Vol. 2 Episode 3:A Minor Hiccup

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Location:Beacon Academy
Time of Day:Noon

Ruby pov:

The five of us were sitting in Professor Port's class listening to his usual stories. I looked up at the clock and saw we only had one minute. I looked over to see what all my team was doing. Weiss was being asked by Jaune to go on a date with him. Blake was reading. Yang was hyping herself up for the mission today. (Y/N) was right next to me about to fall asleep from the story. I put my head on his shoulder. He then wrapped his arm around me. The bell ranged.

Port:And then I— Oh. Timed that one wrong, I guess. Well, the stunning conclusion to this story will have to wait. Until next time!

(Y/N):Ruby, you're going to have to put your head of my shoulder. I know it sucks but you're going to have to, so we can leave for the you know what.

Ruby:Alright, let's go! I'm excited for this! We should get Ice Cream afterwards!

(Y/N):Alright. But you get only one scoop. Remember that time you had two scoops.

Ruby:It wasn't that bad.

(Y/N):You literally could not stop running around the house for 3 hours.

Ruby:Alright, I'll only have one scoop.

(Y/N):Don't worry, I'll only get one scoop, too.

He kissed my forehead and we left class to go get ready for the mission.

Location:Beacon Academy Dorms
Time of Day:Noon

(Y/N) pov:

I was in my room and changed from my school uniform to my VMAV mission uniform. I then got a text message from Ruby.

Ruby text:Ready?

(Y/N) text:Yep!

Ruby text:Alright, meet up with the four of us in our dorm room.

(Y/N) text:You got it, RuuBuu!

Ruby text:Yay! You brought back RuuBuu! Can I bring back (Y/N's nickname)?

(Y/N) text:If you want to, I gladly welcome you to.

I then walked out of the door and used my semblance to rush over to their dorm room.

I got out of the shadow and knocked on the door. I opened it and entered.

(Y/N):Hey guys.

Yang:Hey, how did you get here super fast?

(Y/N):I used my semblance. I can move from shadow to shadow really fast. New move I picked up.

Blake:Alright, also why are you wearing your VMAV mission outfit?

(Y/N):Well, since you're all wearing different uniforms. Might as well do it, too.

Ruby:Alright, guys, today's the day! The investigation begins!

Weiss:I'm glad to see we're taking this so seriously.

Yang:Hey, we've got a plan! That's... moderately serious.

Ruby:Right! Everyone remember their roles?

Weiss:You and I will head to the CCT and check the Schnee records for any other Dust robberies or inconsistencies. Seeing as I'm in the family, it shouldn't be a problem.

Blake:The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members. If I can get in, I can hopefully find out what they're planning.

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