Vol. 3 Episode 9:PvP

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Location:Amity Colosseum
Time of Day:Night

Other pov:

In the colosseum. Pyrrha and Penny stood opposite from each other in preparation.

Penny:Sal-u-tations, Pyrrha Nikos! It's an honor to finally meet you! This is going to be so much fun!

Location:Amity Tunnel
Time of Day:Night

Ruby pov:

I was surprised to see Mercury here. I couldn't believe that he would betray us.

Ruby:Mercury, what are you doing? You were hurt! Why...What's going on?

Mercury didn't respond. All he did was smirk at me.

Ruby:Fine. If you're not going to tell me...

I tried moving to the left but he copied my move to his right. I tried the other way and he did the same thing. I knew I had to fight him. Even without Crescent Rose.

Location:Amity Colosseum
Time of Day:Night

Other pov:

Penny and Pyrrha was ready to fight. Pyrrha was nervous but still kept firm hold of her weapon.

Oobleck:3, 2, 1... BEGIN!

Penny then summoned her swords. She began throwing her swords at Pyrrha who managed to dodge them relatively easily and quickly.

Location:Amity Tunnel
Time of Day:Night

Ruby pov:

Mercury:The show has started.

I had to find a way to stop Mercury from blocking me. The only option was to send a call out for help. Before I could do it though. Mercury shot my Scroll from my hand.

Mercury:Let's just keep this between us friends.

I then began to fight Mercury. I knew I wasn't the best at hand to hand combat. But I had to do my best to stop the fight outside from getting out of hand. After dodging a couple of moves. I slipped past Mercury and ran to the exit.

Location:Amity Colosseum
Time of Day:Night

Other pov:

The fight between Penny and Pyrrha was still going on. Both managing to keep each other on their toes.

Port:My word! What a tremendous display by Miss Polendina!

Nora:Whoo, yeah! Goooo Pyrrha!

However, Pyrrha started to notice her semblance acting strange. Most likely from Emerald using her semblance to mess with Pyrrha. With the fight still continuing Emerald used her semblance to make Pyrrha more unstable. She made Pyrrha see hundreds of swords even though there was only around 8. Pyrrha sent out a major shockwave in fear. Before anyone could know what was going on. The strings on penny's sword's started to rap around herself and then her left arm and midsection was removed from her lower half.


Everyone had watched Penny be killed in front of their very eyes.

Ruby ran out of the tunnel to see what happened only to see her friend dead. Ruby fell to her knees and began to sob.

Ruby:Penny... No...

Meanwhile in the announcers booth. Oobleck alongside Port and Ironwood was trying to figure out what was happening.

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