Vol. 1 Episode 8:Players and Pieces

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Opening time: https://youtu.be/mVASjgrIhiQ

Location:Emerald Forest
Time of Day:Noon

Ruby pov:

Me and Weiss were on the talon of a Nevermore in the air. I had the Idea for the two of us getting to the Forest Temple on time.

Weiss:Ruby! This was a terrible idea!

Ruby:We're fine! Stop worrying!

Weiss:I'm done with not worrying!

Ruby:You're saying that in a good way, right?

Weiss:In a bad way!

Ruby:Well then, we can just jump.

Weiss:Are you insane?!

I then jumped and began to fall.

Location:Emerald Forest
Time of day:Noon

Y/N pov:

(Y/N):Blake what are you...(looks up)...oh shit.


Yang then looked up to see ruby falling from the sky.

Ruby:Heads up everyone!

Ruby then landed in a tree with Jaune and that one girl named Pyrrha I think her name was.

Blake looked over at Yang in confusion.

Blake:Did your sister just fall from the sky?

Yang:I think so? I...?

Before Yang could finish. We heard grimm footsteps coming from the trees. We all prepared our weapons. We then saw those two from this morning riding a Ursa.

Lady in pink:YEEHAW!

She then accidentally killed the Ursa.

Lady in Pink:Aww, it's broken.

Man in Green: Nora, never do that again.

The two went over to the podiums. Nora saw the white Rook and immediately picked it up.

Nora:I'm queen of the castle. I'm queen of the castle.

Guy in Green:Nora!

Nora:Coming, Ren.

Blake:Did that girl just ride a Ursa?

(Y/N):I think so. Looked fun to be honest.

Ruby, Jaune, and Pyrrha got down from the tree. Ruby then ran up to me and Yang in excitement.



The two hugged and Ruby then immediately ran up to me.

Ruby:(Y/N)! I missed you so much!

Ruby then proceeded to bear hug me making it hard to breathe.

(Y/N):Missed you too, babe. Can you please stop now. Your crushing my ribs.

Ruby:Oh sorry.

Ruby then let go.

(Y/N):Umm, guys? We got a deathstalker on our tails.

We then see a deathstalker approaching Pyrrha.

(Y/N):I guess it was just Pyrrha's tail then. Huh, would you look at that.

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