Vol. 3 Episode 4:Lessons Learned

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Location:Amity Colosseum
Time of Day:Afternoon

Other pov:

At Amity, the next match was about to begin.

Port:Ladies and Gentlemen! Emerald and Mercury of Haven, versus Coco and Yatsuhashi of Beacon!

Velvet:Good luck, you two!

The arena then chose 4 fields to choose from in each quarter. A grass plains, a city ruins, a geyser, and a forest. Before the match started the two sides participated in a pre round chat.

Coco:Hey! Love the outfit, kid!

Emerald:I'll try not to get blood on it.

Yatsuhashi:I can't promise you'll leave without a scratch.

Emerald:I won't be the one bleeding.

Coco:Ooh, I like her!

Port:Three, two, one, begin!

Mercury and Emerald immediately went into the grass plains and were no longer visible due to the tall grass. Coco then pulled out her Gatling Gun and started firing into the large grass. After awhile Coco stopped after realizing that the two weren't there anymore.


Blake:Look out!

Coco then looked up to see Mercury about to attack her. Yatsuhashi was able to push Mercury back just in time.

Sun:He's good!

Scarlet:Yeah, but where's the girl?

Mercury then kicked away Coco's weapon while still dodging Yatsuhashi's sword. The battle continued between the three until chains began to pull Coco back.


Coco was dragged into the forest area while Yatsuhashi continued to fight Mercury. Coco got up and looked down to see her sunglasses shattered.

Coco:I take it back; I don't like her.

Emerald then started to fight Coco from the trees.


Coco:Watch out, she's in the trees!

Port:Oh, and with that final blow, Yatsuhashi is eliminated!


Emerald then came up behind her and knocked Coco out. Sending her flying across to the center of the stage.

Oobleck:And with an amazing upset, Emerald and Mercury are victorious!

Location:City of Vale
Time of Day:Afternoon

Other pov:

Weiss and Winter were spending time together at a small Pavilion in the city.

Weiss:You're... leaving?

Winter:Yes. I was merely needed to oversee the transport of additional units to Vale. Our last shipment was lost to an ambush. I believe you had a run-in with its cargo, actually. It's fortunate those Paladins were in the prototype stage; otherwise your team may not have fared so well.
Weiss, you've done... well, out here, on your own. You should be proud. I'll be honest, it was quite amusing seeing Father's face the day you left for Beacon!

Weiss:I can't wait to show him what I learned!

Winter:Oh? Then what do you think you've learned?

Weiss:What do you mean? I'm getting better and better with my glyphs! I've even started Time Dilation!

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