Vol. 1 Episode 3:The Shining Beacon Part 2

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Opening time: https://youtu.be/mVASjgrIhiQ

Location:Beacon Academy
Time of Day:Afternoon

(Y/N) pov:

Me, Ruby, and Jaune entered a giant auditorium. The place was full of people. Me and Ruby both see Yang in the crowd.

Ruby:We'll catch up later Jaune. We'll see you later.

Jaune:Oh, Alright.

We walk over to Yang and see she saved us some spots.

Yang:How was your guys first day going.

(Y/N):You mean the part where you ditched us and Ruby exploded.

Yang:Yikes! Meltdown already?

Ruby:No, I literally exploded a hole in the front lawn of beacon.

Ruby then went on a whole summary about what happened earlier.


Ruby then jumped into my arms.

Ruby:Oh god, it's starting again.

Weiss:You're lucky we didn't fall off the side of the cliff.

Yang:You actually exploded didn't you.

Ruby:It was an accident. (Handed pamphlet) What's this?

Weiss then goes on to explain what the pamphlet says. I can tell Ruby is completely zoned out by now.


Weiss:Do you really want to start making things up to me?


Weiss:Good, then read the pamphlet and never talk to me again.

Yang:Look, I can tell you guys got off on the wrong foot. Why don't you try and start over?

Ruby:Great Idea! Ahem, hi Weiss. I'm ruby. Wanna hang out later. Maybe get school supplies.

Weiss:Yeah, then we can paint our nails and stuff.

Ruby looking excited:Really?!



We then see professor Ozpin at the podium.

Ozpin: Attention students, I promise to keep this brief. You all came here to gain knowledge and experience to save lives from the dangers of the world. But, all I see is wasted potential. You all assume that knowledge and experience will be granted to you. But only they can get you so far. It's up to all of you to take the first steps.

Glynda:Alright students. Report to the ballroom for tonight. Prepare for initiations tomorrow. Dismissed.

(Y/N):Guess we better get going.


Location:Beacon Academy
Time of day:Night

Ruby pov:

We all went to the ballroom and saw sleeping bags on the floor. One side was for guys while the other was for girls. I was pretty upset about this since I couldn't sleep near (Y/N).  I began writing to my friends from Signal.

Yang:Isn't this incredible, Ruby? It's like a big slumber party.

Ruby: I don't like how me and (Y/N) can't sleep right next to each other.

Yang:I approve, no one wants to hear your guys tickle fights, hehe

Ruby embarrassed:You promised not to talk about the tickle fights out loud!

Yang:It's not completely off from when you and (Y/N) started dating and he would sleep over. Think about it. On the floor in a sleeping bag. Forced to sleep in the corner farthest from you.

Ruby:Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm also bummed out i don't have any friends. I mean there's jaune. But weiss is a negative friend which puts it back to zero.

Yang:there's no such thing as a negative friend. You just made one friend and one rival. I mean you can hang out with that girl against the wall reading. Do you know her.

Ruby:A little, we talked a little bit earlier today.

Yang:Well go be friends. Here I'll help.

Yang proceeded to drag me over to her.

Yang:Hello, I believe you two have met before.

Lady in black:Aren't you the one that exploded.

Ruby:Yeah, my name's Ruby.

Yang:So... What's your name?

Lady in Black:Blake.

Yang:Well Blake, I'm Yang. Ruby's older sister.

Ruby:Nice night isn't it.

Blake:Yes it is. Just as lovely as my book. Which I will now continue reading.

Ruby:I always loved books. Yang would read me stories about heroes and monsters when we were younger. It was the reason I wanted to become a huntress.

Blake:Hoping you'll live happily ever after?

Ruby:I hope we all will. For as long as I could remember. I wanted to be like the heroes in the books.

Blake:That's very ambitious for a child. Unfortunately, the world isn't like a fairy tale.

Ruby:Well, that's why we're here. To make it a better place.

Yang:I'm so proud of you.

I then tried to get away from her bear hug as much as possible.

Blake:Heh, anyways. It was great to mee...

Blake was Interrupted by Weiss coming over.

Weiss:What are you all doing over here?! People are trying to sleep!

Ruby:Shh...Yeah people are trying to sleep.

Weiss:Oh, so now you're on my side.

Ruby: I was already on your side.

Yang:What do you have against my sister?

Weiss:She is a hazard to my health!

Blake then shook her head and blew out her candle. Afterwards, I walked over to (Y/N) to tell him goodnight.

(Y/N):I could hear you guys over there. I bet you'll all be the greatest of friends and have amazing adventures together.

Ruby:I'm not sure about that. Besides, I would want you to come along with us.

(Y/N):Aww, that's sweet of you. Anyways, Goodnight Ruby.

Ruby:Goodnight (Y/N).

The two of us kissed then went back to my sleeping bag and went to sleep.

Credits time

Author notes:Sorry I didn't upload these yesterday. Didn't have enough time to finish. I'll try not to make the same mistake again with the next few episodes))

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