Vol. 1 Episode 5:The first step part 2

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Opening time: https://youtu.be/mVASjgrIhiQ

Location:Forest below beacon Academy
Time of day:Noon

Ruby's Pov:

While I was about to land, I hit a bird and then landed on a tree. I had to find Yang and (Y/N). So I moved immediately so I would be able to get to them as soon as possible.

I speeded through the jungle and then saw Weiss in front of me and I immediately slowed down. Me and Weiss proceeded to stare at each other before I opened my mouth.

Ruby:Hey Weiss...!

Before I could finish my sentence. Weiss walked away.

Ruby:Wait, come back. We're supposed to be teammates.

I saw Weiss walk away. After a few seconds, she came back and started dragging me from my hood.

Weiss:This doesn't mean we're friends, by the way.

Ruby excited:You came back!

We walked around the forest trying to find our objective. I tried to catch up to Weiss as fast as I could.

Ruby:What's with the hurry, Weiss?

Weiss annoyed: I will not let the mission be delayed because your too slow!

I then speeded in front of her.

Weiss:How did you...?

Ruby:See Weiss, I'm not slow. Your going to see an entire new side of me. Just because I can't deal with people doesn't mean I can't deal with Monsters. After it's all over. You'll be all like "That Ruby girl is so cool...and I want to be her friend."

I then used my Rose Burst Semblance and ran ahead.

Weiss:Just because you're fast doesn't mean you're going to excel. If anything, you're excelling at wasting time. Ruby? Ruby?!

Credits time

Red Roses:Vale Saga(Ruby Rose x Reader/OC)Where stories live. Discover now