Vol. 1 Episode 10:The Badge and the Burden part 2

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Opening time: https://youtu.be/mVASjgrIhiQ

Location:Beacon Academy
Time of Day:Morning

Ruby pov:

Weiss got prepared to fight the Grimm that was in the cage. Weiss got into her fighting stance and was ready for whatever the Grimm was. Professor Port opened the cage up and released a Boarbatusk. Me and the rest of team RWBY cheered her on.

Yang:Go Weiss!

Blake:Fight well.

Ruby:Show that thing what team RWBY is about!

(Y/N):You got this Weiss.

Weiss:Ruby, I'm trying to concentrate!

The Boarbatusk then charged at Weiss and nearly hit her. Weiss then attacked the Grimm inflicting some damage. I continued to cheer her on.

Ruby:You can do it Weiss!

Weiss then charged at the Grimm only for Myrtenaster to get stuck by the Grimm's tusks. The Boarbatusk then threw Weiss a little back.

Port:Oh-Ho! What will you do without your weapon?

Weiss then quickly dodged the Grimm charging at her. She then ran to get her weapon from the temporarily stunned Grimm.

Ruby:Go for it's Belly! There's no body armor there!

Weiss:Can you please shut up and stop telling me what to do!

I was a little hurt by what she said. What did I do wrong? Weiss then stabbed the Grimm in the stomach and killed it.

Port:Bravo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true Huntress in training! I'm afraid that's all of time we have for today. Class dismissed!

As we walked out, I saw Weiss go in a opposite direction. We all were puzzled by it.

Jaune:What's up with her?

(Y/N):I don't know. What do you all think?

All of then shrugged in response.

Ruby:I'll go talk to her.

(Y/N):Alright, see you next class. Love you.

Ruby:Love you too.

I then walked over to Weiss to see what was wrong.



Ruby:Are you alright? What's the...?

Before I could finish my sentence. Weiss responded to my question.

Weiss:What's the problem? Your the problem! You're supposed to be team leader, however your being a nuisance instead!

Ruby:What did I do?

Weiss:That's the point! You've done nothing to earn your position of Leader! Back in the forest, you were childish and you still are!

Ruby:Weiss, where is this coming from? What happened to us being a team?

Weiss:Not a team run by you. I've earned my place to be here. I deserve better. Ozpin made a mistake.

Ozpin then walked up behind me.

Ozpin:That didn't go as planned, did it?

Ruby:Is she Right? Was making me leader a mistake?

Ozpin:That remains to be seen.

Ruby:What do you mean?

Ozpin:It's only been the first day. Ruby... I have made more mistakes than any person on this planet. But, making you leader is not one of them. Do you see it as a mistake?


Ozpin:Being a team leader isn't just a title you carry to battle. It's a badge you wear constantly. If you're not always performing at your absolute best, then what reason do you give others to follow you? You've been burdened with a daunting responsibility, ruby. I suggest you take time to think how you'll uphold it.

Location:Beacon Dorm
Time of Day:Night

Ruby pov:

I woke up to see Weiss right next to me which made me jump.

Ruby:Weiss! I was studying, and then I fell asleep. I'm sorry...

Before I could finish, Weiss put her finger over my lip to silence me.

Weiss:How do you take your coffee?

Ruby:I don't...

Weiss:Answer the question!

Ruby:Cream and five sugars!

Weiss:Wait right here.

She then left the room to go get the coffee. After awhile she came back and handed it to me.

Ruby:Umm...thanks, Weiss.

Weiss:Ruby, I think you have what it takes to be a team leader. Just know that I am going to be the best teammate I can be. Also that question is wrong on your paper.

Ruby:Thanks, Weiss.

Weiss then left to get ready for bed. Before she opened the door. She looks over at me.

Weiss:Ruby, I've always wanted bunk beds as a kid.

Weiss then left the room as I continued to study.

Credits time

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