Vol. 2 Episode 9:Search and Destroy

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Location:Beacon Academy
Time of Day:Noon

Ruby pov:

The five of us were completely shocked to see that we would be shadowing Oobleck.

Weiss:Professor Oobleck?

Oobleck:Yes, I'm afraid those bags won't be necessary, everyone, seeing as you've opted to shadow a Huntsman on what is now essentially a reconnaissance mission. I can assure you, we will not be establishing a single base of operations; rather, we will be traversing several miles of hazardous wasteland and making camp in any defendable locations we may stumble upon. I packed all of our essentials myself, plotted our air course, and readied the airship. And... It's Doctor Oobleck. I didn't earn the PhD for fun, thank you very much!


Oobleck:Come now, children; according to my schedule, we are already three minutes behind schedule!

Ruby:Well, alright, then! Looks like we're going to save the world with Doctor Oooobleck- okay yeah when you say it out loud it sounds worse.

We all got on the Bullhead and lifted off to our destination.

Yang:I guess I just never saw you as much of a fighter.

Oobleck:I admit I fancy myself more of an intellectual, but I can assure you, as a Huntsman, I've had my fair share of tussles.

Ruby:Like the mushroom?

Blake:Those are truffles.

Ruby:Like the sprout?

Yang:Those are Brussels.

Oobleck:Besides, given my expertise in the field of history as well as my dabblings in the archaeological surveys, our dear headmaster saw fit to assign me to this particular... assignment!

Weiss:What does history have to do with this?

Oobleck:Why, what a preposterous question, you silly girl! Why, history is the backbone of our very society! And the liver! Probably the kidneys, if I were to wager.

Weiss:And that means..?

Oobleck:The southeast quadrant outside of Vale is home to wild forests and deep caves, but it is also the location to one of the kingdom's greatest failures!

Ruby:Mountain Glenn.

Yang:That's right! It was an expansion of Vale... but in the end it was overrun by Grimm and fenced off from the rest of the city.

Oobleck:Correct! And now it stands abandoned as a dark reminder.

Blake:And a likely place for a hideout.


(Y/N) pov:

Location:Mountain Glenn
Time of Day:Afternoon

We arrived at the place to see destroyed buildings and a giant mountain. We drawn our weapons and exited the bullhead.

Oobleck:Everyone! You still may be students, but as of this moment, your first mission as Huntsman and Huntresses has begun! From this point forward, you need to do exactly as I say! Do you understand? Ruby and (Y/N)! I thought I told you to leave all of your bags back at school.

Ruby:But, uh, you hadn't told us to listen to you yet. So I didn't.

Oobleck:She's not wrong... Very well, Ruby; leave your bag here, we can pick it up upon our return. You too, (Y/N).

Ruby:But I, well uh-

Oobleck: Young lady, what in the world could you possibly have in that bag that could be so important to bring it with...

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