Vol. 3 Episode 12:End of the Beginning

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Location:CCT Tower
Time of Day:Night

(Y/N) pov:

I laid on the floor of the CCT Tower. Surrounded by my own blood and my destroyed weapons. I nearly decided to give up and just let death take me. I began to close my eyes slowly. Until I heard an explosion in the distance. I was surprised by it and I immediately regained my train of thought and returned from zoning out. I weakly grabbed my scroll and sent my location to the rest of Team VMAV.

Location:Beacon Vault
Time of Day:Night

Other pov:

Ozpin and Cinder stood against each other in the Vault. Cinder now had immense power than she had before. The two clashed in a battle of Good vs. Evil. Cinder now using her full powers to fight Ozpin. Cinder then charged up a big attack to finish off Ozpin. He created a protective shield around himself using his cane and launched himself at Cinder. She then shot the big attack at him and the room went completely white. Signaling that Ozpin was no more.

Location:Beacon Academy
Time of Day:Night

Ruby pov:

After getting back to Beacon from the City. I saw Sun, Weiss, Zwei, and Ceithir all around each other while Oobleck and Port were evacuating students. Weiss turned around to me after hearing Zwei and Ceithir bark.


Ruby:Oh, I found you!

Weiss:Ruby, where have you-

Ruby:Don't worry, I'm fine! What's going on?

Weiss looked down at the ground in uncertainty.

Ruby:Weiss? What is it?

Weiss stepped aside for me to see Blake and Yang on the floor. Blake was bandaged around her abdomen and Yang had only one arm. Nora and Ren were beside them exhausted and sore. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Blake:I'm sorry, Yang. I'm so sorry...


Sun:Hey. She's gonna be okay. The soldiers have a ship ready to take you guys to Vale.

Nora:But Jaune and Pyrrha are still missing.

Ren:And Team VMAV went to go find (Y/N).


Sun:Look, guys, that giant Grimm is circling the school! Even the White Fang are pulling out! We all have to go, now!

Ren:We're not... leaving! Ugh!

Ruby:I'll find them... I'll find them, and I'll bring them back.

Weiss:No! We will find them.

She looked over to the others.

Weiss:Watch after Blake and Yang. We'll be back.

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