Vol. 1 Episode 9:The Badge and the Burden

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Opening time: https://youtu.be/mVASjgrIhiQ

Location:Beacon Dorms
Time of Day:Morning

Ruby Pov:

We woke up on our very first day of classes at beacon academy. I saw that Weiss was still asleep so I decided to wake her up.

Ruby:Good Morning, Team RWBY!

Weiss immediately jumped up and woke up.

Weiss:What in the world is wrong with you!

Ruby:Now that you're awake, we can finally get to business



Weiss confused:What?!

Blake:We still have to unpack.

Ruby:Alright then! Team RWBY has begun their very first mission! Banzai!

Blake and Yang:Banzai!

We immediately then unpacked our stuff into our dorm rooms to try to make them look nice. After awhile, we finished decorating. But saw there wasn't enough stuff for our beds.

Weiss:This isn't going to work.

Blake:It is a bit Cramped.

Yang:Maybe ditch some of our stuff?

Ruby:Our we can ditch our stuff. And turn them into bunk beds!

Weiss:That sounds very dangerous.

Yang:And very awesome!

Blake:It does seem efficient.

Ruby:Alright, then. Let's do it!

We immediately turned the beds into makeshift bunk beds using books and ropes.

Ruby:Objective is complete! Now next order of business! Classes...Now we have a few classes together at 9.

Weiss:What?! 9?!

Ruby:Yeah, 9. Like I said.

Weiss:It's 8:55!

Weiss then immediately runs to class.

Ruby:To class!

The rest of us then ran immediately to class. We saw (Y/N) there already sitting at his spot. So we immediately went to go sit over there.

(Y/N):Hey guys, you got here...Umm...about 30 seconds before the first bell rang. Y'all didn't miss much.

Ruby:Alright then.

(Y/N):Also from what I heard. My first mission with VMAV will be soon.

Yang:You excited? What's the first mission about?

(Y/N):Some grimm that's acting abnormal. So we have to go check it out. Apparently that's also when I meet my team.


After awhile the bell ringed and class started. Professor Port then started talking.

Port:Demons, Monsters, Night Prowlers. I call them easy prey. And so will all of you upon graduating from Beacon. The four kingdoms are safe havens from what we call the Grimm. They would love nothing more than to eat and maim you alive. That is why you are all training as Huntsmen and Huntresses so we all do not get eaten. That is why I will tell you my story of how I became the very man you see before you.

He started telling his life story. It was super boring. (Y/N) fell asleep. I don't blame him. This was very boring. After awhile, port paused the story to get our attention again.

Port:And that's how I killed the Beowolf and was dubbed a hero. Moral of the story, a huntsman must be dependable, wise, and strategic. Does anyone here have does qualities?

Weiss immediately rose her hand.

Weiss:I do!

Port:Well then, let's find out. Step forward, and face your opponent!

I look over and saw a cage with a Grimm in it.

Credits time

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