Perfect moments after the perfect storm

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I was holding our baby boy in my hands, while Zola was sitting on the bed, her weight supported by Derek's big hands, as he covered most of her back. She was holding our newborn's hand, mesmerized by the view.
-What do you think of Bailey? - i asked them as i caressed his sweet cheeks.
-Beli. - Zola repeated it.
-Do you like that for your new brother, sweetheart? - looked at her growing from, and stroked his head.
-Bailey? - Derek tried it too.
-You like it?
-I love it.
The wind has hushed. The clouds have parted. The rain has stopped. And the sun was shining again. In those perfect moments, when i was holding our Bailey, who was just hours old, and as our little toddler snuggled her back up against me, closing her eyes, and Derek was stroking my back, i felt like i had it. I had IT. The things i have been looking for, for my whole life. The missing part. Some of it was just right before me the whole time. And i may have needed a little encouragement, to get to others. But i had it. The perfect family. With my Mcdreamy. And our kids. Our first daughter, who will always stay the little girl for us. Zola. And her newborn brother. Bailey. And a successful career. A kick-ass surgeon. The way Christina always said it. Because I could be both.The best mother. And a kick-ass surgeon. With only thinking like this, i have already beaten my mother. Who was a great surgeon. But she could've been a better mother. Or my father.
But it wasn't impossible. I just needed to pay attention to all of the small details, which altered our life. My kid's life. The first time Bailey smiled. Or when Zola learned how to tie her shoes. And learned how to tilt her head like her father did, to impress me with a look, so i would immediately give in to everything she suggests. Or when Derek fixed Zola's wings for the party. Even when Bailey tried apple sauce, and that cute grin appeared on his face. Just like the happy grin appeared on Derek's, every time he kissed me. He hugged me. Or touched me. His Mcdreamy smile. My Mchusband. And my Mcfamily. Together in a pack. Which of course, came along with Lexie. My sister. Or Derek's sisters. And a caring grandmother for the kids. And a still learning how to handle situation Thatcher, whose new role as a grandfather still shocked him. And a Richard. Another grandfather figure. Colleagues, who were friends. Bailey. Mark. Izzie. Alex. George. People who i would have trusted with my life. Like i had done several times before. And apparently, friends, who were new. Who i was just learning i could count on. Like Addison. Who was the reason i could hold the drooling baby in my arms in the first place. Who ran to help me - to help us, without a second question, forgetting about anything and everything else, just to help us.
It was time. It was time for me to finally have it.

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