Vol. 3 Episode 11:Heroes and Monsters

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Location:Stolen Atlas Ship
Time of Day:Night

Other pov:

Neo went to go see what was going on outside. When she went, she saw Ruby on top of the Ship killing a Griffon. She takes a picture of Ruby and sends it to Torchwick.

Neo(Text):Guess who?

Location:Beacon Dining Hall
Time of Day:Night

Other pov:

Blake stared in horror at what was going on. She never expected Adam to be there.

Adam:Running away again? Is that what you've become, my love? A coward?

Blake:Why are you doing this?

Adam:You and I were going to change the world, remember? We were destined to light the fires of revolution! Consider this... the spark.

Blake then unsheathed her blade and clashed with Adam. The two swords then became locked.

Blake:I'm... not... running.

Adam:You... will. But not before you suffer for your betrayal, my love.

Location:Vale CCT Tower
Time of Day:Night

(Y/N) pov:

As soon as I was grabbed by the Huntsman Killer. We were both teleported to the CCT tower. The shadow portal closed up behind us. The two of us got up. I transformed my weapons into their Sickle Mode while he Unsheathed his blade and readied his shield.

Huntsman Killer:Look around you. Do you think you have what it takes to beat me. You are no Huntsman. And even then, you still won't.

(Y/N):You're right. I am no Huntsman. Huntsmen and Huntresses are supposed to be beacons of hope and justice. I have killed, and I have maimed. Those who were innocent, I weep for and hate myself everyday for what I done to them. But then there are those bastards who deserve to die. Just like you.

Huntsman Killer:HeheheheheHAHAHAHA!!!! If you think you can stop me! Then you're more stupid than I thought.

The two of us engaged in combat at the top floor of the building. My Sickles clashing with his Sword and Shield. The huntsman killer's Semblance made it harder though as he pushed me back and threw stuff at me using it.

(Y/N):What do you even gain from this?!

Huntsman Killer:The deaths of thousands of Huntsmen and Huntresses. And after I'm done with Beacon. Haven is next. Schools like Signal or Oscuro will be destroyed after I'm done with the Academies.

I then unleashed my semblance using a similar move as the one I did in the Tournament. This time my whole body was covered in shadow and my face fully covered unlike last time. I then summoned some of the Shadow Grimm I also used at the Tournament.

(Y/N):Not unless, I kill you first.

Location:Beacon Academy
Time of Day:Night

Other pov:

Teams RWBY(Minus Ruby, Yang, and Blake), JNPR(Minus Jaune and Pyrrha), SSSN, CFVY, VMAV(Minus (Y/N)), and ABRN was all in the courtyard fighting off Grimm and two hacked Paladins. Each of them taking ad dealing blows to the Paladins while also fighting off the Grimm. Some of their weapons won't even faze it.

Neptune:Uh, this is bad.

Coco: Well, I guess now's a better time than any. Velvet!


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