Vol. 2 Episode 11:No Brakes

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Location:Underground White Fang Base

Ruby pov:

After I fell into the hole, I was captured by the White Fang and brought before Roman Torchwick. He then picked me up and threw me across the room.

Roman:Wow! You are much more manageable without that oversized gardening tool of yours. How'd you find this place, Red?

I then used my Petal Burst Semblance to escape but was caught by Torchwick's Cane

Roman:I see you've got some tricks up your sleeve! Let me make this clear: We're not through here yet.

We then heard a big explosion and gunfire. I could tell my team came to rescue me.

Roman:WHAT is going on here?!

We then heard another explosion. Immediately afterwards, we saw Oobleck and my Team fighting more White Fang. I then took the chance to escape and head towards my team.

Roman:Somebody kill her!

I then saw Torchwick and multiple white fang start to shoot at me. I managed to dodge them however. I then realized I ran into many White Fang members. But, an explosion on the wall happened. Defeating those soldiers and revealing Yang and the others behind the wall. I immediately ran up and hugged Yang.


Weiss:Are you okay?

Ruby:I'm fine, I'm fine! But listen! Torchwick's got all kinds of weapons and robots down there.


Ruby:Androids, mechs, they're all loaded up on the train cars!

Oobleck:Ahhhh, that's ridiculous. These tunnels are sealed, the tracks lead to a dead-end.

We then hear Torchwick over a Speaker.

Roman(Speaker):Get to your places, we are leaving now!

We then see the Train start to move.

Yang:Well, it sounds like they're going somewhere.

Weiss:So, what do we do?

Oobleck:I believe we only have one option...

Ruby:We're stopping that train!

(Y/N):hell yeah! This will be so much fun! Let's go!

We then ran to the train and managed to get on at the last second. Oobleck noticed a soldier and hits him in the head with his weapon sending him flying.

Oobleck:Hurry, children! We must get to the front and stop this train!

Weiss:Err... Professor?


Weiss:What's that?

She pointed down at hatch. Oobleck took a glance at it.

Oobleck:That my dear... appears to be a bomb.

We all cringed away from the hatch. I then looked ahead and saw enemies.

Ruby:We've got baddies!

Oobleck:Well, I didn't expect them to go—

We then heard the bomb start to charge up.

Oobleck: —easy on us. Time to go!

The four of us ran ahead as Blake and Oobleck started to detach the carts. We then saw that they were disconnecting all by themselves and blowing up. Me and (Y/N) opened up another hatch to see the same thing as the last.

Red Roses:Vale Saga(Ruby Rose x Reader/OC)Where stories live. Discover now