Vol. 3 Episode 2:New Challengers...

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Location:Amity Colosseum
Time of Day:Afternoon

Other pov:

The fight between JNPR and BRNZ was about to begin. Both teams readied their weapons as the counter went down.

Port:3... 2... 1...

Jaune:Come on guys!


The two teams charged at each other and began to battle it out. The two teams seemed to be neck and neck until one of the members of the opposing team, May Zedong started to shoot at JNPR from a sniper's position.


Team JNPR began to retreat back to their side of the arena to hopefully dodge the Sniper's bullets.

Pyrrha:What do we do?

Jaune:Spread out! Try to keep moving!

The team began to do so while fighting the other members. While Jaune was fighting the team leader, Brawnz. Ren and the others were trying to fight the other members while dodging Zedong's Bullets. While dodging the bullets. Ren got temporarily stunned and knocked back by Nolan Porfirio. Ren went flying back and landed right next to Nora.


Nora then began to charge up her semblance for an attack.

Port:Oh-ho! Looks like one of my favorite students, Nora Valkyrie, is charging up to use her Semblance!


Oobleck:Yes, Ms. Valkyrie's Semblance lets her produce, as well as channel, electrical energy straight to her muscles! This allows her to jump explosively into the air, wield her mighty hammer, or in this case, absorb Nolan's attacks and send the young man flying!


Nora then completed charging up her semblance and hit Nolan sending him flying. Jaune then looked at the terrain and saw that lightning was approaching above the mountain.

Jaune:Nora! Get to the mountain!


Jaune:Ren! See if you can distract the sniper!

Ren:Sure... Why not.

Nora went up to the mountain and started to collect electricity to charge up for a stronger attack with her semblance. Down below the other three members continued to fight the opposing team to make sure Nora could charge up undisturbed. Meanwhile, Teams RWBY and VMAV were watching the fight happen from the stands cheering on JNPR.

Ruby:Yeah! Go get 'em, Jaune!

Weiss:Well, he's certainly improved.

Yang:Yeah, but he ain't got nothing on Pyrrha!

Forrest:All of them have improved in miraculous levels since Merlot. I can tell Comrade Arc is becoming more able at being a leader and a fighter.

Back in the fight, the team was beginning to struggle at holding back BRNZ. As Ren began to hide behind a opposing team member to dodge the Sniper. Zedong began to aim at Nora to get her knocked off the mountain.

Ren:Nora! Look out!

Jaune:Pyrrha! Up!

Pyrrha then jumped onto Jaune's shield to use her own shield to block the Kill shot Bullet from hitting Nora. Nora then got to the top and got enough energy to release a devastating blow to the opposing team. As BRNZ was nearing defeat. JNPR gathered together to finish them off.

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