Vol. 1 Episode 1:Ruby Rose

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Location:City of Vale

(Y/N) pov:

Me and Ruby went to some store called From Dust Till Dawn. Creative name but a little unoriginal for my taste. We went to the back of the store to find something.

(Y/N):So, what do we need from here exactly?

Ruby:Yang got accepted into Beacon Academy, so we're getting her a gift. I thought you already knew that, silly.

(Y/N):Well, i just got that text now. So any ideas?

Ruby:I don't know. Put your headphones in so we can listen to music while looking

I put my headphones on and listen to (Any Urban Music you want like Rock/Metal, Industrial, Electronic, and Rap/Hip-Hop). I spot five guys entering the store. I think nothing about it so I just go back to what I were doing.

After awhile, one of the guys comes over to I and points to your headphones. Me and Ruby take off your headphones.

(Y/N):You need something, man?

Guy in suit:I said put your hands in the air!

Ruby:Are you robbing us?

Guy in suit:Yes!

(Y/N) and Ruby:Ohh

Me and ruby then release our weapons and send the guy flying in the store. The guy in the hat motioned another one of the guys in suits to deal with us. He pulls out a gun.

Guy in suit 2:Stop right there!

Ruby then grabs the guy and the two fly out the window with me following afterwards

Ruby then activates her scythe mode and me using my whip mode. More guys and the hat guy walk out to see us

(Y/N): listen man, I don't think guns are really gonna work on a literal scythe and whips.

Guy in hat:You think your funny huh? Alright, get them.

His henchmen charge at us and we start to fight them with our weapons. I turn my left whip into sickle and use it against one of the henchmen.
After a little bit, you defeat them

Guy in hat:Great show you two. But this where is we part. See ya red and blue.

His cane turns into a gun. He shots at us but we were able to dodge it.

After we dodge. We see he's about to get away.

Ruby:You want us to go after him.

The store keeper nods and we start chasing after him. We were able to climb onto the buildings to catch up with him.

We get to the last building on the edge and he stops.

(Y/N):End of the line. *you see a bulkhead behind him* What the hell?!

He then gets on the bulkhead. Some girl in red we can't really see clearly is also on there with him.

Guy in suit:I'm so sorry, blue. But it's the end of the line for you. Wait a minute, whoa whoa whoa.

Me and Ruby then see some lady in a purple cape using her weapon to fire at the bulkhead. It works for a while until that one girl uses some type of fire and shoots it at us and her and the hat guy leave in the bulkhead.

Me and ruby put are weapons back to normal mode and we see the lady wearing purple right beside us.

Ruby pov:

Ruby: Your a huntress aren't you?! Can we get your autograph?!

Immediately afterwards, me and (Y/N) were put into custody and interrogated. And my initial excitement seeing a huntress vanished.

Red Roses:Vale Saga(Ruby Rose x Reader/OC)Where stories live. Discover now