It's a boy?

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-I can't believe berry is already 22 weeks old. - i sighed as we entered the elevator, during lunch break.
-I know. I can't send enough pictures for my mother and sisters. - he chuckled.
-Lexie is the same. - i pushed a button.
-My back hurts so much. - i sighed, leaning on Derek.
-Is Berry still kicking?
-Yes. It hurts..
-Berry...could you please...stop for just a moment? You know...i love you. But you're hurting me now. Just for a moment. - i asked him.
-Come. - he pulled me into the attending's lounge.
-Sit. - i did as he told me so.
-So know, i'll take you fishing. You will obviously like Ferry boats. Your mommy likes them. And i like them too. Once we even - he started, while i lay down into his lap, letting him caress my skin, pulling up my shirt to reveal my belly.
-Appropriate subject! - i warmed him.
-Yes. Sorry. So...i'll take you to the river. We'll catch dozens of fish. We'll buy you equipment. It will be our boys sport. If you're a girl, we'll go to princess parties. With Zozo.
-Keep talking. - i closed my eyes.
-Is it better? - he asked me, pulling his fingers through my hair.
-Oh, God yes. Keep doing it please. I'm so exhausted. - i relaxed listening to his voice also.
-But you gotta be really kind to your sister. You'll be the one who protects her. Her brother. Or her best friend. Her sister. And she'll share her toys with you. But you cannot steal them, do we understand each other? We are waiting for you. We are so looking forward to meeting you. God, I hope you have your mommy's eyes. - i dozed off a little at this part, enjoying that for a moment i didn't have to go to pee, didn't have to bear the bigger kicks or keep standing. Next time i opened my eyes, Derek was gone, and i was sleeping alone on the couch. I slowly scooped myself up, and found Chief writing something on papers, sitting at the table, and Christina reading in the corner.
-Sleeping beauty, hello! - she cheered for me.
-Why are you here? - i mumbled.
-I'm reading? - she asked.
-Did Derek tell you to stay here? - i winced in pain as i felt his kicks again.
-I can't believe he is mommy tracking me. Again! Christina, again!
-I know. Hate him, but not me, i'm just doing what he told me.
-Since when do you obligate?
-Since his wife has been pregnant for years now, and she has a ball inside of herself! So if he catches you stressing or tripping over, or picking up something i'm the one he's gonna kill. - Richard looked at us, but didn't say anything.
-And now that you're not vomiting every second, nor don't have the need to have sex in every moment, just every second, he wants me to track you. And little Grey.
-Christina! - i shot a look at her, but giggled out, warning her about Richard.
-Oh, like he doesn't know! Everybody knows about your on-call room make out sessions! And your throw-up trips.
-That's true. - Richard confirmed it, and i blushed.
-Ugh, stop kicking in there! What are you, choking on your cord or something? - i winced in pain as he kicked a big.
-I don't believe this. Berry is inside of me. But for some reason only Derek can calm him down.
-Maybe you can too. - i hinted an idea.
-You know, i'll talk to him when i see him. When she gets her first period, i'll take it off your plate. I'll tell her how not to get knocked up. Or if it has a penis. I'll tell him not to think with it and knock girls up.
-Ow...- i winced again.
-Christina, please just talk to Berry.
-Fine. - she kneeled down.
-Hello. This is Christina. Yang. - she started.
-What do you want me to say?
-Whatever! Just talk! - i ordered her.
-Oh, what the hell are you doing Yang? - Bailey entered.
-Talking to Berry. - i sighed.
-Oh, get up!
-This is Miranda Bailey. An excellent surgeon and a forward thinker. Your mother is a surgeon. Your father is a surgeon. - she started, but first it didn't work.
-And you'll very likely will be one too. But i hope when it's your turn, there will be very little surgery left, because human genome mapping will have given people information, so that they can find their diseases before they happen!
-Keep talking, it's working! - i took a grape.
-Are you a girl or a boy? - Bailey looked up at me.
-We don't know yet. - i answered, curious too.

-Hey. Uhm...Can we talk? - i asked Derek as i ran into him.
-Of course. - he followed me, as i exited the hospital, and hopped down on a bench.
-Berry kicked. Again. A lot.- i told him.
-What? When? I missed it? - he put his hand on my stomach. An hour ago. You were in surgery.
-That's awesome, Mer! Our baby kicked again.
-I know. - i smiled at him.
-What's the matter? Why aren't you happy? - he saw right through me.
-I just...what if something is wrong with Berry? I mean we haven't seen if it is a she or a he yet. And...if someone has a sick newborn it's gonna be me. I have a hostile uterus. And...i don't know.
-Mer, she..or he isn't gonna be sick. Our baby is healthy. And will be healthy.
-I know...but maybe we just don't see it. Or...Derek what if Berry is too tiny? Or if..i don't know. Doesn't have an arm? Or has two heads?
-Why would Berry have to heads? Or miss an arm, Mer?
-Because...this is about me. About us. Bad things happen to us. Good happens too, but just what if..he or she will die. Or if...
-Hey. Calm down. Berry is okay. And you do everything to keep our baby safe. Nothing bad will happen. We are living the happily ever after part. Remember? - he caressed my face, and pulled me into his lap.
-I...know. Just...please don't let Berry be too small. Or have two heads.
-Mer, i'd love it even with two heads. And you would too. But our baby will be healthy. I promise you.
-Promise? - i sighed, hiding my head in the crook of his neck.
-Yes. Promise.
-Shep, i need you for a - I heard Richard's voice.
-I'm sorry, am i interrupting something? - he asked politely.
-No..- i stood up with a bit help.
-You'll be okay? - he asked me, pecking my lips shortly.
-Yeah. - i nodded.
-I'll meet you at 7.

-Hey. - i held out my hand, waiting for him to take it.
-How are you? Baby still kicking?
-Quiet now..Probably dead. Or growing another head. - i sighed.
-Oh, Meredith stop! - he turned to me.
-Well, i'm just kidding. Mostly. - i added.
-I really need you to stop.
-Bad things happen. It just makes me feel better to be prepared when they do. - i shrugged my shoulders.
-But you don't know how it is gonna turn out!
-Right! Exactly what i'm saying!
-Ah...We are in a hospital. Best doctors. Full of machines. Let's go find out everything we can. - he turned me around, towards the elevator.
-Are you nervous? - i asked him as a nurse pushed the gel on my stomach.
-No. Just take a look and we'll know. - he squeezed my hand.
-Is there a huge crematoria growing out of its' head? - i asked the male standing next to me.
-See for yourself. - he turned the screen, and i saw it's head.
-Ah, hey! - Derek smiled.
-It doesn't have two heads. - i felt relieved.
-Look at you! - i smiled, not tearing my eyes off of the screen.
-I'll give you two a minute. - the nurse exited.
-Maybe it has just nine fingers.
-Meredith, you can see the ultrasound. Please stop panicking.
-But what if it has nine fingers?
-We'll have to look for gloves for nine fingers then. - he joked.
-I'm not kidding.
-Count them. - he pulled closer the computer.
-Fine. Let's see. One, two, three, four five on one hand. - i pointed.
-Great. 5 out of 10 already. - he pulled out some hair from my face.
-Six, seven, eight. - i showed him.
-Nine and ten. - he finished.
-Hey! Eleven! - i got surprised.
-Mhm..That's not a finger.
-Oh...It's a boy...- i smiled wide, and he kissed me.
-It's a boy.

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