Vol. 1 Episode 2:The shining Beacon part 1

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Opening time: https://youtu.be/mVASjgrIhiQ

Location:Beacon Academy
Time of Day:Day

(Y/N) pov:

We began to land at Beacon Academy. I had to admit that it looked amazing. I look over at Ruby and see she is in complete awe alongside Yang.

(Y/N):So, you guys like the view?

Ruby:It's amazing!

Yang:Yeah, I can't believe we'll learn to be the best of the best here.

(Y/N):Yeah I can't believe it either.

We then land and everyone begins to exit the ship. Ruby began looking at everyone else's weapons.

Ruby:Oh my gosh! Look at that kid's weapon! And their weapon as well!

Yang:You know those are just weapons.

Ruby:They're not weapons. Their extensions of ourselves. They're also so cool.

Yang:Why don't you swoon over your weapon. Or (Y/N)'s weapon.

Ruby then transforms Crescent Rose into its scythe form.

Ruby:Crescent Rose is good and all. But I want to see other peoples as well. Also it's easier than making new friends. And I've been swooning over Final Navy for years now.

(Y/N):I've noticed. Ever since we met you wanted to see Final Navy close hand. Then when we started dating and I added the hidden blade and ammo features, you wanted to swoon over it more.

Yang:Exactly. Also Ruby, why don't you try to make new friends.

Yang then pulls Ruby's hood over her head. Causing her to go "ow". Ruby then puts her hood down.

Ruby:Why would I need to make new friends when I got you and (Y/N)?

A lot of people then show up. Yang then begins to follow them.

Yang:Actually my friends are here so we're going to catch up by.

The speed Yang and her friends were going made Ruby to go in circles and get dizzy.

Ruby:Wait, where are you going?! Do we need to go to our dorms? Do we even have dorms? I don't know what I'm doing.

Ruby begins to fall onto a luggage cart. Causing stuff to fly everywhere.

Lady in White:What are you doing?!

I grab Ruby's hand and pull her up.

Ruby:Sorry, didn't see you there.

Lady in White:Sorry?! Do you even know what damage you could've caused?!


I instantly knew trouble could ensue so I begin to back up a little bit.

Lady in White:Are you brain-dead?! This here is Dust. You know what dust is right?

She shows Ruby a vial of red dust.

Ruby:I know what dust is.

Lady in White:Are you even listening to me?! Is any of this sinking in?!

Ruby then sneezes from the dust which causes a big explosion. Since I was a little back, I was able to not be hit as bad.

Lady in white:Unbelievable! This is what I was talking about!

Ruby:Look, I'm sorry.

Lady in White:Aren't you a little young to be attending beacon? We fight monsters here. Not just spar and practice.

Ruby:Look, I said I'm sorry, Princess!

Lady in Black:Actually, Heiress.


Lady in Black:Weiss Schnee, Heiress to the Schnee Dust Company.

(Y/N):So basically, your family mines and sells dust to people?

Weiss:Exactly. Finally some recognition.

Lady in Black:The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business practices.

Weiss:How dare you! The nerve of... Ugh!

Weiss begins to walk away.

Ruby:I promise to make it up to you.

The Lady in Black also begins to walk away.

Unknown Voice:Hey you two, I'm jaune.

(Y/N):Aren't you the guy that threw up on the way here?

Ruby Pov:

After awhile, Me, (Y/N), and Jaune began to talk about weapons.

Ruby:Check this out.

I transform my weapon into its Scythe mode.

Jaune:Whoa! Is that a Scythe?

Ruby:It's also a high caliber rifle.


Ruby:It's also a gun.


(Y/N): I got these. Their called Final Navy. Basically gauntlets that can transform.

Jaune:Into what?

(Y/N):They can turn into Revolvers and Sickles. They can also unleash a pair of whips and a pair of hidden blades when its in its standard form.

Jaune:So cool!

Ruby:So what do you got?

Jaune:I got a sword. And a shield that can transform into a Sheath. It's a family heirloom from my great-great-Grandfather who fought in the war.

Ruby:Neat, me and (Y/N) built ours at Signal Academy.

(Y/N):Hey guys, I just had a thought. Where are we going exactly?

Credits time

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