Fight with Lexie at the bar

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-So, how was your day? - i asked Derek as he parked the car in front of Joe's.
-Good. I did a surgery. Christina is finally teaching your sister. And every other intern somehow. How was yours?
-Well, let's see. I killed a patient with Norman. Then he sent off the wrong patient, told her it's time to die. Told a sick one he's healthy, on my service.
-Are they suing the hospital?
-No...He went to their apartments, and somehow arranged it...
-Lucky then.
-You don't have to do the thing.
-What thing?
-Talk to Lexie. Help her.
-I am not.
-You are...and you were all day...laughing with her. - i turned towards him in the dark car.
-She is nice. You have a lot in common. You'd like her.
-We do not...- i opposed.
-Let's see. You both are talented. You ramble, when you are stressed, or in an uncomfortable situation. You blush easily. You point with your hands, and you have the same nose, i think. You stick to your opinions.
-Did you notice all of that in one day? - i asked surprised. I couldn't even know what to tell him, because i did all of these things. Unconsciously.
-Do you like her? - i sighed.
-Yeah. You would too.
-More than me? - i asked shyly, looking into his eyes.
-Mer...I love you...i would never trade you for anyone. Your nose is cuter. - i chuckled at his answer.
-I yelled at her. - i confessed.
-When? - he asked surprised.
-Before we came.
-What happened?
Earlier that day
-Hi. i heard Lexie's voice behind my back. On my porch.
-Hey.- he answered.
-Alex, do you want to get a drink at Joe's? - she asked him.
-Yeah. Sure.- he nodded.
-Alex.- i turned to him with a high voice, keeping eye contact with him, furiously.
-There's not one rule that he cannot have a drink with me. - Lexie said arguing.
-Actually, there is. I'm making one. No drinking with Alex, no sleeping with Alex.
-What exactly did i ever do to you? - she asked back.
-Get your own friends! Get your own life! Stop living in mine! - i gave my anger out, talking loudly, but not even nearly yelling.
-Screw you! I'll wait at the car. - she said with a disgust on her face. I was boiling. She was Lexie. My sister. Making her way into my life, having a drink with my friend. Who was Alex. I saw her walk away, and turned back to Alex, who was shaking his head slowly.
-I know that was mean! But she is everywhere! - i defended myself.
-You say she is not your sister. You say you don't want to know her. So why do you care so much? - he walked away too.
-I don't...I don't...I don't care. - i kept repeating for myself, holding my head with one hand, and putting the other in the pocket of my brown coat.

-Yeah..So that happened. - i told him the story, including most of the details.
-You were kind of an ass...- he held my hand, making me look into his eyes again.
-Hey! That's your girlfriend you are talking about!- i reminded him.
-Sorry..- he apologized.
-But i really was, wasn't i? - i sighed.
-Well...yeah. You really don't want to know her?
-That's my problem...I don't hate Lexie. I hated the idea of her. But there is the slightest chance that it could turn out okay though...
-It would. - he assured me.
-Invite her over. - he gave the 'best idea'.
-Yeah, sure, let's have a sleepover too! - i said instantly sarcastically.
-I can help. If you want me to.
-I'll think about it...- i promised, this time seriously.
-Yeah. But i need a drink first. - i sighed opening the door, and then holding on to Derek's arm.
When we walked in, i immediately spotted Christina's brown waves falling onto her shoulder. Next to her was sitting Alex. And Lexie. I walked over to Christina, and Izzie on her other side.
-Hey! - i greeted them.
-Hi, Mer! - Izzie nodded, enjoying her drink.
-Let me guess. A shot of tequila..And single-malt scotch. - he looked at me, and behind me at Derek.
-You are definitely a professional. - i complemented him, hopping down onto the seat.
-Heard you yelled at Lexie. - Izzie look at me.
-Am i famous now, or what? - i groaned.
-I would've yelled at her too. - Christina backed me up.
-Well, I did not yell. We talked. - i defended myself.
-You should - Izzie started
-Talk to her, i know. I will. Just not now, okay? We are here to relax. - i felt Derek's hands on my back, while he was standing behind me.
-Get drunk possibly..- Christina finished my idea.
When Joe put the drinks down in front of us at the table, i hit my glass to my friends', and lifted it to my mouth. I felt the liquid burn my throat, and i leant into Derek's chest behind me.
-Ladies. Derek. Karev.- Mark came up to us.
-Who are you? - he looked at my sister.
-I'm Lexie. I'm a new intern. - she said proudly.
-Lexie? - he asked back confused looking at Derek for help.
-Lexie Grey. - she helped him out herself.
-What? She's your sister? - he looked at me.
-I think so...- i sighed emptying another glass.
-So...Little Grey, can i buy you a drink? - he asked clearly flirting. Derek's hands slipped around me a little tighter, when he noticed Mark flirting.
-No you can't. And little Grey? Seriously? - i snapped at him.
-Derek, control your girlfriend. And you do look alike. - he commented. Derek's chest came even closer to my back, when he told me:
-You actually look similar. - i saw Lexie's eyes on us, when he made this clear.
-So, what do drink? - he turned back to Lexie, taking a look at the empty glass.
-Tequila. - she answered honestly. I saw Christina brows run high, when she heard Lexie drinks tequila, but she stayed quiet.
-Well, maybe you have more in common than you think. - Mark looked at me again.
-What? - Lexie asked back confused. Now we've more or less formed a circle in the club, sitting at the chairs, or standing apparently.
-Well, big Grey has an obsession with tequila. She may love it more than Derek. - he nodded towards us.
-Hey! I am not an alcoholic, so don't set me up as one! And i might like it more than i do you, but not Derek! - i protected myself.
-Wow...So two rejections one night...It's getting tough for you my friend! - Derek let go for me for a moment to tap his friend's back.
-I didn't get a rejection out of her yet. - he smirked at Lexie.
-Yes, yes you did. - i protected Lexie unconsciously.
-Big sister steps up! - Alex teased me.
-I can decide if he can buy me a drink, or not. So a tequila, thank you. - Lexie made us hear her voice again, accepting Mark's offer.
-Okay. I...Lexie, he is buying you a drink because he wants to get into your pants. And right now i don't like you, and i have no idea how, but it became my responsibility to tell you that. So. If you want a drink, have one. But do not let him take you home. - i became all protective in a minute. I didn't even realize what i was doing, until i finished it, and saw them staring at me.
-Hey! I am right here!
-Okay...I am going home. Good night Meredith. - she stood up, leaving the bar. She grabbed her coat, and put it on.
-I'll be back. - Derek whispered into my ears, and kissed into my neck, following Lexie out.
-Lexie. - Derek shouted after her in the dark of the night.
-Dr. Shepherd. - she nodded politely.
-I just wanted to tell you that Meredith..she is trying. She is having a hard time with you. She likes you, and now i think she finally believes it that she likes you. So just...Don't give up on her yet, okay? - he talked to her, and Lexie nodded, turning around, but in the next second turned back again to face Derek.
-Was she like this with you? - she asked unsure about if asking was a good idea.
-Oh, yeah.
-Without a reason? - she asked back.
-Once with a reason. - he said remembering the difficulties she faced when Addison showed up.
-But otherwise? Yeah. - he answered his own question.
-But worth it. - he added.
-So you're more than kick-ass neurosurgeon and perfect hair. - she joked.
-Oh god! ...I just cursed in front of my boss...and called his hair perfect...i called my sister's boyfriend's hair perfect...God. - she realised what she's just said, blushing in embarrassment.
-Good night! - Derek turned around to enter the bar again.

-Mer, you protected her! - Izzie cheered.
-Sorry Mark, but...
-I know. You're all big-sistery. Big Grey...

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