"Blue" Trailer

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Location:Warehouse in City of Vale
Time of Day:Night

1 week before Vol. 1 Episode 1

(Y/N) pov:

I walked into a warehouse and looked around. I went in here to find something I needed for something special. I saw some weird boxes with the White Fang Symbol. I searched around for what I needed. I then heard someone's voice so I got on top of the shelves to get a bird's eye view. I then saw 9 White Fang soldiers and their boss enter the Warehouse.

White Fang Soldier 1:Look around, we won't be here long. The boss says this will help our cause.

White Fang Soldier 2:What if someone's here already?

White Fang Soldier 9:Kill them! No one can know what we're up to!

It came clear to me that I would have to take them all out or else I'll be dead meat. I stealthily jumped to other sleeves. I saw one of the White Fang soldiers underneath me. I jumped down and used Final Navy's Sickle mode to stab him in the head to take him out. I then used my semblance to hide in nearby shadows to find the others. I found two of them standing back to back. I used my whip mode on both my weapons to grab them by the throat and drag them over to me so I can take them out. I was then spotted by another one. I transformed my weapons into their gun mode to kill him. The other 5 soldiers then started to fire at me as I ducked for cover. I saw their boss run into the main office upstairs.

White Fang Soldier:Your going to die here!

(Y/N):Funny, I was about to tell you the same thing!

I got up and shot two of them dead. One of them then charged at me with a sledgehammer. I managed to dodge it thankfully and transform my left weapon into Sickle mode to stab him in the neck. Out of nowhere, one of remaining two grabbed me by the neck and was about to kill me.

(Y/N):Go on, do your worst. Oh, wait! You can't!

I then immediately shot him in the head and then shot the other one in the knee.

White Fang Soldier:AUGH! Damnit! What do even want! Why are you here!

I showed him a picture of what I wanted. He then pointed me to one of the boxes. I opened and grabbed it. I then attached them easily to both of my Weapons standard form due to being fully compatible. I tested its functionality and saw a hidden blade come out of each.

(Y/N):Thanks, now normally. I would let you live. But, I can guess you're going to tell your buddies about me. So... Sorry not sorry. Goodbye!

I then used one of the hidden blades to stab his throat. As he laid dying, I went up to the second floor to get to the main office. But it was locked. Luckily, I had my semblance. I went inside the shadow underneath the door and slid in. I then emerged from the shadow and got up.

White Fang Boss:Damn, you must be the guy who killed my men! Well, guess what! You die here! Now!

I then shot both of shoulders. I picked him up by the collar.

(Y/N):Tell me, what is white fang doing with all of these weapons! I looked through the boxes downstairs! Weapon attachments to increase performance and to add new weapons onto existing ones!

White Fang Boss:You think I know what those are for! I don't even know!

(Y/N):Well, guess I wouldn't know. But then again I really don't care. You all used to be so nice when you were a peaceful organization. Now, you give the Faunus a bad reputation. I'm afraid that is all the time we have left here. Time to fly.

I picked him up by the collar and threw him out the window to his death. I then put down my hood to get some of my hair out of the way. I sat down at the desk and looked through my phone. I then got a text from Ruby.

Ruby(Text):Hey, (Y/N). Yang just got accepted into beacon! Wanna help me get a gift for her next week?

(Y/N)(Text):Absolutely! Be home soon, I got this new toy for Final Navy I wanna show you.

I then laid back in the chair. To watch as the police arrived and entered the warehouse. I made my exit through the broken window behind me. I then walked off to get a bus for the Isle of Patch.

End of Trailer

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