Vol. 1 Episode 11:Jaunedice

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Opening time: https://youtu.be/mVASjgrIhiQ

Location:Beacon Academy
Time of Day:Noon

Ruby pov:

We were watching Jaune face against Cardin Winchester during training. Jaune was able to get a couple of hits in but Cardin got the better of Jaune and defeated him.

Glynda:Alright that's enough! Students as you can see Arc's Aura has dropped to Red. Meaning, he would no longer be able to fight in a match.

Glynda then turns her head over to Jaune.

Glynda:Mr. Arc, It has been weeks now. Please refer to your scroll during combat. Gauging your aura will help you make the appropriate decisions to either attack or defend. We don't want you to become Beowolf food, now do we?

Cardin to himself:Speak for yourself.

Glynda:Remember, everyone, the Vytal Festival is only a few months away! It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing! Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale!

The bell then rang and we went on with our day to lunch. As we all sat down to eat. Nora told us her story about her recurring dream. While she was telling the story, we looked over to see that Jaune wasn't doing the greatest.

Pyrrha:Jaune, You doing alright?

Jaune:What? Oh, yeah! I'm doing alright.

He then stopped talking and looked over to see Cardin and his team bullying a faunus.

Pyrrha:Jaune, Cardin's been picking on you since the first week of school!

Jaune:Cardin Winchester? Nah... He just likes to mess around! You know, practical jokes!

Ruby:He's a bully.

Jaune:Oh, Please! Name three times he's been a bully!

We all then looked at each other in agreement that three times was not the whole of it.

Yang:He purposely pushed into you and made you dropped your books.

Ren:He used your weapon to block you from entering a doorway.

Ruby:And then he stuck you in a locker and blasted you off.

Jaune:I didn't land far from the school though. So that's something!

Pyrrha:Jaune, you know if you need help, all you have to do is ask.

Nora:Oooooh, I have an Idea. We break his legs!That'll teach him!

Jaune:Guys, it's fine. I mean, he's not just a jerk to me. He's a jerk to everybody.

Yang:Except (Y/N), Remember what (Y/N) did when Cardin bullied him the first time. Let's just say, Cardin doesn't go around him anymore.

Weiss:Speaking of (Y/N), where is he?

Ruby:He left last night to go on his first mission with his team. They have to go hunt down some Abnormal Grimm that's been killing livestock and people near some villages.

Yang:I heard he'll be back in a week.

We then looked over at Cardin to see him pulling that Faunus girl's rabbit ears.

Pyrrha:I can't stand people like him.

Blake:He's not the only one.

Yang:Must be hard being a Faunus.

As they were talking about Cardin. I saw that Jaune left the table.

Credits time

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