Vol. 3 Episode 10:Battle of Beacon

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Location:Beacon Dorms
Time of Day:Night

(Y/N) pov:

I was at my desk in my dorm packing. In the bag was Dust and explosives. Yang then bust through the door with Zwei and Ceithir.

Yang:(Y/N), did you see the video?!

(Y/N):Beacon is no longer safe. Grimm and White Fang most likely are already here. We need to help as much as possible and find the others. Then, we need to get the fuck out of here once it's done. With what's against us. Beacon won't be operational, mostly likely.

I then threw a filled bag to Yang.

(Y/N):It should help. It's Dust and Explosives.

Yang:Alright, let's go!

The four of is then ran out of the room. We could see from the outside of the Dormitory that the White Fang was already here releasing Grimm. As we turned some corners. We see that Grimm had already gotten into the Building. I readied Final Navy for what was about to transpire.

Location:Beacon Fairgrounds
Time of Day:Night

Other pov:

All around the fairgrounds, the scene was horrific. The Grimm was everywhere. Several Nevermores filled the sky grabbing and killing anyone they could. Weiss and Blake watched in horror.

Weiss:I don't believe this...

Blake pulled out her Scroll and called Yang.

Blake:Yang and (Y/N), are you okay?

Yang(Scroll):We're fine. Is Ruby with you? She's not answering her Scroll.

Blake:No, she isn't.

Blake could feel the worry from Yang and (Y/N) through how they gave out a worried sound.

Blake:Yang, (Y/N), I'm sure she's fine. She's our leader. She can take care of herself.

(Y/N) and Yang(Scroll):*sigh* Right.

Weiss:I can't believe this is happening. Penny...

Yang(Scroll):We're headed to the docks near the courtyard. The White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school!

Blake:The White Fang is here!?

Blake could here gunfire and Grimm in the background. She began to get more worried.


Yang(Scroll):Ugh! Gotta go! Be careful!

Yang hanged up immediately after.

Weiss:Blake, what are we going to do?

Blake:We're going to the docks, and we're doing our job.

Blake launched her weapons locker to her location. She opened it up and grabbed Gambol Shroud. Weiss gave Blake a nod and summoned Myrtenaster.

Location:Amity Colosseum
Time of Day:Night

Ruby pov:

As the Nevermore was trying to break in and people were running away. I was still on my knees sobbing. I failed at stopping Mercury and now Penny was dead. I could hear and see Jaune trying to get move. I knew I had to act. I wouldn't let anyone else die on my watch. I ran to the stage just as the Nevermore broke through. I quickly grabbed one of Penny's swords and used my Semblance to knock it back. I managed to get a stab In before going in front of Pyrrha to defend her.

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