is babysitting him.
-I love Evans. He is a god. Fire. I love him.- Christina sat down.
-I thought Teddy was the love of your life.
-She is. But Evans is so brilliant. I love them both. I'm a cardiothoracic whore.
-Speaking of whores, has anyone seen the love-struck intern fawning over my husband?
-April's known after it. - Alex explained to Christina.
-Oh don't worry that's not Derek's thing. - Christina assured me, but as i shot her a look, she added.
-I was the love-struck intern. It is his thing.
-Well he's grown out of it. Now he has a soon to be attending wife.
-Out of what? Chicks who shave their legs and laugh at his jokes? Sure he's grown out of it. - Alex joked
-I shave my legs...... sometimes. - i confessed, adding the end of the sentence to make myself feel better.
-There is always the chance that you call him Dr.Shepherd. - he shrugged his shoulders.
-What? I don't make the rules. This is a thing! Powerful guys like adoring girls. Do whatever you want. - Alex thought out loud, making me think.

-Doctor Shepherd..Are you busy? - i opened in to a conference room.
-Did you just call me Dr.Shepherd? - he looked up from the charts.
-I did. Go with it. - i closed the door, and then turned to shut the blinds.
-What are you doing with the shades? - i giggled out, and turned the lock on the door.
-Shhs! No one can know. - i put my point finger in front of my mouth, shushing him.
-No one can know what?
-About our secret love. Dr.Shepherd. - i stepped closer to him.
-Secret love? - he closed the charts, and put it on the desk.
-By the way Dr.Shepherd...i picked up your dry-cleaning for you.
-And i...had your car washed. - i watched him open his thighs a little, noticing a bulge.
-And I...dusted off your desk. With my bottom. - i sat on top of the brown wood table, pushing the papers away, in every direction, getting them away. - he quickly took out the pager from his pocket.
-Is there anything else....i can do for you? Doctor Shepherd? - i asked him seductively, pronouncing his name softly and slowly, while i opened my legs a bit.
-Let me see if i can come up with an idea. - he stood up and kissed into my neck passionately, while holding my back, and lying me down on the table. He kept going further down, while i pushed off his coat, and he kissed into my cleavage.
-Ohh...Doctor Shepherd...- i giggled out, while enjoying him.

-We don't do double dates. - Christina stated as we were driving to the restaurant in a car, with Derek. Owen was sitting at the front, next to Derek driving. We were in the back.
-There's more to life than the hospital. - Owen told us, turning back a bit.
-Yes. There is. Like Zozo. But a double date? - i questioned him.
-Wo...- Christina turned after the several ambulances which were driving in the opposite direction.
-Turn back. - she asked Derek.
-No. They don't need us. If it's big, we'll get paged. - only a few seconds later Derek and Owen's pager went off exactly at the same time.
-Yes..- we high fived with Christina.
-Owen, close your eyes! - i ordered him, while pulling out something from my little handbag.
-Why? - he asked, but doing so anyways.
-You have scrubs with you! That's genius! - Christina's eyes opened wide.
-Mer, you can't be serious..- Derek laughed out.
-Well, i am. First ones there'll get the good surgeries. Hunt, keep your eyes closed. - i pulled the shirt i had on through my head, leaving me in my bra.
-Derek, you just keep your eyes on the road.. - i caught his looks in the mirror, and i smirked at him.
-Mhm. - he mumbled, but still looking in the mirror.
-Derek, yesterday they called me Mrs.Shepherd. Twice! Now i like it that they know you're taken, but i am a Grey. I am not only a Shepherd. I don't usually do double dates, i don't miss surgeries, and if there's a car accident, i'd prefer that i'm the surgeon, not the one who's having the surgery! So do me a favor, and keep your eyes on the road. If we get hit, you're gonna have to make it up to me with a lot of sex. Owen, you can open your eyes now.
-Yes dear. - he kept smiling.

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