Exam to become a resident

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-Are you ready? - Bailey asked us, while we were standing nervously in front of a closed door.
-Yeah. - Izzie answered. George was mumbling under his breath, Christina kept checking her pencils, Alex was sitting on a bench staring out of his face, and i was nervously holding Derek's hand, looking into his eyes.
-My interns! - Bailey said trying to collect our attention.
-Hey! The ones who belong to me! - she yelled nearly, immediately making us look at her.
-You are problematic, but you are great doctors! Don't keep revising! It isn't worth anything now! Check if you have water and a granola bar, if your pencils are okay, and for the sake of God, Yang, your pencils are sharp! Now look at me! - she kept a break, waiting for all of us to stare at her.
-You are going to pass. Think back to your surgeries, don't hesitate, but don't hurry! Concentrate, and stop worrying, it just makes it worse! Don't come out without your empty, i repeat empty water bottle! I will wait for you here, after you are finished. Good luck! - she patted our backs. I turned to Derek for a last moment, when they opened the door.
-You will be fine! Don't stress! I will be here when you are finished. Don't panic if you miss an answer. I love you! - he kissed me shortly.
-Thank you. I love you too.
I followed my friends into the room and sat down to my nominated place. When the clock hit 9 o'clock, i opened the exam paper, closing everybody else out. I moved quickly through the tasks. The first part was easy. Rutin questions, it was obvious. Even a second year resident could have answered them. I drank a sip of water, remembering to stay hydrated, and moving on to the second task. I shot a look to my friends. All of them were writing rapidly. I continued with the next part. And with the third part. When nearly two hours had passed, i ate a bit of my muesli bar, and hydrated again. The fifth part was the hardest. I wrote the short summary, and the detailed description of my most difficult surgery. A brain surgery. But with the last task, i had a hard time. I managed to make the most of it, and i felt myself getting more and more exhausted. When the solution popped into my head. My first ever surgery. Katy Brice, the one in a million. Her problem was the answer to the one before the last question. When i left a sensible, well written answer, i looked at the clock. 20 more minutes. My friends were still writing, i figured, the last question. I kept going over my answers, repeating everything. I closed the exam papers, and stood up. Just when Christina closed her papers. She nodded, and we picked up our water bottle, leaving everything behind, handing the papers to the examiner.I let her out in front of myself, and i hugged her tightly.
-How did it go? - i asked.
-Perfectly. Finished everything, checked it, drew what i had to. Please tell me you were okay.
-It went just fine! I did everything. I had to think about the last question, but i remembered.
-Katie Bryce! - we said at the same time. We turned left, to get out of the waiting area, and Bailey was sitting there with Derek, talking about something quietly. I walked to Derek hugging him tightly, he catching me in his embrace.
-It went perfectly, didn't it? - he asked whispering in my ears, and i nodded.
-Last question, sprained ankle, bad concussion, from a sport fall, several seizures.
-Aneurysm, Katie Bryce. Our first patient.- we talked quietly, not wanting to disturb Bailey and Christina who were discussing the exam quietly.
-You remember? - i asked surprised.
-Of course. You saved her on the first day you had. - i kissed him shortly, when Bailey turned to me. :
-I gave you three minutes, tell me how was it, Grey? - she asked me curiously.
-Knew nearly everything. The first part was easy -
-Ridiculously easy - Christina interrupted me.
-Yeah, well my favorite was the write about your most difficult surgery.
-Grey, let me guess, you wrote about some brain surgery, while Yang, you did some heart surgery!
-Yeah, actually, i did. - i confessed.
-Me too.
Izzie and Alex came out together, George following them form a bigger distance.
-How was it? - i jumped to them.
-We did it! We will pass! - Izzie cheered.
-Of course we will! I nailed it! - Alex added.
-Did it too! - George hugged me.
-I only didn't know what was the diagnoses of that patient who fell and had a sprained ankle, and
-Aneurysm! - we told with Christina in sync.
-How did you know that? - George asked.
-We were the intern couple who discovered a one in a million. - Christina bragged.
-Are we celebrating already? - George asked with a smile.
-First you still have eight more hours. - Bailey looked at her watch, making us miserable.
-But i will let you go after seven, so you see how warm-hearted i am.
-Thank you Dr.Bailey. - we smiled in agreement.
-God, i am so exhausted. - Izzie hopped off to a bench, when the Derek and Bailey left the room.
-All of us are. - Chris agreed.

Five hours left. We had five hours left from our shift, until we can go celebrating.
-Five hours. - Alex sat down with a plate in his hand.
-Just four hours and 59 minutes. - George looked at his watch.
-I need a coffee..Getting up at 5 am wasn't such a great idea.- i told them.
-Well, maybe if you hadn't stayed up so late, doing something...-Alex added.
-I slept through the night and i am exhausted as hell...-Izzie came to my defense.
-How could you sleep? - Alex asked.
-Earplugs. - George answered instead of Izzie.
-Point is that i really - i started.
-Mer, turn around. - George interrupted me. I did as he told me so, and i saw Derek with a cup of coffee in his hand.
-Coffee? - he asked me handing me a cup.
-I ... love you. Seriously. - i took it over.
-Thank you! - i added.
-You're welcome. - he hovered over me, not caring that the whole canteen was watching us.
-You are popular. - George smiled, looking round.
-We have been dating for months now, but it still didn't top their engagement. - i nodded towards my engaged best friend.
-You and Preston are really popular. - Derek confirmed.
-Jealous, Shepherd? - Christina shot him an angry look.
-Nope, because now i can do this, and i know that 15 minutes later, they will gossip about your wedding gifts. - he turned me over, and pulled up, and my lips received a sweet kiss. I gave it back as sweetly as i got it, enjoying the moment.
-Mer, tell him that he is an asshole! - Christina looked at me.
-You know...he brought me coffee...And you can drink from it..so no..not today..- i held his hands, drinking a last sip of the drink, and handed it to her.
-Now i will see you..in 4 hours 52 minutes...Will you be ready be then?
-Sooner, actually...Lazy day. I will wait for you. - we walked together towards Bailey, but separated before she had the chance to see us.

-So, ready? -i asked holding out my hand, waiting for him to accept it.
-Yeah. - he pulled me under his shoulder, and we crossed the hallways like this, leaving through the front door.
-Meredith...-i heard a voice from behind.
-Chief! How are you? - i turned around with Derek's arms still rapped around me.
-Good, good. Thank you. I actually wanted to ask you about your exam. But if you are busy -
-No, of course not. - i interrupted him, looking at Derek, who got the hint, and removed his arms from around my shoulder.
I gave a summary about my exam, including every important detail. He asked about some things, and after a polite answer, i thanked him for asking and said goodbye. Derek's arms flew back as we left the building.
-Nice of him, isn't it?
-Yeah, i guess.
-Joe's? - i asked, and he nodded in response.

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