Vol. 2 Episode 7:Dance Dance Infiltration

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Location:Beacon Academy Dance
Time of Day:Evening

Ruby pov:

Me and (Y/N) got done dancing and went to punch bowl to hide from everyone else.

(Y/N):You think anyone will notice us?


(Y/N):Hey, I gotta say. You did really good. Normally, we aren't doing formal shit. But, I think for tonight. We can make exemptions.

Ruby:Yeah, I think that was enough for us tonight.

Jaune then walked over to us.

Jaune:I see you two are hiding at the punch bowl too.


Jaune:To the socially awkward.

The three of us clinked our drinks.

Ruby:Sorry it didn't work out with Weiss.

(Y/N):I'm sorry, what?

Jaune:Meh, it's fine. Neptune's pretty "cool". I get why she went with him.

Ruby:What do you mean?

Jaune:Well, come on, not many people can pull off blue hair.

Ruby: No, I mean, Weiss came to the dance alone.

Jaune:Uh, what?

We looked over at Weiss trying to save a dying flower.

Ruby:Yeah, she said that she had too much to focus on to worry about boys.

Jaune then looked over at Neptune.

Jaune:Hold my punch.

Jaune gave Ruby his punch and walked away.

(Y/N):Have fun, Jaune.

Ruby:So, what do we do now.

(Y/N):Well, we could do more dancing. We could continue to sit here and hide from people. We could hang out with the Rest of the team. Or, we could ditch this Dance. Your call.

Ruby:Let's hide for a little longer. Then we'll see where Yang is.

(Y/N):Yeah. I'm happy I was able to come tonight and at least dance with you once.

Ruby:Me too. Oh, that reminds me! How was your mission?

I then saw (Y/N) start to sweat a little.

(Y/N):Umm... It w-went... *sigh*. I'm sorry, let's not worry about it. Let's have some fun till more work tomorrow. I'll tell you when we all aren't surrounded by others.

Ruby:Okay, promise me that everything that is okay. Okay?

(Y/N) then kissed my forehead.

(Y/N):I promise, I'll be okay. You have my word.

After awhile, we went up to the upper floor to find Yang looking over at Blake and everyone else here.

Yang:You know? I think we really needed this.

Ruby:Yeah, and you did a great job planning it too!

(Y/N):Yeah, you did a really good job getting this place decorated!

Yang then proceeded to bear hug both me and (Y/N) and frail us around.

Yang:Aw, thanks! It wasn't all me, though. Weiss did a lot too.

Yang let go of us. We saw Neptune and Weiss talking again and Blake dancing with Sun.

Yang:Tomorrow it's back to work.

(Y/N):Well, technically it's not for me since I just got done with a job. But, I think we should enjoy the rest of the night before more work tomorrow.

Ruby:I'm sure we'll handle whatever is thrown at us. Ex-cept for that.

We looked down to see Jaune wearing a dress and him dancing with Pyrrha.

(Y/N):Crrraaazzzyy night, isn't it?


(Y/N):What the...?


(Y/N) then pulled out a flask from his inside pocket from his coat.

(Y/N):I think Gray put a flask full of alcohol in my coat.

Ruby:How can you tell?

(Y/N):There's a note attached from Gray saying how he gave this to me for tonight if things get crazy and I needed something to calm me down.

Yang:Heh, I might need some of that, then.


Yang:Hehe, it was just a joke. But for real, you probably shouldn't have some.

(Y/N):Probably right. Besides, I don't want people to think I commit underage drinking.

Yang:Do you not remember Junior's bar?

(Y/N):That one doesn't count. The only ones that count was when I was going through that rough time in my life.

Ruby:And I'm proud of you for taking better care of yourself, since.

(Y/N):Thanks, Ruby.

Yang:Yeah, I'm proud of you too. It's not easy but you did it.


After awhile, me and (Y/N) slow danced together one more time on the dance floor. After we finished. We went outside for a little bit to catch our breath. We then saw a lady wearing a black mask on the rooftops nearby. We decided to go after her to see what was going on. We pursued her all the way to the Continental Tower. We saw all the guards knocked out. I summoned crescent rose.

Ruby:Where's your weapon?

(Y/N) the pulled up his sleeve to reveal his weapon underneath.

Ruby:Oh, yeah. You were on a mission right before you got here.

We then entered the tower and went up a level. We then saw the lady up there.

Ruby:Excuse me, this isn't a masquerade party.

She then got out her weapons and we then began to fight.

(Y/N):Listen lady, the only masquerade parties going on is in the rich people neighborhood. So I suggest you leave before things get worse.

We then heard the elevator door open to see Ironwood. We looked back to see she was gone.

Ironwood:What is going on here?! And you! You and your team have a lot of questions to answer for tomorrow!

(Y/N):I look forward to it, Ironwood!

Location:Beacon Academy dorms
Time of day:Night

(Y/N) pov:

After the dance was over and what happened at the Tower. I walked Ruby to her dorm room. I kissed her goodnight and went to my room. I closed the door and wiped off my face makeup and put on my sleepwear. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened at the White Fang Base in Vacuo. All I could hear was the sound of gunfire and the motor of Forrest's weapon. And the screams of the people in that room.

(Y/N):Damnit, how will I be able to tell Ruby? How can I tell her that I killed all of those people?

I laid down and started to tear up from it. I would never forget that moment. I don't think I'll ever be the same again mentally. All I could do is fall asleep and try my hardest to not think about it.

Credits time

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